Song For You - John

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John's P.O.V

There she sat, The love of my life, Y/N Y/L/N, in all her beautiful glory. She was reading her favourite book curled up on the sofa, with the fire on, beside her, the bright glow making her auburn hair look brighter. She was just breathtaking.

I quickly grabbed hold of a pen and a piece of paper from beside me and began to scribble a few lines down, feeling immensely inspired right now.

'You're making me live' I etched onto the page already feeling confident that this would be strong enough. Two words that I would describe Y/N best with.

"What ya doing there hun?" Her sweet, fenland accent spoke, I quickly looked between her and the paper the back at her

"Just some lyrics" I responded "trying to gather some words" I looked back down at the paper, twirling the pen in my hand

"Okay ask me if you need help" She was always so helpful and offering, it made my heart swoon. I quickly added that to the paper with

'You're my sunshine...' that needs something else though,  few other words to make it longer and make sense 'and I want you to know, that my feelings are true, I really love you' I scribbled.

There we go, obviously it still needed more to it, a song couldn't just have a few lyrics but my eyes were getting irritated in this low light and I felt myself slouching further and further into my chair.

I placed the paper on the table next to me and the pen on top of it. My brain couldn't stop working though as I began to hum a little tune that eventually turned into me trying to fit the lyrics into the tune "oooh you make me live" I sing quietly under my breath, noticing that the slight change in words fitted better.

"What was that?" Y/N asked turning her head from her book and up to me as if she didn't catch what I said to her

"Just thinking out loud, not to worry" I smiled back, I was one hundred percent sure that this is what I wanted to write about. Tomorrow I'm going to go into the studio with the boys and telling them all about this, they'll love it.

"Okay crazy boy" Y/N giggled, shaking her head slightly and shifting her attention once more.

I love my best friend to the moon and back.

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