Family Meeting Family ~ Group

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I was nervous, more nervous than I've ever been, we were all sitting in the car on the way to my parents home because today was the day that my mum, dad and two brothers were meeting my best friends, Brian, Roger, Freddie and John, they have already met Mary so they were the last people I wanted my family to meet even though I knew it could go horribly wrong. 

the car with all of us in it pulled up outside my family home and I started to get butterflies in my stomach for some reason "Y/N it's lovely" Freddie commented, stepping out and we slowly joined him, walking up the cobblestone driveway. 

"excuse my family, if they say anything weird, my brothers are big fans" I warn them before my hand knocks on the wooden door, it takes a minute or so before the door opens and I see my humble mother standing on the other side of it, she looked gorgeous as she always does 

"hi, hi come in, it's amazing to have you here" the small woman motioned us into the home that I grew up in, I loved her but she always said something outrageous when we had guests around or when I took new people to meet them. I could see the boys looking at the photos of me and my brothers as babies on the wall as we walked through the corridor to the living room 

"how have you been Y/N?" My dad asks me as we all walk into the living room where the three men of the house are sitting patiently waiting for us 

"I've been good dad but most importantly I'd like you to meet-" I begin to introduce the boys behind me but I can hear my brother begin to speak

"Brian May, Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor and John Deacon" Johnno, the youngest of the two siblings speaks up 

"and that is the big fan of the house, Johnno," I say sighing and making back and forth hand motions 

"it's nice to meet you guys, sit down, get comfortable" My dad speaks up again, we all sit down on side of the room whilst my parents and Henry, my slightly older brother sit together on the sofa. Johnno looked in his element sitting in between John and Freddie, his idols

"so which one of you is dating Y/N" My mum asked, tilting her head to the side curiously, the five of us laugh slightly at the thought of any of us dating me, we're too close as a family for any of us to be romantically involved with each other  

"none of us, although there was this one time when..." Freddie begins to say with a sly smile on his face "no, I'm kidding, none of us are" he quickly adds after seeing the reactions from the people in the room

"I bet it must be crazy, living the life you guys live" My dad starts a new conversation that rapidly begins and memories get brought up from ages ago when I first met Mary and the boys 

"what is the craziest memory you have with each other" Johnno asks them with his squeaky voice, I think about it for a few moments and think of all the weird scrabble moments and the parties we've had together 

"for me, a funny one is and you'll remember this boys, is when we were all spending the night at Brian's and we walked in the kitchen to John and Y/N cooking dinner in their pyjamas whilst dancing to our own music, I'll tell you the rest of the story when you're a little bit older but that was an insane and weird night" Roger tells the story and we all start laughing at the thought of it 

"may, I?" Freddie asks as he pulls out a cigarette, we all shake our heads in agreement that we don't mind "anyone want one?... Y/N want one?" Freddie asks me, holding out the box, my eyes widen and I could feel my parents eyes on me. they didn't know that I smoked and I didn't want them finding out because I knew they would blame it on being around the boys 

"um, Henry can you help me make tea for everyone please" I say smiling over dramatically so that he would get the message, I needed a quick escape and this was it, Henry nods and we get up, leaving the room quickly 

"were you ever going to tell mum and dad?" he asks me laughing slightly, growing up me and him were partners in crime so I knew I could trust him with the secret 

"yes but not right now" I respond throwing teabags into the mugs then adding sugar 

"wait, wait I have to ask something and I know Freddie said you weren't dating any of them but I gotta ask," Henry says lowering his voice so that I only I could hear him 

"go on" I roll my eyes, wanting him to get to the point as I poured the kettle 

"which one have you made love too," the brunette asks, lowering his voice, barely keeping his laughter together, my cheeks heat up at the thought of sharing a bed with any of them 

"would you make love to Elise," I ask mimicking Henry and his tone 

"no, she is my best friend that's disgusting" I laugh at his immaturity 

"that answers your question then" I respond "now pick up the mugs and help me carry them back," I say, picking up two of the fine china cups. 

we walk back into the living room and I see John and Brian talking to Johnno about guitars and playing them, Johnno plays the guitar so I'm guessing mum or dad brought it up in conversation and now they're on this conversation, it was sweet regardless. 

"we already knew you smoked, we could smell it on your clothes and we're not annoyed,"  my dad said as I sat back down after putting the teas on the coasters 

"okay good, as long as you're not annoyed" I smile sweetly 

"I was your age once" He smiled, the classic parent line, I saw it coming from a mile off

we spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and talking about how we met each other, different memories, music, touring and just about anything that came to mind. the stress of them all meeting was relieved from my shoulders now and there wasn't as much that went wrong as I thought there would be.

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