Imagine - Roger

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This is based of off Ariana's new song; imagine! Enjoy, as always! Love u lot loads <3

It's been three months, three months since I last saw him, the drummer with gorgeous blue eyes and lox of blonde, we had both chosen to break up due to him touring a lot more and me working, as a nurse. I was laying in bed, staring at the telephone on my bedside table, I really wanted to phone Roger but he was probably busy with a much better girl than I could ever be. In frustration, I took the cigarette from my lips and crushed it on the ash tray beside me, I wanted him more than ever, we were so stupid for leaving each other like that, he needed me and I needed him. Memories started creeping into my mind and I sunk into an abyss...

I pull roger into my apartment, dragging him upstairs, our hands laced together with him behind me smiling widely. It was so much fun, we was just at a bar and on our way home it started to rain rather heavy, we ran through the streets laughing like lunatics. I pulled him into my room and we both collapsed onto my king sized bed, out of control laughing at ourselves. "We should get warm" Roger smirked, propping himself up on his elbows

"We should...I'll be back after my bath" I bite my lip, running into the bathroom down the corridor. I could hear Roger chasing after me "Y/N I want to treat you, let me in" the blonde whined

"Mmmm what's the magic word?" I tease, sitting on the counter opposite my bath

"Please" Roger replies in High hopes he was correct

"Good enough" I sigh dramatically, the door opened and Roger walked up to me, resting himself between my legs. I watched happily as he pulled open one of the drawers and took out a make up wipe

"You made this day amazing so now it's your turn to get pampered" roger said, lightly wiping the wipe across my face, the makeup coming of off my skin "you're so beautiful" he complimented me, making a red rise to my cheeks

"Not too bad yourself pretty boy" I laugh running a hand through his hair, I only had applied light makeup this morning so the wipe was soon disposed off into the small bin next to the bath "thank you, Rog" I add, kissing his cheek, I hop off the counter and start running myself a bath but of course it wouldn't be complete without Roger being an absolute child and adding bubbles "okay woah I don't want to flood my house babe" I stop him and screw the cap back on, putting it to one side

"Are you joining me?" I ask, smirking and starting to rid my body of the clothes I had on

"Maybe" he replied slyly, I looked up as Roger admired the view in front of him

"Kiss me and take off your clothes" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him into a Deep kiss as my hands slowly pulled his shirt over his head, breaking the kiss momentarily. I pulled my lips away once roger was left only in his underwear, I slowly sunk into the water, my chest being covered up by the amount of bubbles there was

"The water does look inviting" roger teased stepping into the bath with me, our bodies against one another added extra heat to the room and goosebumps appeared on my skin from the sudden change in temperature "you are amazing" roger whispered into my brunette hair, kissing the back of my head sweetly.

We stayed in the bath until we were both as warm as we could be, occasionally getting tangled up in a deep kiss and teasing each other, Roger's warm breath on my ear sent shivers down my spine as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear and it was perfect. Once we got out, I slipped on one of Rogers shirts that he left round here when he slept over once, it fell down to mid thigh and it smelt like him, Roger wore just his underwear, which I had no problem with at all.

"Can we order food please?" I ask looking up at him from where I was laying on his chest, we were snuggled up together on my bed watching whatever was on television

"What do you want?" Roger asked, obviously agreeing, the amount of dirty thoughts that rushed into my head were unspeakable

"You and a side of Chinese food" I replied, pecking his soft lips

"That can be arranged" he mumbled back

"But food first" I giggled, stating what is most important, my eyes looked in the direction of the television show playing in the background, my head resting on Rogers chest, my small hands dancing on his stomach as he ordered the food

"Love, do you want you usually have?" The drummer asked playing with my hair, I nod in response and go back to watching the television whilst he carried on speaking to the man

"Okay should be here in ten minutes or so" Roger spoke through a yawn, making me yawn afterwards like dominos "what do you want to do in the meantime" he added

"I have something in my mind" I thought, I rolled to the other side of the bed and from the bedside table I pulled out two face masks, this would be fun "just shut your eyes and relax" I laughed mischievously holding the wet sheet in my hands, I inches closer to his handsome face and laid it down flat onto his skin

"Oh my god what did you just do to me" roger jumped up, confused and shocked at the sudden coldness against his skin

"It's a face masks, look I have one" I said through the laughter coming from my mouth as I laid the sheet onto my face so we matched

"Is this going to rip my skin off" Roger asked making a disgusted face at the slime like texture the face masks had

"No you just peel this one off" I calmed him down, we looked insane at the moment. We continued to talk about different types of face masks and how you can make them at home until we heard a knock at the door making us both excitedly run to answer it

"Thank you" we both thanked the delivery woman and payed her, splitting the bill equally between us

"Wait I forgot we opened the door with these on our faces" I laughed but tried not to drop the boxes of food

"She probably thought we were mad" roger laughed, music to my ears. As soon as we collapsed back onto my bed the food was beginning to be devoured by the both of us, I ate my duck wraps happily and roger ate the rice and meal he ordered, I didn't notice but my body started to wiggle and I was doing my happy food dance "I love when you do that whilst you're eating, it's adorable" roger commented, making me realise what I was doing

"Cutie" I replied taking another bite of my self made wrap, the Chinese food in front of us didn't last long with how quick we had eaten it, we were both starving seeing as we only had drinks at the bar. After dinner our positions had resumed and I was found laying on Rogers bare chest once agin, his hands twiddling my hair between his fingers gently, the more he did it the more tired I grew "roger?" I asked

"Yeah sweetheart?" roger asked curiously

"Don't ever leave Me" I tell him letting my eyes close

"I wouldn't even dream of it" was the last thing I heard him say before I drifted off to sleep in his arms safely...

Can you imagine a world where I still spent my nights like that...

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