Bad Idea - Brian

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A highly requested part four too I hate your right now, I was so happy to see that you enjoyed part three and this whole mini series 🖤 all the love x

... "I don't know but I liked it" roger sighed breathlessly

"Rog, what if we get caught" I ask sounding worried. I really loved that, I didn't love Roger, I just loved what happened.

"Then we'll have some explaining to do won't we doll" roger put his hand under my chin and lifted my head up. Soon enough his lips were back on mine and we were back into the same position as before. Once again the kiss was drawn out to a tea and it only got deeper and deeper as I felt Roger's hand slide down my back and guide me to lay down on the sofa.

His kisses started to lower down onto my neck then gradually down onto my partly exposed chest "we shouldn't be doing this, it's such a bad idea" I mumbled as my hands were caught up in Roger's messy blonde locks

"It just makes it better, love" roger replies getting more and more excited. He was always the most ruthless out of all of them when it came to stuff like this whereas, for example, Freddie was more ruthless with the music side of things.

"Roger is y/n with you?" Brian's familiar voice travelled through the house, jolting roger and I up of off the sofa. He must have a spare key and how did we not hear the door open. I eagerly fixed my shirt and hair, watching as roger did the same thing.

I would be lying if I said that I was disappointed that Brian was here, things were about to get good and now I'm all worked up for nothing. "There you two are" Brian sighed happily at the sight of me and Roger looking perfectly normal. "Love I'm so sorry, I was annoyed, so fucking angry at myself and everyone else" Brian rambled on, when he said 'love' it didn't sound as sweet as when Roger said it.

"It's okay, we both fucked up quite a bit actually but it's what two people do, you know?" I excused him because I have no place to say that he is in the wrong here. Brian pulls me in for a hug but stops when he's mere seconds away from me "y/n what's that on your neck?" Brian asks, brushing my hair out of his way to see more clearly. I looked back at Roger who just choked on his own spit with wide eyes

"That's from the um other night" I think of a reasoning as to why their is a hickey on my neck, just praying to god that he would believe it

"No no cause we didn't do that the other night and it's fresh, bright purple" Brian explained making me cringe in the process, he went quiet for a few minutes just staring at it then at me then at roger with a blank face pale as ever "please don't tell me you two shagged" Brian asked, well more like begged to himself that we didn't. I couldn't look anywhere apart from Roger who was looking back at me already

"I can't believe either of you right now, this is unbelievable. roger stop staring at my girlfriend, bad enough you nearly shagged her behind my back" Brian shouted at roger who just stood their with a stupid smirk on his face. Wow, he really gave zero fucks, huh?

"We didn't, he was just there for me when you weren't and shit happened but not that" I speak up finally but nervously

"I'm done with the pair of you. Enjoy yourselves, y/n have your stuff out by tomorrow" Brian yelled at me as he began to walk away

"Where am I meant to go?" I shout back

"Should've thought about that before you were underneath my band mate" Brian held up his middle finger and slammed the door shut.

I turned to Roger who was already standing behind me who caught me in his arms, luckily. "It's fine, you can stay here for as long as you need" roger hummed into my hair making everything better, I looked up at him and pecked his cheek

"Thank you" I whispered, I wasn't crying I was just really confused and felt really lost

"Now let me show you how a woman should be treated" roger purred guiding his hands over my body

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