It Happens To The Best Of Us - Freddie

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I'm feeling really upset about Freddie at the moment, I really miss him so hopefully by writing this it will help a little, please don't get offended I'm not making light of the situation in any way shape or form, just writing in honour of the man who gave me confidence.

We were all standing around in the massive hall with the most amazing echo, practicing for live aid, well John, Brian, Roger and Freddie where, I was only viewing as Freddie's childhood friend. "I sound like shit, don't you think" Freddie laughs nervously, walking of off the small stage

"We've got until next week, that should be enough time for you to rest" Brian spoke up, resting his guitar against the wall

"Wanna go to the pub down the road" Roger murmured to John, beside him "y/n you joining us?" The blonde asked pointing at me

"A drink won't hurt" I agree brushing the crumbs from my croissant of off my jeans, onto the floor

"Can I have a minute" Freddie turns around taking off his glasses

"Yeah what is it Fred?" John asked drawing our collective attention, the silence in the room is haunting, I can't help but feel as if something is horribly wrong with my best friend

"I've got it" Freddie speaks finally, the worst came to my mind instantly and I'm assuming the others too

"You've got what, Fred" Roger asked, tilting his head to make sure he heard right

"I've got aids" Freddie answered and my heart stopped, Brian sighed sadly, John looked down not knowing how he should respond and Roger rested the palm of his hand on his cheek. The tears were rolling down all of our cheeks, heck if we had a bucket it would be half full by now
"I don't want to be anyone's poster boy, spare your sympathy" Freddie told us

"You're a legend Fred" Roger commented

"We all are, even you y/n" the lead singer laughed at his own joke

"Come here" Brian pulled us into a group hug and we held each other so, so, so tight, never letting go until the last moment.

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