Giver - Lucy

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THIS IS A GIRL ON GIRL SMUT IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THAT IDEA, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS!! this is inspired by one of Cheryl and Toni's scenes from riverdale❤️ enjoy loves

Lucy and I had been arguing for a few days now, constantly on and off over little things but the main one had been, that started everything off, was that she was spending too much time with the borhap boys. Not that I was jealous, I just felt as if she was wanting to spend more time with them than me, her own girlfriend.

I walked down the stairs of one of me and Lucy's friends 'La Bonne Nuit' a small, Gatsby fashioned bar mixed with a casino.  Once I scanned the darkly lit room, I saw Lucy cleaning one of the tables by herself, we often were allowed to come here after hours to have drinks to ourselves. Her hair was falling in front of her face as she leant over the table, arms stretching as her fingers dug into the towel and her dress hiking up her thighs.

"Hunting me?" Lucy asked, straightening up from her position and stalking over to me slowly, leaving the cleaning towel on the table. Her voice was deeper than usual and her face was more concentrated, she looked so powerful. In our relationship I definitely had the stronger personality, I was brutally honest and made sure to make an impact whereas Lucy was gracefully beautiful and classy, equally making an impact though.

"Colour me shocked" I replied, I could feel my eyebrow arching and my stance loosening as we began to indulge in conversation

"Oh please, you were casing me all day and wanted me to know it" Lucy replied, crossing her arms. When it came to arguments, a more fiery side to Lucy made an appearance and the contrast was fascinating.

"So...what are you going to do about it... cuff me?" I ask, daringly. My attitude was strong and like a blazing fire right now. My eyes flicked once down Lucy's body then back up again to her eyes, I kept eye contact with Lucy even when she started to walk closely to me, stopping inches in front of my face. My red painted lips parted as I sensed Lucy's hand starting to unzip my bodysuit down the middle, whilst she was being menacing she kept her eyes on mine and it was equally returned.

My black bra was revealed slightly through the gap running down my chest, it fitting the vibe of the space around us. I leaned in closer to Lucy quickly and connected our lips roughly, my hand got caught in her short, wavy hair whilst my other hand was being directed into the back of her dress. Whilst the kiss burned brighter my hand wandered up her back and unzipped her dress, letting it loosen around her chest, both of my hands brushed the sleeves from Lucy's shoulders and let the dress completely fall to the floor.

I pulled a way from the kiss momentarily to look at the deep, clouded look in her eyes for assurance to carry one. Once the look was translated, I quickly backed us up against one of the tables situated in the middle of the room and let Lucy take some control. Lucy reconnected our lips without a second thought and roamed her hands up to my chest, sliding my jacket off my shoulders, I broke apart to look at my jacket thrown on the floor but it was a short lived glance at that, Lucy had already cradled the back of my neck, bringing my lips back to hers.

By this point we were both in a shirtless, lipstick smudged and hair tangled with each other's state and there was no going back. I slowly eased Lucy's back down onto the clothed table behind us, knocking  the centre decoration onto the floor in the midst of the transition. We shared heated glances, both of our eyes on fire as I stood over her, my fingers fiddling with the lace on her underwear. I looked back up to see Lucy biting her lip in anticipation, I leaned forward and from the bottom of her bra I started trailing kisses down her stomach, when I got to the tampered with underwear I let my warm breath hover over Lucy's core before acting on impact. Taking my sweet time.

I pulled the white lace down Lucy's long legs and ran my hands slowly in between her thighs, agonisingly teasing her. I spread Lucy's legs abruptly and used one of my hands to move my hair out of the way before I fanned my warm breath over Lucy's pussy. Soon enough My tongue danced circles around her clit and up and down her slick folds, earning sweet sweet moans and lust filled sighs. Lucy's hand tangled in my hair and pushed me further onto her, if it was possible.

I leant down more and let my tongue fall into her entrance, I could sense Lucy arching her back in a euphoric state and knew she was going to cum soon if I kept this up. I flicked my tongue up and down, working my magic that I knew always worked from the first day I met Lucy

"Y/N" Lucy moaned, I could feel her hand slip to the side of my face then crawl up to my shoulders momentarily then come back down to my cheek "Y/N" Lucy moaned again but louder, I could taste her on my tongue as she came. She tasted so sweet and always has.

After licking all the way from Lucy's entrance up to her clit, taking her all in I leaned back up to come face to face with a smirking Lucy "feeling good babe?" I asked, menacingly

"Come find out" Lucy muttered as she sat up from her laying position on the table, her right hand pulled me in closer between her legs then travelling down to my underwear, her left hand following shortly after. My breath came out in shudders as I kneeled on the table so that my legs were spread and around her waist slightly. I felt Lucy's hand yank down the red lace around my hips down to my knees then move both hands down my stomach, tickling my skin majorly. "Are you ready?" Lucy asked, voice deep and mischievous

"Yes" I replied shortly but breathless, she had barely done anything yet and I was already out of control. I felt Lucy's fingers move up and down, in between my folds collecting my wetness before dipping into me slowly, I felt my chest rise and fall quickly as my body hunched over and relied on Lucy for support. My nails dig into her shoulders ever so slightly and my hair that had fallen in front of my face tickle her neck earning a small giggle.

I could feel Lucy's fingers curl inside me then begin to move at a quick pace, the gasps and moans that fell from my mouth where explicit and dirty and to the point. The heat around us begin to build more and more and I could feel the sweat collecting in small drops on my forehead. The way Lucy moved meant that it didn't take long for my High to build, the same way she had moaned my name moments ago left my mouth but this time it was her name on my tongue. I felt myself come undone on top of her, my mouth dry and body aching already, I dropped down slightly so that I was positioned on Lucy's lap, I felt the loss of her fingers inside of me as they appeared in front of her pink lips, I watched with my lips smeared and parted as she licked her fingers in a gun pose "that was hot" I uttered to myself, riled up again already.

"This is not over yet" Lucy replied, kissing my neck.

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