Paparazzi - Freddie

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"so what you're telling us is that queen is breaking up," one of the many paparazzi stroke photographers asked me. I was trying to shop and have a day for myself when suddenly I got bombarded by a million people, shoving their cameras and notepads in my face 

"I never said that," I say coldly, trying to barge past the crowd of them

"Y/N can you tell us what your relationship with Freddie is?" a blonde woman shouted at me, I knew better than to answer that 

"are you two on shagging terms or friendly terms" a man hollered at me, getting his pen prepared as if I would have no common sense to answer that 

"can you answer the allegations about you and the drummer" another photographer shouted at me, I turned around to where the voice came from 

"do any of you have any decency at all, your mothers should be ashamed of you, harassing people for a living, how pathetic are you? me and Freddie's relationship is none of any of your concerns and his name is Roger and no we are not shagging or anything, we are strictly friends." I shouted, raising my hand and slapping the disgraceful man across the face. I felt someone drag me by my arm, away from everyone, I would think myself lucky if I knew who it was. 

"that's enough exposure for one-day my love" I looked up to see Freddie looking at me with worried eyes "are you okay?" he asks 

"yes, yes I'm fine angel. they're just so rude" I respond, locking our hands together "how come you're here," I asked curiously 

"I was picking some lunch up for the boys, we're at the studio" the brunette responded as we began to walk outside to the dreary London weather "care to join us?" Freddie asks politely 

"I really shouldn't, the cats need feeding" my smile altered as I declined 

"I'm sorry for bringing you into this world, it's a nasty place. the only place I feel safe anymore is when I'm on stage or with you" Freddie looked down at our hands 

"my love, that doesn't matter to me. you matter to me, you make me feel safe, you make everything make sense" I respond, lifting Freddie's face with the palm of my hand. I look into his brown eyes to find what he is looking for, his eyes were studying my face carefully as if he was thinking of something 

"how beautiful you are" Freddie whispered, finally looking into my eyes again. I started blushing and placed a kiss on his cheek, delicately 

"I love you Freddie" I whispered, still close to him 

"I love you so much more"

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