Hopeless ~ Ben

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this is inspired by a ben fic I was reading, all credit to the original writer, they have skill

Y/N and Ben had been best friends for years, they had cried on each other shoulders, laughed until their stomachs hurt, shared moments that couldn't be replaced with anything else and they spent practically every moment with each other. the only secret they had from each other was the fact that they were in love with one another and it was eating away at the both of them. Ben having to watch countless lousy men flirt with Y/N and Y/N having to watch Ben pretend like he wanted to be talking to a girl that in the morning would be gone before he woke up, it was insatiable. 

Y/N walked out of the bar, her and her best friend, Ben Hardy were drinking in when she saw him flirting with the bartender who was perfect in society's and Y/N's eyes, she didn't know that Ben wouldn't be talking to the bartender if it wasn't for the fact that Y/N was stuck in his mind all the damn time. 

Y/N sat crouched down outside the back of the bar, crying into her hands, Ben hadn't come to find her in what could have been ten minutes or twenty minutes, time was meaningless to Y/N right now. the blonde heard the fire exit door open 

"Y/N, I was so worried-" the blonde male begin to explain his worries but with the rise of Y/N's wet hand, he was silenced. she didn't know if she wanted to speak to him or leave them both in silence, Y/N hated seeing Ben flirt with other women everytime they went out, so what did she do to resolve what she felt? she did it back. "Y/N what's wrong?" the clueless Hardy asked softly 

"I'm. fine." she lied to protect them both, no matter if she got answers or not, it was guaranteed to hurt

"why do you keep lying to me Y/N, that's the second time in the same day. earlier you said you were fine with me talking to people tonight and I could see right through you, then moments ago you said you were fine when you're clearly not. that's twice, do you wanna go for a third?" Ben said with his voice more passionate and deep with emotion "now tell me, why you didn't want me talking to other people tonight when you clearly knew what I meant"

"because I'm feeling things for you that I haven't felt in a long time for anyone, you got me wondering if every touch was more than what it was, what it would be like for you to hold me, to kiss me, for us to love each other" Y/N yelled back, her eyes finally meeting his as she stood up "and I couldn't keep my feelings in check, that's why we are here now" she turned to leave but the hand on her waist, pulling her back to him, stopped her from walking any further without him

"don't go. stay, please" Ben begged her hopelessly

"Ben" Her voice cracked as she looked into his blue eyes, further than before, seeing the pain they caused each other 

"stay. please" he begged once again if there was anything he would do to keep her there for a few more seconds, he wouldn't hesitate to do it

"it hurts enough to stand here and know that you'll never love me as I love you" the aching truth finally poured out of her mouth 

"I have you loved since we were eighteen" Ben stopped her from saying anything else that could destroy this by sealing their lips together, their soft, pink lips melted against one another in a perfect rhythm, both of their hurt had been sealed and healed with one kiss that was long overdue but felt worth it once it happened.  

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