You Are Mine - Roger

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Just a little update, I really love doing the requests hence why there hasn't been much of the other boys apart from Roger cause you guys love him, who doesn't? If I have any other ideas for the boys I'll do them!

"Ahh y/n" Brian greeted me as I walked into  my own home, I should've known they would be here, when are they not.

"Hi bri, And co" I laugh, hanging my coat up

"We were just talking about you" John speaks up, smirking. I walk into the living room and take a seat on Roger's lap mainly because it was the only place left to sit. We were never really a couple to show affection in front of others

"All good things I hope" I reply, kissing roger on the cheek making him smile

"They were definitely good" Freddie smirked even bigger than before, when he was just watching us

"Boys" roger spoke up, warning them of something?

"Have I missed something?" I ask really confused out of my mind

"The only people that are missing out are us" Brian laughed directing that at John and Freddie and him of course

"What do they mean Rog?" I whisper to him, it's only when I get close to him that I notice the subtle blush on his cheeks

"Roger was just telling us about how amazing you are" John answered for Roger and me. It instantly clicked in my mind at that moment

"Was he now? Funny because I quite frankly remember you moaning my name a lot more than I was moaning yours" I respond bringing out the sassier side of me

"Well you didn't tell us that part" Freddie laughed looking at roger like a devil

"After What roger told us, I think we wouldn't mind sharing you" John said, it was difficult to tell if he was joking but he was one hundred percent flirting with me to annoy Roger

"Well if he's not careful with what he says, he might have to" I reply, obviously joking

"Wouldn't mind seeing what's underneath" Brian said looking me up and down subconsciously

"Definitely enough to turn a gay man straight" Freddie added onto it, before anything happened I wisely decided to remove myself from this situation

"Alright well whilst you guys drool over me and try to keep it in your pants, I'll be in the kitchen" I say standing up, arching my back accidentally which meant my chest was pushed forward. I stood up and started walking to the kitchen when I heard

"Yeah definitely wouldn't mind seeing that more" from John making me laugh and shake my head.

When I got into the kitchen all of the fresh events that had just happened played in my mind. Roger was sat there the whole time just taking it from everyone and listening, which was unusual for him to do however I did notice his jaw tense and his hands grip at the sofa. "Seriously guys that's my girlfriend" I heard roger angrily say through the door before it burst opened.

"You alright love?" I ask, my Newcastle accent making it sound funny. I felt Roger's hands wrap around my waist and spin me around so that I was facing him now

"You are mine and no one else's" roger stated to which I just nodded, having nothing else to really add to the matter of importance "show me who you belong too?" Roger asked, rhetorically. I leaned forwards and kissed his neck passionately whilst my arms looped around his neck. When I pulled away I eyed the purple bruise that was forming and that I made.

"I think it's pretty obvious" I giggled looking down at Roger's trousers, biting my lip

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