Loyalty ~ Roger

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I can't remember exactly what is said in this scene so bare with me but I'll try my best

Roger and I decided to go to Freddie's party tonight at his extravagant house, it truly was beautiful and the way he had decorated it was amazing. I was sitting next to Roger whilst we spoke to John, Brian and Chrissie, catching up on our marriages and separate life's, it was just a shame that Mary wasn't here. "You okay babe?" Roger turns to me slowly, resting his drink on the table in front of us

"Yeah I'm fine" I nod my head whilst I scratch the back of my neck, it was a nervous habit of mine when there was a lot of people around and there was a lot going on in one place. Freddie's royal outfit caught all of our eyes as he strutted over to us "are we all doing alright" Freddie yells excitedly, falling back onto the sofa, parts of the alcohol that he was drinking, spilling out of his glass "Y/N, how are you darling?" He asks with a big smile on his face

"I'm great, I was wondering when we were going to see her majesty" I smile, pointing out the royal gown on his back and the crown sitting on the table next to him

"Where's Mary?" The brunette asks, his facial expressions and tone of voice changing to a more concerned one

"It's not really her scene, is it Fred?" Brian speaks up, leaning forward so that he could see him, Freddie looks sad that Mary, his best friend isn't there to join the extravaganza But quickly covers it up by putting a smile on his face. Paul appears at the side of Freddie, looking over us all as if we've said something to him or have started a fight

"You have to see the rest of the set up I have going on, let me show you" Freddie stands up and walks a few steps in front

"We were just going to go back actually" Brian stands up, with his hand in Chrissie's

"What are you talking about, the night is still young" Freddie try's to keep the atmosphere alive "you're nearly as boring as deaky" he jokes, I look over at John and give him a weak smile

"You've got your double over there, show him the rest of the set up, maybe he can teach you a thing about being loyal" Roger says, obviously Freddie has had a few drinks but before anything got out of hand it was better to leave, I laced my hand with Roger's and stood up, getting ready to go back to our apartment

"Loyalty is so important, isn't it Y/N?" Freddie says looking at me from where I was standing slightly behind Roger, I felt his hand squeeze mine as we pushed past Freddie

"Come on you don't need them, people are waiting for their majesty" I heard paul say to Freddie, we could all see that he was poisoning him with the words he wanted hear, I wanted to slap the living day lights out of him but I didn't want to hurt Freddie either because as much as me, roger or anyone didn't want to admit it, Freddie cared for him and somewhat trusted him, unbelievably.

"Are you okay" I ask roger looking up at him as we walked home, we both were drinking so it was safer to walk

"He over stepped his line" the blonde looked down at me "ignore him, it doesn't matter what he said"

I sighed heavily trying to take everything in "I'm worried about him, Rog"

"He's a grown man, he wants this life, he's old enough to choose what is good for him and what's not... what people are good for him" I could tell Roger was taking this to heart, he knew there was nothing he could to help this and it was getting under his skin

"Hey, I love you and what happened years ago doesn't matter now" I reassure him "it's low of him to use that against you"

"God, What would I do without you" roger pulls me into a side hug, his arm around my shoulders keeping me safe

"You would've probably ended up punching him if I wasn't there because you know I hate violence" I say answering his question, laughing

"I didn't mean it, literally you dork" he laughs back

"I'll remember that you called me a dork, tomorrow morning when you have a hangover and you need to let the dog out" I warm him smirking

"I take it back, I seriously love you" roger says batting his eyelashes to redeem himself like a not so innocent child

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