Ghostin' - John

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I miss Freddie so much, I remember it like yesterday when I got the phone call. I remember crying into John's chest forever.

I hate myself at the moment, John's been so understanding and good with me that I'm putting him through more than I should. 

see, after me and Freddie broke up we both lived our lives together but with separate people and naturally, I gravitated towards deaky which made it difficult at sometimes because I would have my moments when I missed Freddie in more than a friendly way but now that he's gone I know that it's breaking his heart. 

my darling is so strong for me, he keeps telling me that we'll get through this and he loves me but I can't help but want Freddie next to me, sometimes it is just his arms that I need... 

after John and I's long talk about how we were both doing and coping it was much more than late into the night "love let's go to bed" John encouraged me to sleep even though it could sometimes be the worst thing ever, the only time it was good was when Freddie came to visit me in my dreams otherwise I'm forced to hold in my tears

John and I walked up the stairs of our cold flat, ready to sleep and get on with the next day when I heard the phone ring from the living room we were just in for the past hours on end. John looked up at me with his tired, strained and red eyes wanting much sleep but also not wanting me too have to speak to anyone "it's fine, I'll go" I mumbled, lingering my hand on his arm then walking back down the stairs. 

I managed to pick up the phone just in time before it hangs up on itself, I put the cold phone to my ear and get ready for a voice to come through "hello? John, Y/n?" Roger's voice asks, wondering where my voice was 

"Hello Roger, do you know how late it is?" I ask, knowing how clueless he can get at times 

"yes I do but I needed to talk to one of you before I went to bed, Brian is with his sweetheart before you ask" Roger states sounding more than run down, he sounded like death which made me worry about him more than anything 

"Rog are you okay?" I wonder which was a very stupid question but the only way I'll get an answer 

"... ... ... no, I'm not okay, I can't do this" Roger choked out the words through obvious sniffles and tears after a minute or so of the line being quite "and I hate putting this on you" he added sounding guilty as ever 

"we all hate putting this on each other even if we aren't and it just feels like it. we'll get through this, you have to know we will" I replied keeping part of John's wise words in mind 

"and what if we don't get through it?" Roger asked, annoyed at himself 

"then we'll be together through everything and more." I whispered leaning my head against the wall and feeling slightly better at the realisation that I'm helping someone, hopefully, and focusing on someone else who isn't Freddie 

"you have to know I love you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N" Roger mumbled, straight of the bat I knew he meant it and wanted me to hear it. some people thought it was weird that I was like this with the boys but I thought it was what we all deserved at the end of the day

"then you have to know that I love you too Roger Meddows Taylor" I replied smiling slightly, feeling slightly happier. I heard the line go dead which told me Roger couldn't stand to let me see him like this anymore and decided it was best to talk when we're less tired and when it wasn't one in the morning.

 I put the phone back down and began to walk back upstairs to our bedroom to only find John laying there asleep with tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes on our bed. I walked over to him quietly as a mouse and planted a kiss to where one of the tears had fallen from his beautiful eyes "I miss him, John" I whispered as if he was awake, I straightened up and was about to turn when I felt a hand pull me back gently 

"he's watching you and he loves you still" John purred without opening his eyes, being the cause of my lips curling back up into the same half-hearted smile as before.

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