Clingy - Brian Part 2

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Roger's POV

I knocked on Y/N's door impatiently, I was standing in the cold for the past five minutes debating wether this was a good idea or not, I had only seen her yesterday for the first time in a while so I hope she didn't find me clingy.

The door opened revealing Mary with her coat on and bag on her shoulder "Oh funny seeing you here Roger, I was just leaving" Mary greeted me kindly, like always. She was beautiful as well but no Y/N.

"I'm just here to speak to y/n" I reply, smiling back

"She's in the living room, just go in she won't mind" Mary said before stepping around me and walking down the front garden path. I stepped into the warm house and shut the large oak door behind me, it was so cozy with all of the decorations and colour schemes. y/N has always had a good eye for design so I didn't really expect anything less.

"Y/N" I call out, of course I already knew she was here thanks to Mary but I didn't want to startle her just In case she was doing something important. I popped my head around the door of the living room and saw y/n sitting on the sofa, wrapped up in a blanket and a cup of tea in her small hands. "Y/n" I repeated with a more quiet voice

"Roger! Hi how are you? Sorry I wasn't expecting anyone" she apologised frantically, getting up and hugging me tightly  after setting her tea down

"Hi, i'm good I just wanted to check in with you, it's fine it was kind of last minute on my behalf I just had to tell you something" I almost apologised

"Don't be silly your company is always welcome whenever now come sit down" y/n ushered me over to where she was just sat. I took a seat next to her and positioned my body so I was looking at her

"No Brian?" I asked curiously

"Um we're taking a break, that's why Mary was round" I listened to Y/n as she struggled to get out the words

"I'm sorry to hear that Y/N" I gave her my sincerest apology, now my news can wait

"No no it's fine, he just wasn't him anymore. Now what was that thing you wanted to tell me?" She asked through the the pain in her voice

"It's too early" I excused

"What do you mean Rog? It's three in the afternoon" the blonde laughed a little bit

"No I mean from what you've just told me it's too early to tell you what I was going to tell you" I explain back, smiling

"Oh come on, you're my best friend" I listened as her smile faltered "tell me" she begged, reaching her hand out to mine

"We've known each other for so long and over all of that time that we've spent with each other I've come to the conclusion that I want to spend the rest of my life with you because I love you, y/n" I lay it all out on the table, no going back now. The secrets out. I watch curiously as y/N's mind thinks for a while, she starts chewing on her bottom lip and furrows her eyebrows in deep thought. "I'm sorry" I apologise

"Don't ever be sorry for something that is mutual" she replied with a massive grin, did I just fucking hear that right. Y/N feels the same way as I do, after all this time. Without even thinking about my actions I grip her face softly and pull her into a kiss.

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