Bar ~ John

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you and John were sitting in a bar together getting to know one another as the night progressed, he had come up to you, brought you a drink and ever since you two have been having the best conversations. he was dorky but sweet, you thought as you carried explaining your love for music and about the record shop you worked at part-time. 

"how can deaky talk to a woman but you can't," Brian asked Roger, genuinely confused

"I don't know but he has good taste, apparently" Roger responded biting his bottom lip

"sit this one out Rog, he's one of your best friends and he rarely talks to woman as it is, he doesn't need you over there trying to get in her pants" Freddie drunk from the bottle of beer sitting on the table. Roger, the womanizer, of the group was normally the only one of them to take someone home but tonight the tables have turned. 

"do you know what scrabble is?" Deaky asked Y/N who was extremely interested in him 

"of course me and my little sister play that all the time, she always wins" the Y/H/C exclaimed excitedly 

"well then you're little sister is about to have some good competition" John teased with a big grin on his face that Y/N loved to see already

"she's five, John" Y/N giggled feeling as if she had known him for years. despite feeling like she was being watched by the three men in the corner of the room she carried on with the conversation 

"do you know the people over there by any chance?" Y/N asked pointing over to the two brunettes and the blonde making them look away embarrassed

"ah yes, the bandmates I was talking about earlier on" John nodded smiling with his eyes closed "do you want me to introduce you to them?" he asked 

"it wouldn't hurt I suppose" the Y/E/C babe responded almost nervously, the pair stood up from their seats at the bar and made their way over to the three men, looking as if they didn't know what was happening 

"boys this is Y/N, Y/N this is Roger, Brian and Freddie" John introduced you to them, they seemed polite yet quirky in their own individual way 

"nice to meet you dear" Freddie, you believed to be, reached out and held your hand between his

"the pleasure is all mine" you smiled back, John sat down and you followed him into the seat between him and Brian 

"Deaky you have good eyesight" Brian complimented you 

"he must have good hearing as well if he is in a band with you all" You returned the compliment soon after, you'd only heard a few samples of their songs from the store and the number of times customers tested the vinyl but from what you had heard, they had an immense amount of talent

"you should come and hear us play sometime" John offered 

"I would love to  just give me a time and date and I'll be there" you responded now looking forward to seeing them play 

"do you wanna come back to my house, I'd love to hear more about you in a more relaxed environment," John asked you whilst the boys were busy ordering drinks

"that sounds great" you answered 

"guys I'm going to walk Y/N home, I'll catch up with you later" Deaky announces as he links his arm with yours, even though you hadn't spent that long with the boys you already could tell you'd all be friends.

the both of you left the bar soon after Freddie, Brian and Roger had all said their goodbyes "how come you said you were walking me home?" You asked curiously 

"to them, if I said we were going back to mine, the worst thing would come to their mind and I wouldn't hear the end of it" he laughed wrapping an arm around you as a group of guys passed.

that's where your and John's love story began...

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