Scrabble ~ John

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John and I were sitting at the table on the tour bus, playing scrabble whilst all the others were in their separate quarters, relaxing before the show tonight "you can't put a B there because then the word wouldn't make sense" John protested 

"I wasn't even going to put it there, my hand was just hovering over it" I defend myself 

"there is no place you can put it, you have to choose another letter or pass the go to me" my lover in front of me explained our own made up rules for the game "play by yourself then" he said before getting up and walking away, over a simple game of Scrabble, no matter how serious we took it, it was only a game. I could hear Brian in the background speaking

"only they would argue over a game" I heard him laugh, I could imagine him shaking his head as John explained what happened 

"to be fair she was only hovering her hand over it, darling" I heard Freddie speak with an amused tone 

"and you know you won't get any cheese on toast sandwiches as good as Y/N makes them if you don't go and apologise now" that was Brian's voice again, he knew me too well, in fact, they all did. after a few seconds passed, I saw John walk back into the living room area where I was still sitting because I knew it would not take long for him to come back

"I'm sorry for getting defensive over a game, will you accept my apology?" John asked in his sweet and sincere voice, a small smile came onto my lips as I thought about what to say

"I need to think about it, can you give me a moment?" I ask, acting to be upset when I was not even bothered by the bicker that we just had, I loved how immature and shy John was, I watched his mouth fall open and his eyes widened "I'm kidding, of course, I do"  I laugh as John breathes out dramatically 

"don't do that, that was so mean" He responded like a five-year-old

"I do as I please" I fake an evil laugh 

"why do I put up with you?" John sighed, dropping his posture 

"because I'm your best friend" I laugh at my own pun slightly, it was accidental but worked, similar to our own friendship 

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