Clingy- Brian

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Roger's P.O.V-

Why did it have to be him. She could have picked anyone to love and it had to be Brian. I know I should be happy for him and all that best friend shit but I can't help but want Y/N all to myself. We were best friends before all of this and now I feel like I hardly know her.

I watched them as she jumped into his arms excitedly, we had just arrived back from the American leg of our tour and so Brian and Y/N haven't seen each other in two or three months.

"Bri baby I missed you so much and your poodle hair" y/n gushed, her gorgeous eyes practically glowing. I watched in jealousy and Brian ran his hands through her silky hair, I should be the one doing that.

"Hi gorgeous, I missed you more, how's the animals?" Brian asked, see if that was me I would be asking about her and how she was doing. The pets could wait if it's y/n.

"Oh yeah the pets are fine, I had the most amazing day yesterday" y/n goes on to say, I just loved how compassionate and excited she could get in times like this

"That's nice love. Look I'm going to go talk to Freddie for a bit, I'll be right back" Brian smiled before leaving her, Y/N's smile disappeared and she looked down at her feet. Damn, that killed me.

"Y/N" I called as I jogged over to her, she looked up at me with puppy dog eyes

"Rog! Hi" her smile instantly picked up again and for some odd reason I could tell it was definitely a genuine smile

"Hey so do you want to talk about that amazing day you said you had yesterday" I asked laughing a bit

"No no it's fine, it doesn't matter. How was tour?" She asked. Bloody hell, could she kill me anymore, I'm so in love with her.

"No it does matter, tour was what it normally was, I want to hear about you" I excused, without knowing we began to walk out of the airport with each other

"If you say so then! Well I had a spa day to myself and I felt really relaxed then I took the dog out for a walk and made another dog friend then after that I made myself a great dinner using one of my new recipes" y/n explained, she was so amazing In so many ways.

"Sounds like you had a very good day to yourself then" I replied, out of the corner of my eye I saw Brian run up to us

"Sorry about that, just had one last thing to do" Brian apologised, I felt like I was on cloud nine until he came up to us

"It's fine I suppose, nothing bad. roger it was really nice seeing and talking to you again but I'm so tired, I just want to sleep" y/n smiled kindly, before taking Brian's arm and wrapping it around hers

"I understand, we'll catch up next week or some time soon. See you two later" I bid them goodbye and watched them turn around and leave together. That should be me and I won't give up on it, I won't give up on her.

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