Daddy Issues - Roger

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so I got this amazing request to do an imagine based on roger's sex tape which is funny because I did this with Brian before but I'm gonna do it again anyway, enjoy!

"love calm done, every little thing is gonna be alright" Roger reassured me as we stood outside my parents home, it was bad enough that they weren't keen on him before but even worse now that our sex tape was leaked to the whole world

"Paul, Y/N and Roger are here" I heard my mum call from on the other side of the door after we had knocked. 

"ready?" Roger asked, waiting for my mum to open the door any minute now 

"Ready Freddie" I reply, mimicking his high pitched growl at the end 

"oi shove off that's my line" Roger nudged me slightly, chuckling slightly at my humour. I heard a click coming from the door, signalling someone was unlocking it 

"so lovely to see you two again" my mum greeted as us she opened the door, revealing herself and the hallway of my childhood home 

"mum, how have you been?" I ask, stepping and hugging her with Roger behind me and our hands still linked

"good good, go inside and see your father" she ushered me in, hugging Roger afterwards. I walked through the hallway, hearing the faint sound of Roger and my mum conversing behind me at the door. I poked my head around the living room door and saw my father sitting in his chair flicking through the newspaper with a coffee in hand and radio on in the background. he didn't look amused or excited about my presence in the house but then again he has never been the loving or supporting father most other people my age had, that was more of my mum's speciality. 

"father?" I called faintly just in case he hadn't seen me before 

"Y/N, sorry I didn't realise you were standing there, come sit down" the grey-haired man looked up and pointed to the sofa opposite me, putting his newspaper and coffee down at the side of him 

"how are you?" I ask, sitting back on the sofa to get comfortable 

"fairly okay, I would ask how you are but I've seen enough in the newspaper to see how you are" my father spoke with a monotone tone, not happy in the slightest 

"yeah, fake news is a bitch" I laugh nervously 

"language Y/N and how do I know it's not fake when there is clear evidence, you know I am a man of evidence" He replied, looking me straight in the brown eyes 

"yeah I know" I answer not knowing what to say in the slightest to divert from this conversation but luckily I see Roger and my mum walk into the room after 

"well now that you guys are here, we all need a catch up I think, it's been how long?" My mum sighs, sitting down next to my father as Roger comes an sits next to me, putting his hand on my thigh, resting it there 

"nearly a year mum" I replied, smiling at the blond woman before me. Me and Roger didn't visit often mainly because of our relationship between my parents, my mum seems nice and smiley but she has told me what she has thought about me and Roger before.

"Blimey, how have things been, how is the apartment Roger?" she asks, smiling with a hint of bitterness 

"um it's okay, we need to get a new wardrobe with miss drama queen over here but it's running smooth, no breakages yet" Roger answers, gripping my thigh as he smiled at me, I see my father out of the corner of my eye look at Roger's hand disgusted but I shrug it off as nothing 

"smooth enough to make you think you can touch our daughter like that in front of us" My father spoke up annoyed obviously, out of nowhere it seemed but I knew it had been brewing since Roger sat next to me 

"Please Paul, he is only doing it out of love not anything of such nature" My mum defended Roger, even though she doesn't like the idea of us, she was a woman of morals and always has been 

"Caroline are we just going to ignore it, the whole population has seen them together in such bloody nature" My father responds, acting as if we weren't there

"If I must, it never meant to happen or get leaked" Roger stepped in to try to prevent a bigger argument from happening 

"well it has, you are at fault for this happening, the reason everyone is slandering my daughter" my father stood up from his seat, red in the face, wagging his finger at Roger 

"I think we should be going now" I breathe slowly, in and out Y/N, you can handle this

"Y/N I'll meet you during the week" My mum coo's to me as I stand up with Roger, hand in hand. well, it was a shame it was only a short stay after not having seen my parents for nearly a whole year but I couldn't stay in there and let Roger get blamed for this happening. 

"see you then" I smile, kissing her on the cheek before walking down the hallway then out of the house. Once we got out and the air had cooled us both down and we had had time to clear our heads, it was easier for us to talk 

"I'm sorry" I begin with as we walked down the street, on our way back to the train station 

"you didn't know it was going to happen, don't say sorry" Roger replies, looking down at me and keeping that beautiful smile on his face 

"I know but I can't help but say sorry for them, I know we know that they're not fond of us and what is happening but there was no excuse for that" I reply sighing heavily 

"I know, I know love but there is nothing you or I could do about it, let it go, this is out of your control" Roger advise me for the best. god, what would I do without him next to me? 

"are you okay though?" I ask, squeezing Roger's hand a few times naturally 

"yes, of course, I am but I suppose I am the reason you're getting slandered" my blond drummer boy speaks honestly and sounding more upset than the tone of his voice admits 

"Hey, look at me," I say sternly, pulling his face to look at me and down to my level which wasn't much shorter but anyway "that isn't your fault, as a wise person once told me, there is nothing you or I could do about it, let it go, this is out of your control" I add, quoting Roger along with it 

"you are absolutely awful" Roger laughs "stealing my line again" he adds, leaning in and kissing me on the forehead

"always" I mumble, kissing him back on the cheek. 

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