Break Up With Your Girlfriend - Roger

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Request for the lovely and kind @taevirtoryy hope you enjoy my sweet!!

We were all at a High-class party, somewhere me, Mary or the other boys normally didn't fit in but we attended because it was one of my mothers extravagant events so we couldn't really decline. I watched from the sofa surrounded by people as roger danced with his girlfriend, thinking how this isn't fair. Me and him had been running around together and it wasn't right whatsoever but we didn't care.

Before this started, I was practically on my knees for him anyway then one night we just got bored and now we're here. I got up off the sofa and trying to blend in with the rest of the moving crowd, I danced my way over to the two.

"Y/N how come I didn't see you earlier" Roger's girlfriend asked, slowing down her movement as she saw me

"I was just sitting over there watching everyone else" I reply, looking roger up and down almost in a jealous way

"Oh well, your hair looks great by the way" Dominique complimented me

"Thank you" I smiled as fake as possible, I purposely pushed my ponytail away from my chest, showing the loose low cute blouse I was wearing. I could feel Roger's eyes burning into me

"Alright well, y/n do you want to catch up later?" Roger asked, pulling him and Dominique away. I watched as they walked up the steps towards the roof

"Have I been mistaken, do you and her not get along?" John asked, I was surprised when I turned around and saw him standing there.

"No she's nice but-" I began speaking

"Don't get me wrong, she's nice but she can't compare" John raised his hands in defence

"Someone's getting brave tonight, aren't you Deaky?" I smirked at him, laughing slightly

"Don't think I don't see the heart eyes and the hair movements over there" he laughs back, obviously a proud detective

"It's nothing I promise, if I tell you though you can't tell people" I said back, thinking that it wouldn't hurt if he knew

"Oh y/n, I wouldn't dream of it" Deaky laughs and carried on shuffling to the music, whipping out the special dance moves. Hey, we don't call him disco Deaky for no reason

"Me and Roger have been... I don't really know how to explain it" I say waving my hands around

"Sneaking around? Seeing each other? Or my favourite way of putting it, you and roger have been shagging?" Deaky asked, curiously

"Simply that" I replied. I felt him take my hand and pull me away in the direction of the stairs that roger just went up "Deaky what are you doing?" I let out a massive sigh. I've been hiding the fact that I may have feelings for roger with sarcasm and attitude but being near him when I don't have too doesn't help.

"We. Are going upstairs to the roof because I want to spy on roger and you, my dearest friend are going to speak to him and sort this out" Deaky tells me as we reach the rooftop. The atmosphere up there was buzzing but also calm at the same time.

"This isn't a good idea deak." I defend myself as we sit down near the fire that's burning brightly "I don't even know where Freddie or Mary or Brian are" I use that as an excuse that doesn't really make sense

"Don't worry about them, they're coming over by the way" John hits me with that abrupt warning out of nowhere to the point where I don't have time to think about anything

"Y/n, Deaky didn't think you two would be up here. I expected Deaky to be on the dance floor" Dominique laughed whilst roger looked away from all of us

"I have priorities at the moment but there's always time to dance later" John replied, leaning on the palm of his hand

"I think I recall roger saying he wanted to catch up later and if I'm right, it's later" I add, I could feel Deaky smiling at me from the side

"We'll leave you two to talk then, Deaky is it time for that dance" Dominique smiled, taking John away. Once they left, roger sat down next to me and let out a sigh

"God, I just want to be with you" he exclaimed in a frustrated manner

"Excuse me?" I asked, shocked. Where is this coming from?

"I just want to love you and only you, not Her" roger ran his hands through his hair and I have to admit when he gets frustrated it's so fucking hot.

"Slow down Roger, I want this as much as you do but not anymore whilst you're with her" I replied, placing my hands over his. My feelings were all over the place at the moment, I wanted to be with roger but if he wants to take this seriously and not just mess around with me, it needs to be just us.

"You don't understand, For you I would do anything and there is not many people I would say that about" roger carried on explaining his feelings out

"Then do it" I spoke back. Making roger look at me, he started to lean in looking between my eyes and lips. Until he finally kissed me, it was the first time it was with passion and real love.

When I pulled apart from him I couldn't help the massive grin on my face, it was there permanently and was only growing wider. "You are sensational, Roger" I whispered against his lips

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