Oh No - Part two Roger

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I let go of Roger and quickly ran up the stairs to where I knew I would find John. 

when I got to the landing I could hear soft sounds coming from the room in front of me, I walked closer and pressed my ear against the door to the point where I could hear the sounds more clearly. the sounds sounded as if John was beating a pillow to death, I decided to open the door and intervene and that's when I saw John literally beating the pillow to death, as predicted. "Deaky," I said softly, trying to even the tone as much as possible, he stopped punching the pillow but didn't look up at me. 

"John, look at me," I said, forgetting about the whole evening out the tone thing, I walked towards the bed from my position at the door slowly to not alarm him 

"bloody hell y/n, you went behind my back to do the one thing I was scared of you doing if you met my bandmates" John shouted loudly, throwing the pillow onto the carpeted floor below us, standing up so that we had now switched positions 

"as classic as it sounds, you were going to be told soon and let us not forget, which person in this room impregnated their girlfriend then had their friends elope them, huh?" I asked, keeping a quiet voice like usual 

"I don't think you're in any place to be talking about other peoples mistakes, Y/N," John argued back, I heard the door open downstairs but didn't think anything of it

"please don't argue with me, can we just talk about it instead. I can't afford to be strained right now let alone not being able to drink it away" I muttered, feeling sick and a slight headache coming along. part of that was the reason for my slip up of words

"wait wait wait, no alcohol, no smoking recently, you have been doing everything to be relaxed, and Roger has been extra protective around you recently. Y/N are you pregnant?" Deaky stuttered, in disbelief. I really didn't want him to find out in these... circumstances but there was nothing I can do about it now 

"I, uh, well, ugh, I" I stuttered back trying to find a way to start this sentence 

"does he know?" the frizzy-haired man questioned, stepping forward 

"yes Roger does know" I replied adding emphasis to Roger's name as If deaky had forgotten. the bedroom door opened and stood there was our dad looking highly confused and shocked 

"woah woah woah what's happening, I came to see my sweet twins and I hear this commotion?" the grey-haired man who mainly looked like John asked, but then again we're twins so I guess the grey-haired man who mainly looked like me asked

"one of my bandmates knocked up my sister and your daughter" John shouted, loud enough for Roger to hear and the others, of course. I looked down at the floor but if I had to guess my dad probably looked happy because he has always wanted grandchildren to spoil but of course flabbergasted at the way John had put it 

"first of all John that is not your news to tell and that was highly inappropriate of you but I can understand your concern or... anger as it comes across. which one is the dad?" my dad asks making it sound like I'm a groupie for all three of them that they accidentally impregnated 

"Roger" I mumbled, not embarrassed but horrified at the fact that both of them knew we had sex. great. hey, I'm still young don't judge me. 

"Oh I like him, he's funny, good looking and smart. let's hope that the baby gets his genes" My dad jokes around, living with two boys growing up, I was, of course, used to this  

"bloody hell. two Rogers" I laughed slightly now that the situation was a bit more relaxed 

"I think you guys are missing the point-" John pointed between us as he spoke 

"John be happy, you are going to be an uncle, I know, you know and y/n knows that what she and Rog did was wrong but we're all family now" dad clears things up, I watched as Deaky's shoulders dropped a bit and his face relaxed, making him look normal again 

"wait does he know?" My twin asked, seeming a tad bit more excited than before 

"yes and Roger was over the moon, it was really a beautiful moment" I explained, containing my habit to ramble on and on 

"right so now that my sweet twins are back to normal, downstairs?" our dad asked reaching his hands out to both of us which me and Deaky gladly took. 

when we made it downstairs, I sat next to Roger, dad took a seat next to Mary and John sat at the end so that the order went; me, Roger, Freddie, Mary, dad, Brian and John. 

"you alright deaky?" Mary asked with a high pitch, highly anticipating tone. leaning over to see him 

"that is uncle Deaky to you, Auntie Mary" Deaky smiled amusedly with himself. on the way downstairs I had told him that he could tell them and that Roger would be fine with it because we had already been planning something like this the other day

"wait what" Brian asked, shocked to the core, his hair was practically up in the air 

"You heard me, we're all uncles and an auntie and a grandad and if you count y/n and Rog then mummy and daddy-" John began to ramble just like I would 

"John chill, I think they get the fact that I'm pregnant" I laughed looking at all of their either teary eyes or wide beaming smiles, some both. I looked to the side of me to see Roger smiling in a way I've never seen him smile before. 

"both of you, congratulations" Brian cheered standing up to hug the both of us in one hug 

"I can't believe the two immature people of our group are going to have a smaller immature version of themselves" Mary laughed, wiping her eyes 

"they had sex" Freddie laughed pointing at both, me and Roger. damn right we did and now we're about to have our little sunshine. 

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