The Dragon Sorcerer

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[^n^ = Jonouchi's temporary mind link]

Yugi's POV

Every since the 'being turned into cats' incident, I've been very wary of psychics and Sorcerers. So you can tell I was very uneasy when a different psychic showed up at our school. *another one?* 《ugh, why?》 The psychic suddenly halted in front of me "no need to fear Yugi, I'm the real deal, I hate those that use cheap tricks. By the way my name is Warren" Warren said. "Uh, how did you know my name?" I asked. "I told you, I'm the real deal" he replied. "Prove it" Jonouchi said. "Ok Jonouchi" he said before turning his attention back to me "you have a Yami who's very overprotective of you, your most common nickname is the little lion cub, you have a crush on Seto Kaiba, you hate fighting and violence, and you're afraid I'll do something to you" Warren said. "Uh, ok there's no way a trick could give you all that information. I guess really are psychic" I replied. He smiled "also, yes I am a sorcerer but I won't hurt you little cub" Angel said. *he has a very trustworthy and friendly aura around him, he's telling the truth* 《I can't help but trust him, he's so friendly》 "I'm glad you think that Yugi" Angel replied. "You're reading my mind, that's how you got that information" I said actually impressed. *wait, can he only read your  mind?* "no, I can hear you too Yami" he replied. "There is something I want from you Yugi" he started. "Ya?" I questioned. "I need to test a spell but can't find anyone who wants to help me, I was wondering if I could use you. I promise I won't turn you into a cat?" He asked. "Sure" I replied. "Thank you" he said before chanting something, I felt an odd sensation spread through my body. My size increased and my form shifted. "Oh that's awesome, me next" I heard Jonouchi shout excited. Warren smiled before holding up a mirror for me, "I'm a dragon!" I said happily. "You're actually still very small for a dragon" Warren said. "This is very small?" I asked before realizing that my friends were dragons and easily nearly reached the ceiling, I barely reached the height of the lockers. I cautiously unfolded my wings before bolting out the door and flying upwards. "Yugi!" Anzu roared flying after me followed by Jonouchi and Honda. I twirled happily in the air, *want to impress our friends?* 《sure, how?》 *we swap in midair* 《sounds dangerous but fun》 I said before folding my wings as the millennium puzzle began to glow before Yami switched with me. "Yugi!?" Anzu shouted. "What?" Yami replied, Yami was larger than everyone. "Yami?" Jonouchi questioned. "That was fun!" Yami laughed. "Let's do it again!" Yami said to me. 《Ok》 this time Yami folded his wings as the puzzle glowed before I retook control. "Hahaha! That was awesome!" I shouted happily. *it's so exhilarating, the adrenaline pumping, I've never felt so free!* I folded my wings and dived down towards the ground, spreading my wings at the last second and soaring back up. "I don't know why I enjoy this so much! The feeling of adrenaline pumping through my vains as I risk everything is just so exhilarating! I've never felt so alive!" I shouted flying around my friends, who looked like they were going to have a heart attack from my daredevil stunts. I flew back down and landed on the ground flawlessly. "Jeez Yuge, are you trying to give us a panic attack!" Jonouchi growled annoyed. "Oh come on, it's not everyday you get to fly. I just loved the adrenaline." I replied innocently. Anzu nudged me "well if you really were in any danger than Yami wouldn't allow you to do that" she replied. I smiled "that's true but seeing as Yami had encouraged and participated means I was never in any danger" I said. "Then that's all that matters" Anzu replied as she lay down next to me "if you don't mind Yugi can you switch with Yami please?" She asked sweetly. *I think she has something planned for me, you might just want to stay in your soul room. I don't think it's a good idea for you to watch, just trust me* 《...O.O》 "s-s-sure" I replied before switching with Yami. 《I'm going to take a nap. Bye》

Yami's POV

Yugi swapped with me "what is it you wanted?" I asked. "I wanted you" Anzu replied. "Oh" I purred. "But I don't want to scar my little lion cub" she said worried. "No worries, my little hikari is peacefully sleeping" I replied. "Oh well in that case, follow me" Anzu said before heading to the empty warehouse nearby. I handed the millennium puzzle to Jonouchi "Yugi's soul is within the puzzle, as long as I'm not wearing it Yugi can't see anything I see" I explained before leaving my precious hikari with Jonouchi "I'm trusting you not to lose that puzzle, if you do then I lose Yugi's soul, at least until we get the puzzle back. So don't lose it!" I growled before heading towards Anzu.

