Freddie... Freddie Mercury - Freddie

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You were at a local bar, drinking you're worries away on your own, away from friends and family for the good. The band playing at the moment was amazing, the girls were squealing over the blonde drummer and men playing the bass and guitar but the lead singer caught my eye, unlike anyone else. He was quirky, he was something new that brought life to music and he was the type of person that you can tell will do big things other than playing in a bar mainly used by college students on the weekends, like yourself. You're feet shuffled to the beat of the music and you're hands snakes above your head, moving gracefully, getting into the music and listening to the lead vocals.

After they finished their set, things weren't too exciting around the place apart from restocking your lungs with the beer your where drinking whilst they were performing and carrying on dancing to the less engaging tunes. "You like our music?" You heard a nervous voice from behind you ask, you turned around swiftly to look who was there and saw the lead singer from earlier dressed tastefully

"Depends, do you have a name with that voice?" You ask gaining confidence, being around strangers made you more yourself than being around people you know well, strangely

"Freddie... Freddie Mercury, do I get to know if you like our music now?" The brunette asked with a fire in his eyes

"I appreciate how you are on stage, no one is like that, ever so it's nice to see someone so in love with what they do. But yes I really enjoyed it" you let out a small laugh at your long winded answer

"I appreciate you, do I get a name?" Freddie, the less of a stranger to you now, mimicked how you asked him for his name

"Y/F/N Y/L/N" you reply

"a drink perhaps y/n?" Freddie asks already leading you back to the bar and ordering you the same as what's in your hand

"I don't want to do the whole 'tell me about yourself' or 'what zodiac sign are you' so feel free to tell me whatever you want and I'll listen" you break a conversation out In hopes you wouldn't sit there with Freddie in awkward silence for the rest of the night

"You really are someone aren't you?" Freddie teases putting the bottle up to his lips and taking a long sip

"Somebody to love" you reply winking playfully, Freddie smiles softly at your response and slowly starts to indulge in a somewhat deep conversation with you which you happily listen to, just like you said you would. It feels like hours have passed of you two just sitting there and talking, cracking jokes and laughing like you and Freddie have been friends for years. You saw the blonde drummer from earlier and also apart of the band approach Freddie mainly but also you "Roger this is y/n, isn't she wonderful" Freddie introduces you hopefully making a good impression

"I'm sure she is, maybe we'll get to know each other better" roger winks your way making you feel odd

"Yeah I'm sure we'll be great friends" instant shutdown, you try not to laugh at the disappointment on his face as Freddie laughs

"Well, she's a keeper indeed" the blonde clears his throat in an almost nervous manner "anyway Fred, we're leaving soon, meet us out back" he said before walking away out of the back of the bar

"I must say it's been a good night meeting you Freddie, I wish you could come back to mine for a drink" I say pouting out of my drunken habits

"I wish I could, believe me much better than travelling with them fry's" Freddie responded quickly reaching out and holding both of my hands in between his "you could come with us to a bar" he questioned after a few seconds of silence

"Perhaps" you smirked back already agreeing, you got up and followed after Freddie out of the building. There was a van with the back doors open and three guys sitting on the floor of the van, waiting for only Freddie so when they saw you they looked slightly confused

"Boys this is y/n she'll be joining us tonight on our victory drink! She's also a new friend" Freddie introduces me once again to his friends

"Nice to meet you I'm Brian, I play guitar" he stuck his hand out and you shook it firmly

"I'm John but feel free to call me deaky, everyone else does" he rolled his eyes at Roger, Freddie and Brian then put his hand out which once again you took and shook

"And you've already met me... friend" Roger looks slightly hurt, I guess he's not use to girls rejecting him

"Y/N, I think you can keep Roger in check whilst being our friend" Brian laughed, clearly noticing your interactions with Roger

"Well there's no point standing in the cold talking to a bunch of blokes in a van lets go have a drink" Freddie coed and pushed you all eagerly into the van doors. The journey over there wasn't long but the time that you all did spend driving, You was asked questions like how you met Freddie most likely an hour and bit ago or what part of London you lived in. It was exciting to meet the new people for you but also slightly nerve-racking.

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