Prom - Freddie

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request for the beautiful @neeshamitchell1 hope you enjoy this, I tried my best! anyway on with the imagine...

it was prom night for Neesha and all of her stunning friends and to say they were excited would be a huge understatement. they all decided to go as a group as most of them were either single or their boyfriends couldn't make it tonight such as Neesha, herself. she didn't mind that Freddie wasn't there with her, even though it would be nice she knew that rehearsals for the band he was in that she was yet to meet was important. Freddie had told her that he had a gig tonight that could be crucial for the band as it could bring them big opportunities and of course Neesha, the adoring partner that she is wouldn't hold him back from that...

the room the prom was being held in was ecstatic, the atmosphere was wild and everyone was having a great time especially the students who had managed to sneak in a bottle of whatever alcohol it was. "can I have all of your attention for a minute" the principal called from the well-lit stage, the lighting made it look super cool and ready for a performance not to mention the set of drums at the back. "your night is about to get times better with a performance from qu-" the bald head of the school announced but was cut off abruptly

"your majesty" Said a voice from behind the curtain at the side of the stage muffled in what was obviously a fake cough

"your majesty... queen" the teacher carried on speaking adding the correction to his announcement. Neesha felt her heart stop and her mouth go dry from such excitement that took over her body, her eyes couldn't look away from the stage as Roger walked out to his drums then followed by Brian and John with their instruments that Neesha had heard they loved more than their wives, time and time again. then her Freddie walked out looking more than amazing, his outfit and hair was one of her favourites that he has worn, he practically looked as if he was born on the stage with the way he owned it.

"good evening everyone, hope we're all feeling good, this one is called 'somebody to love'" Freddie shouted out to the now gathered crowd who shouted back in excitement. Neesha cheered the loudest for her love and his bandmates. The song began and Roger, John and Brian were all killing it with their parts, they were so skilled it was hard to believe but of course, Freddie was Neesha's main focus, how he was making large gestures with his arms and moving his whole body to the rhythm, it was hypnotizing.

After the song, everyone spread out again and Neesha was turning to her friends who were still shocked at what had just happened "I can't believe you found someone like that, it's so rare" the redhead spoke up surprised

"I'm a very lucky person to be apart of his life, You'll find someone maybe not like Freddie because no one is like him but you'll find someone special" Neesha responded feeling very proud of Freddie and his band. she jumped at the sudden feeling of someone's hands on her waist causing her to immediately turn around only to find Freddie standing there "baby" she squealed as she flung herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face into his neck

"I heard you were talking about me" Freddie smiled widely forgetting that Neesha's friends were watching

"you did so well" Neesha sported the same smile when she pulled away from the embrace

"come on, you gotta meet the boys" Freddie started pulling her away by the hand, Neesha knew her friends wouldn't mind because after all, they have each other. Freddie lead Neesha through the crowd eager for her to meet the other important people in his life "Roger, Brian, John this is Neesha, my lovely girlfriend" Freddie announced, pulling Neesha round to the front of him so that they could see each other

"hi, you guys are amazing, even more, amazing than what Freddie has told me about you" Neesha gushed as her heart pounded in her chest

"well thank you, surprised Fred was nice about us" John sarcastically responded. "I'm John" he added quickly reminding himself to introduce himself properly

"I'm Brian" the curly-haired poodle looking man, as Freddie described him to Neesha beforehand introduced himself next

"and lastly, Roger" the blonde spoke, smiling kindly, Neesha could definitely tell why all of the girls were practically clawing at him but she only had eyes for her man.

"what did you guys do before this?" Neesha asks, genuinely intrigued but also wanting to make conversation with them to make a good impression

"I studied astrophysics" Brian answered first, blowing Neesha away even more. Freddie had not gone into too much of their personal lives or lives before queen when he spoke about them to Neesha

"I studied electronics, you could say" John replied next

"he's a dentist" Brian added pointing to Roger, making John try and stifle a laugh

"no, I'm not a dentist" Roger defended himself "I only studied it"

"he's a dentist" John scrunched up his nose when he spoke, turning towards Neesha making her laugh

"well it's splendid to finally meet you all, there are drinks over there if you guys need anything" Neesha pointed over to the table where not too many people were standing

"as for now, we're going to dance" Freddie noted, looking down at Neesha with a smirk on his face, he once again lead them back to the dance space where a slow song was playing. other couples were swaying to the music but occasionally taking glances at Neesha and Freddie, they were slightly dumbfounded mainly because Neesha didn't particularly speak about Fred in school unless it was to her friends, of course.

Freddie moved in close to Neesha and they began to move around slowly to the music in the background "I would never have thought you'd be so great at slow dancing" Neesha giggled, speaking quietly due to how close they were and the sudden quietness that had fallen over the room

"you've never given me the opportunity" Freddie laughed back as he spun his love out then back into him.

"I hope the boys aren't feeling awkward or on their own" Neesha changed the subject reminding herself that they wouldn't know anyone here apart from Freddie and now her.

"I think Roger's a bit occupied at the moment," Freddie said, pointing out how Roger was standing around all of Neesha's friends trying to flirt with them, she turned back to Freddie laughing once again. Brian and John had found themselves at the drinks table and looked more than happy talking to some of the male students in Neesha's science class, they looked like they were in deep conversation.

"are they like this everywhere they go?" Neesha asks, curious

"mostly" Freddie responded, tilting his head to the side

"well I think they're Brilliant and as for you, you are sensational Freddie" Neesha got closer to him as she spoke the truth, she noticed how his gorgeous eyes were flicking between her eyes and lips until his lips were on hers, pressed softly against each other with little movement. it was the best prom that she could ask for, Neesha had her friends, her new friends and the love of her life by her side.

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