Sunflower - John

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Leah and John have been together for as long as they can remember since he joined smile If Leah was correct and a lot has happened since then, they've practically grown up together. Leah still remembers when Mary took her to one of their gigs when they were still doing colleges and Leah instantly fell in love with John, they were both like awkward teenagers standing there not knowing what quiet to say at first but then when they warmed up to each other with the help of a few drinks things became different and John and Leah really bonded in a unique and special way. 

- flashback - 

"Mary where are you going?" Leah asked as her best friend dragged her through the crowded bar

"I want you to meet Freddie and the others" Mary chimed, Leah felt slightly nervous because she knows how awkward she could be around new people especially when the other person that she was meeting was just as shy 

"and you're only just telling me?" Leah asked pathetically losing her voice mid-sentence, she had just screamed the lyrics to all of the songs from the band that was just on and didn't feel her best. the two girls reached the table where the three out of four men were sat all relaxing and discussing plans for their next show or what they wanted to do 

"hello my love" Freddie greeted Mary as she sat down next to him, he wrapped his arm around her waist sweetly 

"hi lovely, this is my friend Leah, I really wanted you all to meet her" Mary spoke with excitement dripping in her tone like a waterfall. Leah waved awkwardly and tried not to show too much of a smile but still looking like she was being welcomed

"nice to meet you, Leah, I'm Brian" the curly- haired astrophysicist shook her hand lightly not knowing how she would react 

"hi I'm Roger" the blonde drummer smiled and shook Leah's hand more firmly than Brian had  

"and of course you must know Freddie" Mary intervened, leaning back slightly so that they could see each other 

"of course" Leah smiled brightly feeling more confident in Freddie's presence 

"so who is your favourite?" Freddie asked sipping his drink as an extra effect to his joke

"I mean I have to be slightly biased to Mary and seeing as I'm pretty sure Mary said there was four of you..." Leah began to trail off as the sound of drinks being put down on the table from behind her made her lose her train of thought. Leah turned around to see the sweetest looking person she has ever laid eyes on, he looked like such a happy soul and there was no way he could be a waiter with the lovely clothes he was dressed in 

"you can tell us now, we're all here" Brian laughed, making Leah realise that the man putting drinks on the table that was now sat down next to her was, in fact, the fourth member of Smile. 

"I don't have a favourite, it would be impossible to choose" Leah finally answers Freddie's questions 

"well it's nice to have someone that's not instantly all over Roger, I'm John by the way" the brunette spoke from beside her, he sounded slightly nervous but also like he was trying to hide it in front of Leah who he had fallen for instantly. 

"thank you, I guess? I'm Leah, one of Mary's friends, it's nice to meet you" Leah responded, blushing slightly 

"it's nice to meet you too, did you enjoy the show?" John laughed nervously, leaning his head on his hand that was leaned on the table, propped up by his elbow 

"you guys were amazing, It was really nice" Leah laughed back, smiling. the pair of them didn't quite know what to say after that so an awkward silence filled between the two of them whilst Mary, Freddie, Roger and Brian all got into their own conversation "so you play bass?" Leah asked, taking a cheeky sip of Mary's drink 

"uh yeah I do, I play bass for the band, only recently though" John tried lengthening his sentence a bit more hoping it would extend the conversation. the two blossomed and began to feel more comfortable with each other as Deaky, as she now nicknamed him, had gotten Leah her favourite drink and they had talked about each other equally, learning so so much about one another.

- end of flashback -

from that night the two were just inseparable from each other and when they weren't together they were on the phone, racking up the bill way too high. it was always Leah and Deaky and everyone knew that but there was always something more, more than a friendship between them, the two never really took any notice of it or always denied when they were asked until one night where John was on the road with the boys, recording their new album and decided to check in on Leah

- flashback -

"Le, can I ask you something?" Deaky asked, his voice cracking nervously 

"go for it Deaky" Leah responded, bracing herself for the question 

"how do you feel about being my girlfriend?" Deaky asked abruptly but sweetly, to say it shocked Leah was an understatement but in a good way 

"I was wondering when you were going to ask me" Leah laughed cheekily, feeling so elated 

"I'm sorry I'm not with you to ask in person or anything like that but I couldn't wait until I got home" Deaky began to ramble, not questioning what he just did but rather questioning if his new girlfriend deserved more than that "wait you were waiting? for how long?" John's smile was practically visible through the phone if his confusion wasn't proven in his voice 

"goodnight deaky" Leah hummed very content with how things just worked out between them and wanting to sleep because for some reason since she was a child whenever she got overwhelmed with happiness she would go to bed, so that's exactly what she did to dream of her best friend, now boyfriend 

- end of flashback - 

Which brings us up to present day, July 13th 1985 in London live at Wembley stadium, backstage at Live Aid with Queen, Mary Austin, Jim Hutton and Leah. The atmosphere was insane and intense, there was such a heavy pressure on everyone yet it didn't completely feel like that among everyone's high and hopeful spirits "sunflower can you come over here a second please" John pulled Leah by the arm slightly to where no one was, they were due to go on any minute now so he better make this quick "I have loved you since the day I met you and you make me really, really happy, I'm sorry I have to make this quick but I wouldn't wanna do this any other way... will you marry me, Leah,,?" John rushed out his words through his teary eyes and shaky hands that were holding the glorious engagement ring, he wasn't on his knee due to his bass guitar which had become like a child to the both of them

"yes yes yes a million times over yes" Leah screamed excitedly as she covered her cheeks with her hands as the waterworks had just come on, Deaky couldn't help but practically jump onto Leah and wrap his arms all the way around her. he was now going to get married to the love of his life, they both couldn't believe it.

Roger walked up behind John and tapped his shoulder ever so lightly "we gotta go bud, it's our time" Roger smiled, knowing what had just happened. John kissed Leah's forehead and jogged off near the stage 

"Deaky" Leah called making him spin around quickly "I was wondering when you were gonna ask" Leah spoke cheekily, remembering when he asked her out, Deaky laughed shaking his head before running out onto stage about to make his wife a very proud woman. 

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