Weirdo - Roger

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@maximate_8 enjoy your request, I hope it's what you wanted!

I stood at the side of the stage with a cigarette hanging loose from my lip, I was waiting for Freddie to come off stage but at the moment they were performing there set.

I was looking anywhere else but Roger, I never liked him and he never liked me, I suppose we were too similar to each other or so everyone else has told me. I believed in being brutally honest with people even if it does hurt them, they'll get over it anyway and I also believe in being your own authentic self. Don't get me wrong, that's what roger believes in too but we have different views of what that means and they don't come eye to eye...

-after performance-

The boy's set finished in a short amount of time and roger is the first one to walk off stage with his drumsticks in his hands. "Not you" roger groans, rolling his eyes

"I'm not here for you but I can be if you want" I sarcastically retort, emotionally and mentally there was no attraction to him but physically I wouldn't mind being one of Roger's groupies and I didn't care if he knew "you wouldn't have to go to clinic every other week then" I added

"Can you not be an ass for one fucking second of your pathetic life?" Roger yells, slamming his drumsticks down onto the table beside us

"Darlings both of you have been going on like this since the day you met, give it a rest, it's getting boring" Freddie interrupts quickly, walking off stage and towards us

"Do you hear half the stuff she says to me, one minute she wants to be in my bed and the next she wants me dead" roger exclaims

"Hey! Dead is a strong word and you didn't specify wether I would get to do the murdering" I play along, to me none of this mattered, I did it because it annoyed Roger and always has

"You know what Y/N, come deal with this outside. Not in front of the boys, I'm putting an end to this now" roger turned to me and yelled. I strolled along after him until we were both outside or more specifically, around the back of the building.

"What is your problem, I'm messing with you" I laugh but apparently none of this is funny to him.

"My problem? Don't fucking act dumb it doesn't look good on you" roger says, backing me up against the wall. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I then retort with...

"Well than Mr Taylor, what does look good on me?" I ask, smirking and biting my lip. He rolls his eyes but then gains the focus back on me, his blue eyes darken and his jaw tenses up

"I'll show you but you're going to have to keep that mouth of yours quiet" roger teased, pinning my arms above my head and against the cold brickwork.

"And what if don't want to keep it shut?" I ask, leaning my head on one of my arms.

"I have some ways in my mind that I could shut you up" roger whispers as he kisses my neck

"Oi Roger" Brian shouts, leaning out from the door "don't get too ahead of yourself, yeah?" He asks rhetorically

"How about you come back to mine?" I asked, pressing my body against Roger's

"Are you parents home?" He asks, smirking

"Yes" I reply, dragging out the word

"Even better" roger laughs to himself. That kinky shit. How did we end up here?

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