Oscar Kids - Ben

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me and Ben sat in our seats waiting in anticipation for who was going to win the best cast at the Oscars, Joe and Gwilym where sat beside Ben whilst Lucy and Rami were next to me. Auntie Lucy had our little girl cradled in her arms whilst Uncle Joe had our little boy in his arms, Marzia and Francis where me and Ben's ten-month-old twins and me and Ben thought as it was the last award show of the season and because they were as big of a part of the borhap family as anyone else, they deserve to be here with their family. 

"do they have a ball pit here?" Joe asked, leaning down to ask me as if I would know 

"are you asking for you or Francis?" I replied, smiling at the sight of Francis and Joe's smiley faces, for the past five months they've been partners in crime.

"Mummy's being mean to me," Joe said, pouting at the blonde below him 

"Francis, don't listen to uncle mozzarella stick" Rami laughs, pointing his finger at him sarcastically 

"yeah he stole auntie Lucy's pout" Lucy poked her tongue out at Joe jokingly 

"children. the lot of you" Gwilym rolled his eyes at all of us. 

we all straightened up as the presenters for the best cast category stepped onto the stage and began to speak into the microphone 

"nominated for best cast and now winners for best cast, you can definitely say they are the champions. the winner of the Oscar goes to the bohemian rhapsody cast" Margot Robbie cheered into the microphone, holding the award in her dainty hands. total woman crush, if I wasn't already committed to Lucy, oh and Ben. 

We all stood up and immediately started yelling and hugging each other, being mindful of the twins who had bright smiles on their faces from the atmosphere around them. Ben turned to me after he and I had hugged everyone else, including Brian and Roger from the row behind us and kissed me multiple times. it was definitely a winner kiss, it was so quick yet grateful, his hand supported my neck as he kept leaning in to kiss my lips "go get up on stage with them" I muttered between kisses, I took the twins from Joe and Lucy then sat back down in my seat. 

they all looked amazing, standing up there in front of us all in their gorgeous suits and Lucy in her beautiful gown. "daddy won" I cheered, bouncing the twins on my knees and kissing the side of their heads softly 

"Ram ram" Marzia cheered back reaching her hands out to try and reach her favourite people on stage, that was her first word and if I wasn't already crying enough. I guess Rami has a new nickname now. 

"we are beyond moved, this is a profound honour for us. we have to thank everyone who worked so hard to make this possible, Brian May, Roger Taylor, John Deacon, Freddie Mercury. everyone who came in and worked so hard for us every day" Lucy said, she makes me so proud every day. 

"We have to thank the woman of this film, Lucy Boynton, y/n y/l/n. y/n y/l/n my confidant, my ally, my love, thank you for everything you do. my beautiful children who I love and appreciate so much." Ben made his small speech whilst never taking his eyes off me. what did I do to deserve him? 

"thank you, queen, for letting us be apart of your extraordinary legacy" Rami finishes by holding up their Oscar and blowing a kiss towards the sky. I watched as they walked off the stage and into my direction. 

"our family did it" I praised them all once they were seated again, I put Francis onto Ben's lap and kept Marzia on mine "thank you, I love you" I whispered into Ben's ear whilst the next presenters came on stage. Rami put his hand into Lucy's, Lucy put her hand into mine, I put my hand into Ben's, Ben put his hand into Joe's and Joe put his hand into Gwilym's hand so that we were all linked together. 

"I love you" Ben whispered back into my ear and kissed the side of my forehead 

- after the Oscar's back at Y/N and Ben's house -

"did I tell you guys that Marzia said her first word tonight?" I ask our small group. we were all outside around the fireplace with blankets around us and drinks in our hands. I had put the twins to bed as soon as we got in so that we could all unwind and have a drink as much as we all loved them dearly it was adult time. 

"no you didn't, when was this?" Ben asked, his arm stroked my shoulder as he wrapped the blanket more around us 

"when you all did that lovely speech" I answered, smiling widely because I was excited to tell them, especially Rami! 

"what did she say?" Lucy continued to ask whilst she played with her small ponytail 

"well Rami you'll be very happy to hear that you have a new nickname. she was looking at you and out of no where just said 'ram ram'" I explain, resting my head on Ben's shoulder to ease the burn and the look of shock on his face 

"glad to know who is her favourite" Rami responded with his signature smile and wide eyes 

"I'm going to have to words with young Marzia" Joe protests, salty as predicted 

"I'm just glad she picked the sensible and wise uncle" Ben laughed giving Joe a disapproving look

"Luc" we all turn around at the small voice coming from the open doorway that leads back into the house, Francis is crouching there with his blanket in his hand and looking like he had only just woken up. obviously he couldn't walk properly yet so he was kind of in a crawling position, similar to a crouch. 

we all looked shocked, that was his first word and it was Lucy's name, well almost. it was the same way as Marzia said Rami's name but only once, this time. "yes darling" Lucy replied, looking smug at Joe especially 

"unbelievable" Joe muttered under his breath, going back to his drink 

"not in front of the kids" Gwilym told Joe off, taking the drink out of his hand and putting it back on the table

"can you come stay with me?" Francis asked sweetly to Lucy 

"of course just give me a second, you go back inside and wait for me" Lucy replied, she was so good with kids, Rami needs to get to work already. 

"suck it Mozzarella stick" Lucy laughed, taking a final sip of her drink then standing up, I couldn't help but laugh, we have the most dysfunctional yet best family ever. 

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