Best Friend's Daughter - Roger

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I skipped lightly down the stairs wearing my tan coloured, suede skirt and white blouse, my hair up in a tight ponytail "morning daddy" I cheer, walking past him on my way to the kitchen

"Y/N May, Roger is here, put some clothes on please" my father, Brian May, asked... well more like instructed me. Roger was sat opposite him as my dad's eyes went back to the newspaper, I would be lying if I said I wasn't eyeing up Roger and I would also be lying if I said I dressed like this on accident.
I saw Roger biting his lip and his blue eyes scanning me up and down and it drove me crazy

"She looks lovely bri, let the girl live. At least she dresses well, must have got that from Anita" Roger defends me with a smirk on his face, I wrap my arms around roger to say thank you as I feel him slide something into the back of my skirt

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" I warn them before leaving the room, feeling flustered after having Roger's hand close to my ass. As soon as I got into the kitchen I read the note that was slipped into the back of my skirt

'Meet me upstairs when your dad leaves" it reads, my father was going away for the day and part of the evening so I think I get what roger is on about

"Dad What time are you leaving?" I ask sounding a bit too excited for it not to be suspicious

"I suppose I should make a move now, I'll see you later N/N...and Roger take care of her, you know the usual" my father says pointing at us as he moves towards the door. He grabs his coat from the rack then slams the door shut behind him

"Yeah the usual" roger muttered under his breath, I walked back into the living room area where he was now standing up "I think I said I wanted you upstairs y/n" Roger teases, his eyes overcoming with lust

"And What If I want you to take me on the sofa, right here, right now" I tease back, slinking round the sofa, my fingertips dancing on the edge

"Then you'd be disobeying me" the blonde responded, grabbing me by the hips and pulling me close to him

"it's just us two though, he would never know. I just need you now daddy" I pout, looking up at him with doe eyes

"Princess, why are you being so naughty? Do you want to be punished?" Roger asked, holding my face in front of his

"Yes daddy, in every way possible" I respond, twirling my fingers through my hair now

"If that's how you want it love but you don't know what you're asking for, now...on your fucking knees" roger growled, lightly pushing my shoulders down making me kneel before him. My hands caressed my skin as I waited for him to use me "I bet you dream of this, dream of me cumming all in your mouth, over you face, sucking my cock until you beg me to stop, is that right love? Like the dirty slut you are" roger speaks down to me, stroking his cock In has hand whilst his other hand pulled me closer to him by my ponytail.

His cock speared my lips and hit the back of  my throat instantly "fuck" Roger cursed as he began pulling my head up and down his cock "take it all baby" he praised me, stepping forward, closer to me "ugh that's it, go on, you look lovely like this... on your knees, mouth full of my cock like the little cockslut you are" roger carried on speaking as he thrusted up into my mouth. The vibrations of my gags only caused him to moan out and be more rough with me "do you like being used for the one thing You're good for, my filthy cockslut? Do you want me to come all in your mouth?" Roger continued to ask me even though I couldn't answer, I shook my head, I could barely breath let alone swallow him.

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