Oh No - Roger

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Request for @blackbutler202 I had sooo much fun writing this. Wow, okay enjoy ❤️

"Deaky please, I'm begging you" I begged my twin brother for the millionth time today, even thought he was slightly younger by one minute.

"No y/n, they're very busy you know?" John asks, fed up of my constant nagging

"Then why are you still here? You're apart of the band and if they are so busy I don't know why you're sat here with me" I protested finding a way around the difficult situation

"I have my reasons okay. Just drop it before I tell dad" John threatens the old 'I'll tell dad' trick, I mean, come on are we even grown adults?

"Really Deaky? The dad line. What are your reasons, are you scared that it'll be like one of them stupid romances where I fall in love with one of them" I mocked followed by a giggle, that was until I saw john bite his lip and tense up. Bingo! That's what it was. "So you are" I teased walking around the table

"Are you happy now, you-" John was about to finish that sentence with something along the lines of 'are you happy now, you got it out of me' just like he always said, that was until the phone rung, abruptly. He lunged over to it and picked it up to his ear

"You really couldn't call later? I can't right now" John spoke to whoever was on the other end of the phone "alright calm down, I'm on my way" Deaky said before slamming the phone down onto the holder which made me jump slightly.

"What's happening" I ask In a sing song voice

"They need me at the studio" he practically mumbled, my eyes practically lit up like lightbulbs and I waited until John spoke next "...get of your ass, you're meeting them" he once again mumbled, I've never got up to the door so quickly.

We arrived at the studio and walked through multiple rooms until we heard the sound of loud drumming and vocals through the wall "you ready?" John asked fiddling with the door handle

"Of course" I shook my head dumbfounded that he even had to ask that. He opened the door and I followed him into the frankly large room. I saw a Curley haired man who I assumed was Brian May sat on the sofa, watching the brunette singer, Freddie Mercury, recording into the microphone and a certain Blonde Haired, Roger Taylor, drum away. "Hey John, lovely lady you got there, never seen her before though" Brian smiled not moving from his position

"That's because she is my sister Brian" John said bitterly, walking to the other side of the room and picking up his bass

"Hi I'm Y/N" I smiled, shaking his hand firmly then leaning against the wall, not that I didn't want to sit next to him, I just preferred to stand if anything.

"Hi, Brian" he introduced himself just as the door reopened, I turned around to see Roger and Freddie walking in.

"So I think we need an extra section to the verses" Freddie began to conduct the song but stopped when he saw me "oh boys we have a female guest in our presence, manners remember " Freddie reminded them kindly which seemed to make John let out a massive sigh of relief "hello I'm Freddie Mercury, lovely to meet you..." he began to search for my name

"Y/N" I replied, still smiling. There was something about the atmosphere in the room that made the smile permanent

"Hi I'm roger, you're the other deacon, correct?" He asked charmingly, looking at me through his long eyelashes and crystal blue eyes. Instead of shaking his hand, I leaned into the hug that he offered making John raise an eyebrow.

"That is correct, indeed" I replied feeling a tinge of nervousness.

"Okay well, Deaky we need you in the booth so go" Freddie ushered him out of the room along with his bass. Me and roger took a seat on the sofa as Brian and Freddie sat at the mixing desk, ready to instruct John on what to do.

"So you're the drummer of the group, then. Bet the ladies love that" I started a conversation with roger

"Not as much as people assume. Not that I have a type but I guess you could say there's few woman that surprise me, I love when that happens" roger replied, keeping eye contact with me but biting his lip afterwards. I had to remember to look into his eyes, not at his gorgeous lips. "How about you? You've got quite the looks" roger asks

"Well... I've always had to be sneaky with boyfriends in the past, not that I've had many but because of John, he is very strict on what I deserve and who walks into my bedroom. But no, the same as you really" I replied realising that we had pretty similar answers. The conversation progressed and I could feel John's watchful eye on mainly me but also on Roger's hands, the talk got more flirtatious than expected

"Maybe we'll have to see if I'd pass the Deaky test, see if he'd let me follow you into your bedroom" roger teased, smirking like the devil in disguise

"I'm not stopping you" I responded winking subtly back at him.

"Do you guys want us to sneak you out of here whilst he's not looking" Brian said noticing our conversation, spinning around in his chair

"You wouldn't mind, would you?" Roger asked as he took my hand in his and started to carefully inch towards the door way

Brian span back around in his chair and spoke into the communicator "John do you see that wire behind you" Brian asked as Freddie vigorously pointed towards the door. Me and roger slipped out of the room and ran out of the studio. Literally, we ran.

- 3 weeks later -

Roger and I had started dating, call us crazy and say what you like but we just clicked, our humour worked together, we worked together, everything about us worked apart from John. He still wasn't aware however Brian and Freddie were mainly because they found out by accident...

Roger and I were in a very heated kiss in the hallway of the studio when we heard a bag drop, not too far away from us. Roger's hands slid out from under my shirt and he pulled away, letting me go from against the wall. We both looked over to see Brian and Freddie astonished, I mean they already knew about what happened when we first met but they didn't think that anything would come from it...

But here we are, thanksgiving dinner well more like bands-giving dinner. Me and John had Roger, Brian, Freddie and Mary come over for dinner and it was going good so far. I was currently in the kitchen cleaning glasses whilst John was upstairs doing god knows what. I unexpectedly felt a pair of arms slither slyly around my waist and someone press delicate kisses behind my ear, "rog what ya doing?" I asked in sing song tone, smiling and blushing to myself

"Nothing" he answered slyly, I knew what he was doing and he always did it "just satisfying my needs" he added, there we go! The real answer, ladies and gentlemen.

"Can it wait till after dinner and maybe till everyone else is gone?" I ask, intrigued to see if he was gonna pursue what he wanted or listen to me

"What if it can't wait?" Roger asks, I could feel him pressed against me as his fingers traced just above the zip of my skirt

"Then I guess we'll have to sort it out as soon as possible, I wouldn't want my baby in pain" I teased as I turned around and trailed my hands over this thighs

"Woah woah woah no baby making in the kitchen, we've got to eat that food" Mary exclaimed making me and roger spin around quickly, I allowed Freddie to tell her so this wasn't a shock. I looked behind roger and Mary to see Freddie and Brian conversing

"Hey Mary" I giggled

"Hi Mary, how is your dad?" Roger asked making it sound as if there was something going on between him and her dad, hmm.

"Good thanks Rog" she responded smiling

"Hey mary? Have you seen John?" I ask, curious

"Uh I just saw him run upstairs, he looked like he had seen a ghost" she replied, me and roger looked at each other with wide eyes and open mouths

"Oh no" I muttered, the worst possible scenario imagined

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