New Years - Group

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All of the boys were in the recording both whilst you and Mary were sitting in the studio part of it where all of the editing and mixing was done, it was New Year's Eve at 11pm and you were currently snuggled under a blanket cuddling up to Mary for warmth and she was your best friend so it wasn't weird. The boys were trying to finish up with the album so that they could release it in early in the new year and they were on their last song but it was taking forever with them being the perfectionists they all tend to be. Roger was having to redo his drum solo, Deaky and Brian were tuning their guitar and bass trying to meet Freddie's standards then Freddie, himself wouldn't stop re- recording small parts until he was fully content and believed it was a good piece.

"Girls we will be done soon" Brian called to you from behind the glass, the microphone was on so that all of you could communicate with each other

"It's fine" Mary replied yawning, you knew you wouldn't get out of this recording studio by next year and even if the lot of you did it would be too late to do anything. pubs would be so overcrowded and everyone was attending their own parties.

"Want another drink?" You ask the blonde next to you half asleep as you get up and pour yourself a glass of wine

"Not for me thanks though, I've got work tomorrow afternoon" Mary excused herself from taking the beverage. You resettle yourself in the crease of the red leather sofa and could only hope to stay awake until they're done.

- time skip -

It was five minutes to midnight and the boys had only just come out of the small box they were recording in, Mary and you weren't too bothered you were just tired more than anything. "Sorry we took so long, Fred has a feeling this will be our big album" Deaky apologised whilst he poured them all the wine that was left on the side since You last drank from it

"This time of year isn't about where you are or what you're doing it's about who you're with" you stood up seconds after your best friend had done

"And May I say how grateful I am to spend it with you all" Freddie held up his glass for you to cheers. You raised your glass and tapped it gently against Marys, Rogers, Brian's, Johns and Freddie's then took a small sip from it.

"In a recording studio on a farm" roger laughed light heartedly

"As I said not about where you are" you commented tilting your head in his direction

"Are you ready, one more minute" Brian spoke excitement dropping from his voice, you all stood around watching the clock countdown the seconds until it was the next year.

"Why am I nervous?" John questioned sounding giddy

"Because next year is gonna be a big one and... we have no clue what we are doing" Roger patted Deaky on the shoulder and smiled proudly. The small hand hit the 10 second mark and you all started counting down the seconds out loud

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR" you all shouted in unison ringing in the new year

"And what a good one it will be especially with our leading ladies" Brian complimented you and Mary to which the other three applauded even though the two of you had done nothing apart from be there for moral support and emotional support but You could tell they still appreciated it greatly. you watched happily as your best friend shared her New Years kiss with Freddie even though it left you, Brian, Roger and Deaky somewhat awkwardly standing there.

"Nice for some" you commented sarcastically

"Awe does y/n want a kiss from someone" Roger teased in a voice you would use for puppy's or babies

"we'll all have a New Years kiss together" Brian Jokes as him, John and Roger all smothered both of your cheeks with kisses then you felt something wet slide up your face, instantly you step back and start wiping your face vigorously

"Roger did you lick me?" You ask in hysterics at the unexpected action

"You bet I did" he smirked back playfully, pointing finger guns whilst Brian and John started laughing

"Well thank you for the kisses and lick?" You questioned, the words were foreign and you never thought you would be saying that.

"Come on then whilst we're all down each others throats or on each other's faces, let's have a group hug" John referenced Roger quickly, Mary and Freddie completely oblivious. As everyone closed in closer to each other you wrapped your arms tightly around as many of them as possible, wanting everyone to be hugged.

"To a bunch of legends standing around in a circle like a bunch of softies" Freddie spoke looking around at all of us which wasn't far, he only had to turn his head and he would be tonguing Brian.

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