Golden Globes ~ Group

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Me, Lucy, joe, Ben and gwilym were all sitting together watching the golden globes live waiting for Rami's category and the drama category and to say the anticipation was killing me would be an understatement. I couldn't stop my leg from bouncing up and down from the nerves running through my body, Gwilym who was sat next to me had his hand on mine and the closer we got too the announcement the tighter our hands gripped onto each other.

Our eyes were glued to the screen and the room was silent as the two presenters walked out onto the somewhat small stage "okay guys this is it" joe panicked, I could practically hear his heartbeat

"And the golden globe for best actor goes to..." the blonde woman began to speak slowly "rami malek" she finished. We all jumped out of our seats and started yelling like mad people, Lucy was basically glowing as gwilym picked me up into his arms and hugged me tightly

"Our boy did it" I yelled making the four of them yell back, I wrapped my arms around gwil's neck and kept smiling, staring into his gorgeous eyes "I'm so happy" I whisper slightly breathless

"I'm so proud of him" gwilym smiled back up at me, he was holding me so I was slightly above him. We listened to rami's speech and it was beautiful, he couldn't have worded it any better than he had

"Guys come on, last category" Ben announced, I felt my feet come in contact with the ground once again and we went back to waiting patiently and nervously

"And the golden globe for best motion picture drama goes to... bohemian rhapsody" the other presenter announced in a calm voice, once again the complete opposite of how we were right now. We all started jumping around like children in a playground "we did it, I'm so proud of us all" Lucy exclaimed whilst the boys could be heard shouting from a mile away, I engulfed them all in a group hug and it felt amazing. They all started saying their small lines of congratulations but then it came to me

"Y/n do you have any words tonight?" Ben asked curiously

"Fuck the critics and their shitty taste" I remarked in a half yell

"Ayyyy, That's our girl" they all congratulated my bluntness and audacity to say such a thing. The night was amazing but I knew we were up for more when we all got back to the hotel that we were staying at.

"There's my band and leading ladies" rami called making all of our heads whip around as he walked into the room with Brian, roger and sarina.

"There's our lead singer" joe shouted running towards rami and hugging him, which I could imagine was a very tight hug, we soon joined the embrace including, Brian, roger and sarina and it was great to be surrounded with my family once again.

"What do you say we all go out together then go back to the hotel" rami asked and we all responded with variations of yes "legends are you coming?" Rami added turning to face Brian, roger and his wife of course

"We're not old enough yet to be declining drinks" roger smiled, you could feel and see how proud him and Brian were of all of us

"For freddie" gwilym spoke up raising his half empty glass of champagne

"For Freddie" we all cheered in unison, raising our glasses to the sky.

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