Goodnight ~ Brian

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I was laying in bed, tossing and turning, I couldn't get to sleep no matter which way I laid due to Brian playing his guitar downstairs, as much as I loved hearing him play and the different things he could come up with me I also wanted him with me, upstairs. "brian come to bed" I called down to him in the living room, I heard the sound of his guitar being placed down and his feet shuffling around  on the carpet. after a few minutes, the hallway light crept into our shared bedroom and Brian stood there in the doorway looking rather tired "come here, love" I call him over, I watch as he shuffles closer to the bed and falls against the pillows. Brian rests his head on my chest and I watch as my chest rises and falls along with his curly hair, my arm rested over him 

"Y/N can you sing for me please?" Brian asks, his voice vibrating against my skin

"A; which one of us is in a band and B; if you really want" I reply smiling a small smile, I begin to hum the tune of an old nursery rhyme that I remember singing when I was younger, at school 

"I love it when you sing, it's a break from the boys," Brian says, yawning afterwards 

"I love when you're with me taking a break from the boys" I respond, running my fingers through his long hair, something that few people are allowed to do. the phone starts to ring from the bedside table "who could be ringing at eleven at night?" I ask curiously sitting up as Brian  took the phone and held it up to his ear, I could hear the person on the other end and could tell it was my mother 

"I'll pass her over now, nice talking to you again" Brian spoke as he passed the phone over to me, I took it in my hand and waited for my mother to speak 

"Hi darling, how's London?" the sweet woman asked me 

"London is amazing, how is home?" I returned the question 

"Home is... okay, your brother wants to meet Brian, Roger, John and of course Freddie" I laugh at what she says knowing how excited my young brother would be when he meets them, I look over to a smiling Brian 

" I'm sure we can arrange that soon, tell him I miss him" I respond smiling, I haven't seen them since I moved closer to the city 

"I will. tell them all I miss them" the blonde woman spoke over the phone 

"I'll do it tomorrow when they go to the studio, goodnight mum, love you," I say blowing a kiss down the phone

"Goodnight, I love you," she said before the phone went dead, I passed it back to Brian and settled back down against the mattress 

"I do love your mum, Y/N" the dark-haired guitarist commented

"I love your mum as well, Bri" I mimicked him 

"but most of all, I love you" he added sweetly and sarcastically, messing up my hair afterwards 

"shut up, go to bed" I laughed lightly hitting him in the side 

"fine, I've always loved John more" Brian crossed his arms and laid facing upwards, he was such a weirdo but I love him for it 

"My favourite member of the band is Roger" I scolded him a matter of factly, Brian fake gasped and put his hand over his heart 

"why would you say that" he wiped a fake tear from his eye, then rolled over so that his back was facing me 

"Goodnight, dork" I laughed and got comfortable enough to sleep

"goodnight Y/N" he replied, I pulled the string on the light switch and the room was filled with darkness and the sound of soft snores.

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