Treat Me Like A Queen ~ Roger

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Im sorry I write roger a lot, he's my baby! I'm gonna write more of John and Brian, trust me but this idea is perfect for roger. Listen to Loren Grays 'queen' whilst reading this for effect, it's kinda the theme.

I was at a lounge listening to records, it was quite late at night and no one was really around apart from four men sitting around a coffee table, on the red sofas drinking bottles of beer for the past hour or so that I had been here. I could feel one of the men's eyes on me every time I would move, I looked over my shoulder and saw the blonde still looking at me in awe so I purposely started positioning myself, only to tease him. One of his friends leaned over and whispered something into the blondes ear, god knows what it was but it made him get up and approach me, which I didn't mind at all. "Hi princess" the obvious heartthrob of the group spoke

"You can call me a princess all you like but that's far from what I am" I responded, looking up at him, gaining his full attention

"Feisty. I like it. I'm roger, I play the drums in a band called queen, the other lads are over there" he properly introduces himself, if that's how he wants to make a first impression then it's a weird way of doing it

"You don't know the half of it. I'm y/n and I don't really care for much" I introduced myself

"You really are something aren't you?" Roger spoke

"If you think" I responded quirking an eyebrow up

"Do you want to go for a proper drink?" The drummer asked

"What about your friends over there?" I asked still keeping my natural guard up

"They'll be fine, we can go back to my apartment afterwards, just us two" roger winks at me, making me laugh slightly

"Sure, maybe I can teach you how to treat me like a queen" I respond standing up and dusting my jeans off

"Whatever you like" Roger grinned at his success of getting me to go with him, waving goodbye to his friends

"Well can I get a yes your majesty?" I ask teasingly, knowing I've got him dancing in the palm of my hand

"Yes your majesty" roger plays with the words in a seductive manner, leading us out of the lounge. As we walk on one of the many cold streets of London, roger has his hand around my waist, pulling me close to him "how come you're so fiery, you're not like other girls I talk to, you're not like Freddie's girl, she's amazing but not my cup of tea" roger asked

"I told you didn't I, I treat myself like a queen" I answer

"I thought I was meant to be a queen, one of them anyway" roger responds laughing

"Perhaps by the end of the night you'll be in a queen" I tease him, I can feel his hand gradually getting lower and lower

"how about we just go back to your apartment" He whispers in my ear, the words rolling off his tongue like honey

"I like the sound of that" I whisper back, biting my lip anxiously. We carry on walking along the roads until roger stops us out side of a large house, the inside looked inviting and the outside looked well kept. Roger pulls the door open and leads me in, pulling our hands that were held together after him "you're
Driving me mad woman, dressed like that, the devil you are" the blonde pushes me against the wall, breathing down my neck, his large hands either side of me

"You should do something about that then, shouldn't you or am I too intimidating" I plant soft kisses on his jawline but I'm shortly cut off by Roger attacking my lips with his, they were sweet and soft, perfect against mine. The kiss seems to get more intense when his mouth marks my neck as his whilst his hands roam my body, feeling every inch of it and disregarding pieces of my clothes one by one, leaving me almost naked, pinned up against his hallway wall in only my underwear. I slipped off Rogers shirt, throwing it down the hallway aimlessly then travelling my fingers down his stomach, to the belt of his trousers, I unbuckle the leather belt and similar to the shirt, leaving it down the corridor. Without the belt his trouser helplessly drop to the floor showing off his toned legs and amazing physic overall, my hands can't help but explore his body.

"I need you now" I whisper into his ear, my mouth equally creating dark marks onto Roger's neck as he did to me.

"And you'll get me baby, trust me, you'll get everything" Roger spoke back making me even more aroused than I have ever been in my life. Roger's hands dropped from beside me and pulled at the band of his underwear, revealing everything that's underneath. "You're wearing too much clothes" roger sighed his sexual frustration getting the best of him

"Do something about it" i guide him, taunting the blonde more than enough, Rogers hands wander down to the band of my black underwear, dropping them to the floor where they'll remain for the rest of the night, guaranteed. We were both so vulnerable in this intimate moment, both naked in front of each other due to my bra slipping down my shoulders, eventually falling down to the floor. Roger's lips press against mine once again as he takes me in his arms and lifts me up, I naturally wrap my legs around his waist and can already feel his cock nudging at my wet pussy. "Please roger" I beg accidentally, normally I'm not like this and I'm normally the one in control but against Roger I'm not, a small laugh leaves his sweet lips as he pushes his large cock into me, I moan at the feeling of him completely sinking into me, it was blissful. My back rubs against the wall as he picks up a pace, thrusting into me harshly, without a care in the world. My moans filled his house and his heavy sighs joined quickly afterwards, I could already feel myself come undone on top of him, I let out a moan that was practically a scream In a way of telling him that I'm cumming. Roger came not long after I did, letting out a loud grunt as he came, I could feel his warm cum running down my thighs as he pulled out of me slowly. He set me down on the ground and kissed me softly, not like the harsh kisses before "where's your bathroom" I ask, breaking the kiss

"Oh no we've got round two yet baby so I think we should keep that pretty little mess between your legs until then" Roger speaks, his face mere inches away from mine, I smirk back up at him pulling Roger down to my lips again with my hands wrapped around his neck and my fingers in his hair "I told you that I would teach you how to treat me like a queen"

Ready whenever he is for round two

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