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Yami's POV

I watched Jonouchi as I stood next to my partner Yugi. 《You have feelings for Jonouchi don't you》 Yugi said through our mind link. *is it obvious?* 《well ya, why don't you tell him how you feel》 *how do I tell someone that I like them* we were both startled as Jonouchi waved his hand in front of my partner's face "Yug, earth to Yugi" Jonouchi said. Yugi looked up at Jonouchi and then smirked *don't even think about it Yugi!* too late, he swapped with me "real mature Yugi" I yelled to the spirit standing next to me. Anzu looked over after hearing the commotion "did Yugi just force you to swap places?" Anzu asked. "Yes, he can be really childish at times" I replied. 《I resent that》 *it's true* 《is not》 *is to* 《is not!》 *Is To!* 《IS Not!》 *IS TO!* 《IS NOT!》 *IS NOT* 《IS TO, hey! Not fair》 I just burst out laughing. "What's so funny" Honda asked. "Yugi was arguing that he wasn't childish and I tricked into saying he was" I replied. 《Now's your chance to tell Jonouchi how you feel》 *I'm too nervous* 《just take a deep breath and release your feelings》 *ok, I'll try* I took a deep breath "Jonouchi, there's something I need to tell you but not here" I said. "Um ok, let's head up to the roof" he suggested leading me to the roof. "Ok, what did you want to tell me?" 《You can do this, I know you can. We could always switch back and I could tell him》 *no! I can do this* "I uh, I wanted to tell you that I... um I like you!" I practically screamed. I peeked over to Jonouchi worried that he would just laugh at me or reject me. "I... like you too, I was afraid you didn't feel the same way" Jonouchi replied. 《Told you it would work out》 *ya, thanks Yugi* 《it's what friends do》 "is Yugi okay with all this?" Jonouchi asked. *aww, he's worried that he'll make you uncomfortable* 《...》 "ya, he's actually the one who encouraged me to admit my feelings to you" I responded. "Ok, as long as I don't make him feel uncomfortable. I mean you both share the same body, it's something that will take time to get used to" Jonouchi replied. *Yugi? Is something bothering you?* 《...》 "Yugi won't respond to me" I said concerned. "It could be because of the fact that Yugi likes Anzu, two relationships would be extremely difficult to maintain" Jonouchi said. "I want Yugi to be happy too but two relationships would put too much stress on us, Yugi would just end up being hurt" I responded. *Yugi, please say something* 《...》 "I'm sure Yugi will be alright, he just needs time to accept it" Jonouchi replied. "Ya, you're probably right. I'll see you tomorrow" I said waving goodbye to him.

[The next morning]

Yugi still wouldn't respond to me, I didn't know what else to do. "Yami? Usually Yugi's the one in control" Anzu asked. "Yugi's been unresponsive since yesterday, I'm getting worried" I responded concerned. *Yugi, little one please say something* 《...》 "still nothing" I whined. I headed into class walking over to Jonouchi "hey Yami, how's Yugi" Jonouchi asked. "He still won't respond" I whimpered. I looked to my right and could see Yugi standing there completely out of it. I whined *Yugi!? Please answer me, I'm going to have a panic attack if you don't* he turned towards me, he was crying 《I'm sorry for worrying you Yami》 *What's wrong aibou?* 《can you please tell Anzu how I feel》 *sure* "Anzu" I said grabbing her attention. "Ya Yami?" She asked. "Yugi wanted me to tell you something" I responded. "What?" She questioned. "He wanted me to tell you that he likes you, romantically" I replied. "Why couldn't he tell me directly?" Anzu asked. "Because it's not possible for him to pursue a relationship with anyone" I responded. "Why?" She asked. "How can I put this that won't sound weird, I'm dating Jonouchi, two relationships would put too much stress on us, it's not safe for my little hikari" I responded. "What!?" She shouted.

[2 days later]

It's only been two days since I started dating Jonouchi and Yugi is only getting worse, not being in control of his body was putting strain on his spirit but I was having lunch with Jonouchi, I couldn't just flake on him 《Yami, it's really starting to hurt, you've been in control for two days》 *I know but I'm with Jonouchi right now, I can't just swap with you* I must admit I have been a little aggresive towards Yugi but I'm enjoying my time with Jonouchi. 《Yami, please. The longer you have control the weaker I become》 I just ignored him "so what do you want to order?" Jonouchi asked. 《YAMI!》 I winced at Yugi's loud screaming. "Are you alright Yami?" Jonouchi asked concerned. I could feel Yugi's spirit begin to fade. Jonouchi tensed as he knew something was wrong with Yugi. "Yami, why is Yugi's spirit fading?" Jonouchi asked panicked. I was distracted long enough for Yugi to take over. "Yugi?!" Jonouchi screamed. I felt guilty, realizing the damage I caused *I'm sorry aibou, I should have never done that to you* 《it's alright Yami, just never do that again》 *I promise I won't risk your safety for my own selfish reasons ever again* 《your forbidden from taking control for the next week, I need time to fully recover》 *ok little one, can you let Jonouchi know so he won't think I bailed on him* 《sure》 "Jonouchi, Yami won't be allowed to take over for a week because of the stunt he pulled. Keeping control over me weakened my spirit severely, I'll need time to recover" Yugi replied. "I hope he doesn't do that again, you need to respect Yugi, Yami" Jonouchi growled. Yugi headed home, *I'm really sorry aibou* 《I said it was ok Yami》 *good night partner* 《good night Yami》

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