Still Hate You But Not As Much - Brian

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nzavaw part two of 'I hate you right now' kindly requested! feel free to request anything else loves as part of the reason why I haven't touched this book in ages is that I haven't had the inspiration to write anything.

my head shot up quickly after hearing the front door unlock and open, it was so much later now and Brian had only just come home, unbelievable. "babe, you in here?" I hear him call out 

"rog, I'll speak to you later, Brian's home," I say before hanging up the phone 

"there you are" brian walks into the living room with an awkward smile on his face "you were speaking to Roger?" he asks, jealousy practically choking him 

"Brian don't tell me I can't dare speak to Roger, you didn't have a problem with him having anything else to do with me" I shut him up quickly, silencing him with a wave of my hand 

"drop it alright, I'm sorry that that ever happened" Brian stated as if he was the good guy in this situation "suppose you've shagged him already" I heard him mutter under his breath causing me to scoff 

"I can't fucking believe you Brian Harold May, you will never speak to me like that" I stand up from the sofa I had made for him to sleep on 

"I will speak to you how I like, as my own person and as your boyfriend" Brian stood his ground pathetically 

"and as my own person and as your girlfriend I am asking you to get out of my house" I took my turn into standing my ground, better than he was doing it. 

"you can't be serious, think about this, it's winter" Brian protested, sitting down on the sofa

"Okay Brian, I'll leave" I sarcastically laugh, rolling my eyes at all of this 

"and where will you go?" he shouted at me, something Brian rarely did even when we argued

"to Roger's" I shouted back at him, not giving up

"what for a meaningless shag?" Brian questioned sarcastically 

"yes" I replied with a monotone voice, not actually meaning it but still going to Roger's house.

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