Jonouchi's POV

Yami shoved the puzzle into my talons and threatened me if I were to lose it. "Ok then" I replied as the large black dragon followed after Anzu but stopped and looked at me "if you put the puzzle around your neck you will be able to see and hear Yugi's soul" he said before leaving. I placed the millennium puzzle around my neck 《Jonouchi?》 ^hi Yugi^ 《did Yami just leave me behind?》 He sounded upset ^yes^ 《oh, ok》 ^it's okay Yuge, he's only trying to protect your innocent until it's time^ 《?》 ^your still so innocent and naive but that's what I like about you. Don't lose that too soon^ 《ok》 ^so do you have a crush on anyone?^ 《I...》 ^it's okay you can tell me, I promise it will just be between us^ 《uh...I have a little bit of a crush promise you won't laugh?》 ^yes, I promise I won't laugh^ 《ok. It's...》 ^stop holding back^ 《(laughing) sorry, I can't help it.  It's...Seto》 ^(giggling)^ 《hey! You promised you wouldn't laugh!》 ^I'm sorry Yuge^ there was no response. ^Yugi?^ still no response. "Shit, Yami's going to kill me!" I shouted. "What, why?" Honda questioned. "I upset Yugi and now he refuses to speak to me. Yami's going to notice his hikari is upset" I replied. "Try talking to Yugi again" Honda said. ^Yugi!? Please answer, I'm really sorry^ I still got no response. I panicked as I saw Yami and Anzu returning. ^please Yugi?^ "What's wrong Jonouchi, you look worried?" Anzu questioned. "Nothing's wrong" I replied. "Can I have the millennium puzzle back?" Yami asked. "Uh can't I hold on to it for a while longer?" I asked. Yami growled "I want my little hikari back now!" He commanded. I had no choice "ok, here" I said handing him the puzzle. "Thank you" he replied placing the puzzle around his neck. 'I'm doomed' I thought.

Yami's POV

I headed back to my friends, eager to return to my hikari. I looked up, Jonouchi looked worried "What's wrong Jonouchi, you look worried "Anzu questioned. "Nothing's wrong" Jonouchi replied. "Can I have the millennium puzzle back?" I asked. "Uh, can't I hold on to it for a while longer?" Jonouchi asked. I growled "I want my little hikari back now!" I commanded. He looked guilty before taking off the millennium puzzle "ok, here" Jonouchi said handing me the puzzle. "Thank you" I replied placing the puzzle around my neck. *Yugi?* no response but I could feel his emotions, he was upset. "Jonouchi?! Why is Yugi upset?" I growled. "Uh, I had asked him if he had a crush on anyone, he asked me to promise not to laugh at his answer but I ended up laughing" Jonouchi answered. *Yugi, it's me Yami. Please answer me* 《hi Yami, I'm glad you're back》 *I'm glad to be back with you little one. I missed you too much* 《(purring) I missed you too》 *hehe, you're so adorable* 《aww, you're so sweet》 I turned my attention to Jonouchi "you're lucky, Yugi is talking to me and is happy. So I won't bother being angry with you" I said before spreading my wings and taking to the skies. *hehe, I love feeling so free* I said flying to the game shop. *dang it, I'm too large to fit into the game shop. Even switching back, you would still be too large* 《let's just sleep on the roof or we can ask Warren to change us back》 *well seeing as you have school in the morning, it would be best if he changed us back* "Warren?" I called out. "Yes, I'll change you back" Warren replied popping out of nowhere "jeez, have you been following us this entire time?" I asked. "Yes" he replied before changing us back to normal. "Good night you two" he said as he disappeared into the shadows. *ok, that was a little creepy* 《ya》 I switched back with Yugi as we went to sleep.

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