My Pretty Baby Part Two

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I woke up and was so confused at first as to why I was surrounded by Brian, Chrissie, John, Veronica, Mary and Freddie, obviously I understood why Roger was here but not the rest of them. Mary's head was in my lap, Roger was laying next to me with his hands wrapped around me in a protective manner and I had Chrisse laying over my legs. Last night we must have moved around a billion times to find a way for us all to be comfortable, even though there were many times where we suggested sleeping in separate rooms or in the living room where there were more places to sleep for all of us but according to Freddie it was the perfect way to wake up on the first day of the new year, surrounded with the people we all loved. although it was a bit odd waking up with seven people in a bed that's not even mine, Freddie was right, it felt so warm and as if the room was full of love, it was a lovely way to start the new year. 

"you lot, rise and shine we have a big year ahead of us" I yelled through a tired yawn, I watched as they all started to shuffle around and signal they were awake with their early morning groans and weird mix of sounds

"Good morning you bunch of oldies, good morning angel" Roger greeted us, his hair was sticking up all over the place and his blue eyes stood out amongst his pale face  

"Rog you look like you've just had the wildest sex ever" Brian laughed slightly 

"well I would have if you didn't burst in here last night" Roger collapsed back onto my chest, sleepily 

"Bri you look like a hedgehog" John Laughed turning the tables on him 

"I was born like this, I came out with this hair" Brian defended himself earning a small smack on the shoulder from Chrissie 

"what do you all want to do this year?" Mary asked us all 

"I think I speak for all the boys when I say this but spend a lot of time with you lovely ladies making long-lasting memories and make bloody good music that our fans can connect too" John answered her question 

"I want to be more positive and do really cool things this year" I replied 

"do you know what I really want, now that I'm old enough and have learnt to handle myself," Roger asks us all, not moving from his position, his eyes staring at my covered chest. he made sure during the night that that cover would not budge for anyone to see. 

"what do you really want?" I asked him starting to brush my fingers over his exposed arm 

"a family" he responds, knocking the wind out of me 

"what do you mean Rog? we're your family" John sighs sounding slightly hurt not realising what his bandmate meant

"I want kids, smaller versions of me and y/n" Roger explains sweetly making my heart swoon at the thought 

"come on children we must leave them be. things are about to happen" Freddie ushered everyone up quickly, they began to exit the room once again in a non-orderly fashion

"don't use protection" Mary shouted back at us making me chuckle 

"so I believe we have some business to take care off to make our year a good one" I beam looking up at Roger who was hovering above me 

"our child is going to be a autumn child" Roger smirked back down at me 

"as long as it's ours I don't care" I responded pulling him down onto me.

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