Playful As A Pussycat Part Two - Brian

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we arrived at Freddie's early the next morning with our little bundle of joy cradled in my arms, close to my chest seeing as we only lived a street or two away from Freddie, the cat box wasn't necessary. Brian and I could hear shuffling from the other side of the door and knew that Freddie was about to open the door when and as if on cue "hello darlings" was cheered from in front of us   

"Freddie" I squealed excitedly pulling him into a light hug making sure not to squash the little kitten in my arms

"come in it's cold" he ushered us inside his warm home quickly, I walked inside the living room to see Mary sitting there wrapped in a blanket, reading

"nice to see you too Fred" I heard Brian tease from behind me 

"Oh stop that shit, I see you everyday Brian" Freddie quickly shut him up jokingly, and began walking back to me and now Mary making conversation 

"let me see the little bubba" Freddie excitedly held out his hands, I pulled Aero away from me and put him gently in his hands. I watched in awe as Aero warmed up to Freddie quickly, he was rubbing his soft face against Freddie's and it was the sweetest thing to watch how happy cats make him. Brian was making conversation with Mary whilst me and Freddie were treating Aero like a newborn. 

"they're crazy honestly" I heard Brian mock us 

"I've put Fred on cat ban so he doesn't get any more" Mary replies, rolling her eyes 

"Oh but I will" Freddie turned around to face them, defending himself "Mary can you be a love and let the other cats in please?" he asked his love and batted his eyelashes for extra convincing, whether it would work or not. Mary leant back against the sofa and only just managed to reach the door handle to open it, soon enough ten cats of different colours, fluffiness and breeds came running through the door eagerly. Aero bounced up and down with his paws stuck out like breadsticks at the sudden burst of cat atmosphere. we all watched as they mingled with each other and got used to each other before they all started going crazy. 

"this is great, look at our children playing nicely" Freddie clapped his hands together happily, I made a weird sound that resembled happiness in some way as a response 

"they're not you're-"  Brian began to protest about our craziness but Mary cut him off

"don't say anything, leave them be," the blonde said in a calm, soothing voice enough to sooth Brian's Woes 

"oh my gosh Fred, we should give them a pamper day," I said, holding onto his arm at the revolutionary idea. Brian facepalmed and let out a deep sigh 

"I'll go put on the kettle" Mary sighed too, realising that the damage was already done

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