Falling For You - John

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Me and Deaky go way back, we were always mutual friends then we went to be being friends then really close friends and now here we are, present day, me and Deaky are casually dating. Tonight he invited me along to one of Queen's concerts and at first I kindly declined because of my anxiety and fear of massive crowds but once Deaky promised to get me my own closed off space, I couldn't resist.

I was watching how Freddie strutted and performed around the stage whilst Brian intensely strummed his fingers along his guitar and Roger, in the back banging his drums furiously but most of my attention was on Deaky, dancing around like I was.

He was so sweet, in his own little word dancing along to killer queen with his bass in hand, it reminded me off a music session we once had where we played both of our instruments all night long.

The more Deaky bobbed up and down, jumping across the small bit of space he was allocated on the stage, the closer he got to the edge. My eyes winced and my whole body tensed up as I prayed that Deaky, a literal human sunshine, would open his eyes soon enough to avoid the accident.

As he strummed one of his last chords the back of his foot stepped off the stage, I watched painfully as his eyes shot open and he flung himself forward. I let out a deep sigh of relief as Deaky took in deep breaths after the fright he just had caused himself, I couldn't imagine how badly he would be injured if he fell.

Deaky's doe eyes locked with mine as we both blushed massively, I brushed back a piece of my hair as he kept smiling nervously at me. We kept looking at each other until Freddie nudged him off into the side of the stage, clearly neither of us had realised it was the end of the show.

I made my way through the hot and sweaty crowd until I reached the stage doors where I had to go and meet Deaky "excuse me" I squeaked out pushing past all of the higher uppers who worked here. As soon as a few of them moved I saw Deaky standing there, back to me, talking to Roger.

I quietly snuck up behind him and although Roger had seen me and I shushed him not too say anything "clumsy, turn around" I whispered into Deaky's ear making him jump and spin around quicker than you could say 'don't stop deak now'.

"Y/N" he cheered, picking me up and wrapping me in a hug

"You did so good" I squeaked into his neck, delighted from his embrace

"Yeah?" Deaky asked, running a hand through my hair

"Promise" I laughed, still not on the ground again. We both stared into each other's eyes like we had done when he was on stage until I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and pulled him into a short but sweet kiss.

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