Deaky Fucks - John

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It was saturday night and I was sat at the vanity in me and deaky's bedroom, in my silk robe and matching lingerie, taking off my makeup from today

Whilst Deaky was sitting on the bed, behind me, watching my every movement which is something he rarely does. He's normally reading or sleeping or out with the boys. "You alright there darling?" I asked looking at Deaky through the large mirror

"Just thinking about you" he replied, fidgeting in his position on the mattress

"What about me?" I questioned further, slipping the silk robe down my arms so it hung down my lower back and my elbows

"How beautiful you are" Deaky answered being the cutie that he is, as usual

"Is that why you are staring, my love?" I giggled, my tongue slipping out of my mouth as I did. It was a bad habit and always had been but Deaky loved it and always had.

"I just love watching you take everything off and unwind, it's when you look your best" my Curley haired boy explained, sitting up slightly and focusing more on me

"Yeah? Why don't I give you a show?" I jokingly ask, turning around to actually face him now

"I mean if you really want too, I wouldn't be complaining" Deaky responded smiling and looking smug. I laughed and stood up from the small stool to begin walking over to Him.

"I was joking" I laugh, hitting him lightly in the arm. I knelt on the bed then got in the position to straddle Deaky's Lap, I felt his hands running up and down my sides, pulling the silk fabric from my body.

"What if I wasn't?" He questioned threateningly making my eyebrow cock up

"Well then I guess because you're so good to me, you should get what you want" I smiled, still straddling his waist, my hands already pulling the blue straps of my bra down my shoulders.

I watched as deaky's hands ran up and down my thighs and he bit his lip, in anticipation. I moved my hands round to my back and slowly un-clasped my bra, letting it fall onto deaky's chest.

"You wanna help with the rest sweetheart?" I ask, pulling my hair out of the way

"You don't have to ask twice" Deaky murmured, flipping us over in the process so that I was now underneath him. I felt his warm hands glide down to the band of my underwear and began to slide them down my thighs

Just as Deaky leaned into my chest there was a knock at our bedroom door, I could feel his hot breath against my skin as he let out a groan "Come in" I called, quickly covering myself with the duvet although Deaky was still on top of me

The door opened and there stood our three year old toddler looking as if he just woke up "what's wrong baby?" I cooed but instead of him responding he just walked up to the bed and began to climb up to us

"You're a blessing and a curse luke" Deaky muttered, pulling him up to help him out

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