Keep It Down - John

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Heavily inspired by another authors book!

"John" you screamed loudly as Deaky pounded into you, moving in sync against your pelvis

"I'm so close" he breathlessly whispered through loud grunts

"Baby" you tossed your head side to side as your hands gripped at the sheets in pleasure

Meanwhile Next door...

"Do they ever stop" Brian turned over with the pillow covering his ears, trying to drown out the sound of your and Johns screams and heavy moans

"I can't believe we get one room for all three of us and they get one room to theirselves not too mention with paper thin walls" Roger huffed pilling his pillow tighter to his chest

"Let me them be darlings, I'm sure you're the same, right Roger? With your many woman" Freddie smirked playfully

"Watch it" Roger mumbled back as he shifted away from Brian, they were all sharing the bed and trying to prevent any body contact from happening during the night

"I'm gonna go give them a scare, that'll stop them" Brian got out of bed and marched out of the room with Freddie and Roger following behind him.

"y/n" John moaned "oh my god" he screamed as the door burst open suddenly interrupting them

"One night! One night is all we ask for without hearing you fucking" Brian threw his hands up annoyed. You pulled the cover up to your chest to cover yourself as you felt Roger's eyes over you

"We'll keep it down, we were nearly done anyway I was just trying to help John relax" you say avoiding eye contact with the three of them

"We're not relaxed but I don't see our dicks inside of you" Freddie laughed as Roger stifled a laugh and Brian agreed

"Hey watch your mouth" John defended you at the Crude remark even though it was a joke from Freddie

"You should watch Y/N's, once I accidentally walked in on them" Roger joined in on Freddie's banta

"That's it, we're going to be extra loud next time just for that" you warned them, Brian was the only one taking this completely serious

"I think we should just share her" Freddie waved his hand around as the blonde beside him nodded, you tried not too laugh too much

"In your dreams boys" John replied rubbing his eyes tiredly

"Please" Brian spoke

"Fine now leave" you shooed them away

"Still think we should share y/n" Roger laughed as they began to walk out

"Out" you and John both shouted at the same time. The door shut and John collapsed onto your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his head onto your breasts "you're all mine" he mumbled against your warm skin.

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