Silver to Gold - Brian

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"we shouldn't do this" I whispered as Brian kissed my jaw 

"So Taylor can cheat on you but you can't cheat on him?" Brian protested, running his hand down my waist making me whimper and tighten my grip on his shoulder "because I can stop right now, I can take away all that pleasure or I could continue making you feel good" Brian muttered as his hand ran up and down the inside of my thigh, getting higher each time 

"please keep going" I ushered out through choppy breaths 

"that's what I thought" Brian laughed against my perfumed collarbone, it wasn't until he started sucking on my neck that I thought about how bad this was 

"we have to stop, just because he cheats on me doesn't mean I should stoop to his level" I resisted, pushing Brian off me and readjusting my shirt

"think about when you walked into your bedroom where countless times Roger had told you how beautiful and special you were to him then saw him with his dick inside a skank from the side of the street. I think he deserves this one, don't you want to know how much it would hurt him, think of yourself for once" Brian continued to make his point, it was so true, more than true.

"I hate how right you are, damn it, fuck it" I cursed and pulled Brian back onto me, the kiss was heated and so arrogant, it was so fresh and felt so fucking good all in one. I'm so grateful we collided finally, this felt so good for me. 

our legs tangled together and our arms got caught up in each other's arms  "I knew it, you're a fucking slut y/n" I heard an abrupt, angry voice from the entrance of the studio. I sat up to see Roger standing there, hands balled up into fists and a face red as anything 

"woah don't talk to her like that, you're the one who ran off with another girl first" Brian defended me, standing in front of me in case anything was to happen. 

"you're the reason I'm here right now, you want someone else you got someone else to toy with" I shout, stepping around Brian 

"you're a fucking slut and you know it, I can get any girl in London that I want Y/N I don't need you" Roger yells back, furious stepping forward to me 

"then do it, Roger, I don't care anymore, I don't own you and never did" I fought back, stepping up to him as he had just done 

"but who's gonna be with me tomorrow, Y/N, who's gonna be coming back to me, Y/N, who's gonna be back on my dick in the morning, Y/N" Roger stated his points, pointlessly

"just leave" I pinched the bridge of my nose and pointed at the door, starting to get a headache

"Y/N who pays for this studio, who works here?" Roger questions, getting in my face once again 

"I do and now I'm asking you to leave" Brian spoke up, pushing him away. Roger just shakes his head before slamming the door shut on his way out. 

"thank you" I whisper, turning to face Brian once again. he leaned in and placed his hand along my jaw before kissing me softly

"thank you for listening to me" he whispered as he pecked my lips again after pulling away. I think I just went from silver to gold in the space of an hour.

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