Playful As A Pussy Cat ~ Brian

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Brian was working late tonight so I was left with the new kitten that we got in November, I was sitting on the carpet with my legs crossed in the living room as the kitten ran around my legs, playfully. Aero was the sweetest cat, with his darker coloured ears and striped body it was difficult not to love him and give him all the love and attention. 

I heard the front door open and a cold breeze filled the warm living room "Y/N" I heard Brian call

"In here" I yelled back, loud enough for him to hear me and tell that I was in the living room, I looked down and smiled at Aero pouncing at the torchlight, I was waving about on the floor

"oh my god, I knew you would be with him" Brian laughed as he walked in and sat on the sofa I was leaning against "you're as mad about cats as Freddie is, you two should have a play date for the cats" Brian was obviously joking but it sparked a good idea in my head, I looked up with my mouth open in awe "no, no Y/N we're not having a million cats run riot in the apartment" Bri protested, knowing that I already was scheming this plan 

"we can go to Freddie's, they don't have to be here, please Bri" I whined like a toddler whining for a new toy or something similar, there was a pause where he was thinking about my request 

"fine, I'll phone him tomorrow, it's late now" Brian gave in and agreed to the plan that he started "dear lord, why did I agree to this" I heard him mutter under his breath 

"this will be great, I can't wait for Aero to have friends," I say excitedly picking the small kitten up and kissing his soft fur gently 

"he can go visit his friends at Freddie's house" Brian reminds me that they won't be coming round our apartment 

"oh bri, this is going to be fun" I start daydreaming about the situation in all of its glory "our little fur baby" 

"you're mad" he laughs at my excited tone 

"just be lucky I haven't written a song about Aero" I remind him of the song 'Delilah' that is about Freddie's cat, Delilah "oh Aero, oh Aero You're so handsome and fluffy" I sing a little tune as he meows with his squeaky voice, almost dancing around me

"why did I agree to get him" Brian questions himself from the sofa as I carry on in my own little world. when it comes to cats and dogs I'm always so full of life and like a kid in a candy shop, completely in my element mainly because I grew up around lots of animals. I love this kitten almost as much as I love Brian, but he doesn't know that.

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