Funny, How Love Is ~ Roger

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I was laying on top of Roger's bare chest as the smoke from his lit cigarette circled around us, we were laying in his bunk on the tour bus after our morning rendezvous, we had been dating for a few weeks but being Brian's sister and knowing how protective he was, we kept it secret until this morning. we hadn't been able to have that much time alone before it would seem suspicious but this morning our needs overcome us and we couldn't keep our hands off each other.  "I love you, rog" I whispered against his chest, the air was warm and thick due to there being not much space in the bunk

"I love you too Y/N" Roger responds, blowing the smoke out then kissing my forehead softly

"Y/N, Roger, breakfast lovelies" We heard Freddie's voice call us from the kitchen, whether they knew we were together or not was unknown

"I'll be there in a minute" the blonde yelled back

"coming" I yelled afterwards to convince them we were in separate parts of the tour bus, I quickly threw on my shirt and pulled my shorts over my knees then combed my fingers through my hair to flatten it down so it didn't look like sex hair. I watched as Roger got himself ready and pulled his clothes back on, I was about to hop out off the bunk when I heard him call me back "hey" I turned my head and felt his soft lips against mine "I love you" Roger told me again

"I love you more, I'll go out first then you afterwards," I say with possibly the biggest smirk on my face, I love when something is so wrong that it's good, like dating one of my brother's bandmates. I walked out to the kitchen where Freddie, John and Brian were sitting with food on their plate and some in the middle of the table

"good morning Y/N" John greets me with a mischievous tone, I feel a presence closely behind me and I knew it was Roger, instantly "and good morning Roger" John adds with a smirk

"next time you get dressed after a shag with Roger and you try to cover it up, at least make sure your shirt isn't inside out" Brian speaks up, not amused although something did tell me they knew, if it wasn't this mornings... sounds, I don't know what else it could have been that told them. I felt Roger's arms wrap around my waist, my back against his chest as he kissed my neck lightly

"well now that we have nothing to hide, you wouldn't mind if I had desert" Roger asks the group, pulling me back more

"since when do you have dessert after breakfast" John asks being innocent, bless him

"is that the only thing you got from that" Brian asks, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head in disappointment

"have breakfast with us, darling, then you can go back to fucking like rabbits" Freddie spoke up, eventually, we slid into our seats and it wasn't long before we were laughing at the pouting Brian in the corner of the table "I don't know, hearing the moans from the both of them in the mornings is quite the alarm" Freddie joked, nudging my brother

"Oh Roger" John mimicked my moaning as Brian punched him in the arm, I was laughing along mainly because I don't get embarrassed by this sort of thing and Roger's hand was resting high upon my thigh since we sat down. all the comments from Freddie and John made me want him more

"and to think my car was the only thing I'm in love" the blonde sitting next to me spoke, I looked up and into his mesmerizing blue eyes

"that Hickey says otherwise my dear" Freddie laughed pointing to it with his glass

"should see the ones in between her legs" Roger sips his drink quickly afterwards, joining in on the comments once more

"I think I preferred it when you didn't think we knew" Brian piped up into the conversation

"I like it like this" I replied, squeezing Roger's hand that still remained on my leg

"my two loves finally together" Freddie smiles, he had been trying to get us together for ages when we first met and it finally worked, to say the least

"Brian, Roger's dating your little sister and there is nothing you can do about it" John adds salt to the wound, he was making the most of rubbing it into Brian because of their mini argument last night over different riffs, I mean he wasn't wrong.

I'm glad it's out there now and we can show our love for one another anywhere we go together.

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