Somebody To Love ~ Group

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well, that didn't go as planned, I thought my parents would be accepting of me being bisexual but of course, they weren't and I was only getting my hopes up. I couldn't believe them, I just walked out on them and now I'm walking around the streets, at night, alone and on valentines day, how much worse could my day be getting.

in the midst of everyone rushing to get home to their adoring wives and husbands, I heard someone call my name "Y/N" I turned around quickly and couldn't recognise the person running towards me until they were a few steps away from my face

"John?" I questioned, struggling to believe it was him

"Y/N what are you doing out here, alone I thought you were spending tonight with your family," John asked clearly confused as much as I was, perhaps even more

"I told them and they didn't like the idea of their daughter dating either a man or a woman" I sighed, I had already gone over this a thousand and one times in my head

"I know somewhere where you'll be accepted" John looked like he was up to something odd

"what are you up to?" I call after him as he started to walk off, expecting me to follow him

"come on Y/N" John called back to me avoiding the question obviously, I rolled my eyes and jogged after him.

next thing I knew I was in the musicians and my best friend of nine years car, driving to a mysterious destination "John I really don't feel like going to a bar" I protest, rubbing my cheeks to warm them up

"what? and take you home to people who don't love you for you? I think not" He protested, I gave in and remained silent for the rest of the car journey which turned out not being long at all. John pulled up outside a well-lit house, the lights from the inside looked more than inviting and I instantly realised who owned the house and knew that they were inviting just like the lights. I got out of the car excitedly, I felt my mood lift just at the thought of my boys inside the house, who I loved and cared about "told ya, you would feel accepted already" John mocked me as I knocked on the door, it slowly opened

"I don't give a toss for your stupid newspaper" Brian rolled his eyes, not looking at who was actually in front of him

"I'll keep my newspapers to myself them" I pretended to sound hurt

"I know that voice anywhere" Brian lowered his eyes and smiled widely when he saw me "and John, of course," the curly haired guitarist added sarcastically

"I'm the reason she's here, thank you" John defended himself

"well are you gonna come in or not" Brian hurried us inside, ignoring his bandmates comment, I walked in and saw Roger, Freddie and Mary sitting in the living room with the fireplace ablaze, looking cosy and content

"long time no see, best friend" Mary stood up and engulfed me in a hug

"Um, actually she's my best friend" John defended our friendship

"Hey, we're all best friends" I speak up even though Mary and John were mostly my best friends, I fall onto the sofa tiredly next to Roger

"how's it been without me?" the blondie asked smugly, I admit I haven't seen any of them as much as I should've but I blame unfair retail hours

"ask my girlfriend" I retort nodding my head, raising an eyebrow leaving Roger looking dumbfounded

"so why have you decided to bless us with your presence dear," Freddie asks, perplexed "not that I mind, of course, it's always a pleasure" He adds quickly afterwards

"My parents kicked me out," I say rather quickly squinting my eyes

"but you're the golden child" Mary wonders out loud as I'm pulling a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, as I heard her words I slowly slide them back into their place

"yeah, golden child" I laugh at my actions as do the others

"no but seriously why aren't you there right now," Roger asks

"as I said, I have a girlfriend and I told them I was bisexual" I respond looking down almost embarrassed

"why would they have a problem with that" Mary asks putting her hand over mine in comfort

"they shouldn't" Freddie spoke up, pointing his finger like he just figured out a maths question

"We've always been your family Y/N" John pointed out

"they just lost out on having an amazing daughter and a great person in their life then, didn't they" Roger reassured me, pulling me into a side hug

"you can stay here if you want" Brian offered, leaning against the wall

"thanks, bri" I reply smiling "thanks to all of you" I add, never feeling more grateful for the people I love and care about most, more than now

"now what do you say, we crack open a bottle of champagne and celebrate" Freddie cheered, earning a merry cheer from all of us

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