The Little Prince

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Yami's POV

I watched as my little hikari played tag with his friends. I absolutely adore my little partner, I would be devastated if anything ever happened to him. The little kitten was barely bigger than my large fluffy tail. He maybe much smaller than everyone but he has a big heart and kind eyes, if you were to gaze into his glittering amethyst eyes you would see the kindness, compassion and innocence of a young boy. He still holds his childish innocence, that's what makes him so lovable. We were currently at the beach being taken care of by Roxy. I giggled as Yugi tripped on his own paws, fell face first into the sand, got back up and continued playing as if he didn't just face plant into the sand. He snuck up on Jonouchi "tag! You're it!" He giggled before running away. I looked up as Baku joined me, watching his little hikari run around. "They're so cute and innocent, I can't imagine life without Bakura" Baku said. I was surprised when Malik sat on my other side "you're too attached to your hikaris, I do care about Marik but in order for them to spread their wings and learn how to survive you need to shove them out of the nest" Malik said. I whacked him with my tail "you say that now but when someone tries to hurt him you're right there to protect him" I replied. I jolted up as a large dog chased the hikaris, Malik didn't hesitate as the dog grabbed Marik by his tail. Malik tackled the dog, claws unsheathed and teeth bared. It took Roxy, the dog's owner and Marik to get Malik to release the dog's face. Malik picked up his hikari by the scruff and carried him back to us. He began to groom Marik, worried that he had been hurt. Yugi walked over, climbed onto my back and tried to groom me, starting with my ears. I was much larger, he was unable to groom me completely. He only groomed my head before he exhausted himself and fell asleep beside me. Bakura cuddled with Yugi and was soon asleep too. "Bakura likes to cuddle with others" Baku said lovingly. I purred "he's become very attached to Yugi, just how like I'm attached to you. You're my best friend and Bakura is Yugi's best friend" I replied, adoring their relationship. I felt Baku cuddle closer to me "none of us remember our past but your hikari says he has dreams about his past life every now and again, I wonder if he knows more than he tells us. Like what we were like when we were still alive" Baku said sadly. "I don't know about you Baku but I know somethings about Priest Seto, Sir Mokuba and Yami" Yugi replied sleepily. "Yes but you won't tell me anything about my past" I responded. "One day I will aibou, I promise" he replied sweetly. Yugi is the type of person who never breaks a promise "ok Yugi, I trust you" I purred happily. He smiled "I know you do and I trust you too, I still have much to learn about my past before I can reveal anything" he yawned cutely. "Ok good night aibou" I replied before falling asleep.

Yugi's POV

I looked around and realized that Yami was the one in control of my body. I tilted my head in confusion as he was in the middle of a duel and was losing. Yami was becoming desperate, he held a card that frightened me. "I have no choice but to play this card!" He growled, I grabbed his arm "please mou hitori no boku, don't do this" I pleaded. "I must Yugi, we're going to lose if I don't" he growled before yanking his hand away "I play the Seal of Orichalcos!" Yami shouted, I screamed in pain as the dark energy engulfed me. This part was very familiar, I cried knowing what was about to happen. Yami had my Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl on the field. He summoned my pad launcher turtle and cruelly sacrificed my Dark Magician Girl. I was watching the duel happen from above. I watched as the pharaoh lost the duel and the seal prepared to take his soul but I broke the seal from my point and shoved Yami out, taking his place instead. "Yugi, what are you doing?!" Yami shouted concerned. "The seal only needs one of us, I sacrifice myself" I replied before vanishing. I jolted awake terrified, frantically searching for my yami. *aibou? Did you have a nightmare?* I whimpered 《yes, I've had this nightmare before but it didn't make it less terrifying》 <it's only a dream, it didn't come true then and it won't come true now> +ya, it's ok+ /we're here for you little prince, if you need someone to talk to please don't hesitate to come to one of us/ I purred happily 《thanks, I feel much better》 *our pleasure aibou* I yawned before curling up and going back to sleep. I stared confused and shocked "I'm scared Atem" I whimpered. He gently picked me up "I'll always protect you aibou, I promise you that" he replied. "My pharaoh, you have some matters to attend to. There is some problems in the village" Priest Seto reported. Atem gently placed me down "there's a celebration of the beginning of the new year in the courtyard if you would like to go" he said before heading to the village. I wondered down to the courtyard happily. I looked up as Bakura walked over "hello little prince, are you enjoying the celebration?" He asked sweetly. I nodded "yes, it's fun" I purred before he had to go somewhere else. Someone else walked up to me and offered me some juice "here, you don't want to get dehydrated little prince" he said handing me the cup. "Thank you" I replied before drinking some of the juice. My body began to become numb and it became hard to breathe "you tricked me!" I gasped before collapsing to the ground "Atem?!" I squeaked before the world turned dark. I once again jolted awake coughing and struggling to breathe properly. *Yugi?!* 《another memory from my past life》 <any chance you'll tell us about it?> 《it's how I died》 *oh* <that's a terrible thing to have to relive> 《you broke your promise Yami》 *what?* 《you promised you would always be there to protect me but in my final moments I was alone》 *I'm sorry aibou, your not upset are you?* 《no, you had other responsibilities to attend to, you didn't purposely abandon me》 *can you tell me what my name is?* 《I'll tell you when my mind isn't so fuzzy, I'm too tired to think straight》 *this is the second time within an hour that you were jolted awake* I yawned before curling up and going back to sleep once more.

[To be continued]
[Yugi's POV, full past life memories]

I wondered down the hallway of an unfamiliar place, yet it was familiar at the same time. I looked up as the wind blew my hood down. The guards shouted and I felt frightened. I was roughly yanked from my spot and arrested. I was dragged to the palace for the judgment of the pharaoh. "My pharaoh, this child has committed a crime against the God written law" one of the guards said. "The law states that anyone who has a resemblance to the pharaoh will be sentenced to death" another guard said. I shivered in fear as the pharaoh approached us. I expected pain but instead he gently rubbed my cheek. "There must be a way he can live" the pharaoh replied. "There is one way, to make him your temple" the guard responded. "Then so be it, release him!" The pharaoh commanded. He led me to his throne room "what is your name little one?" He asked kindly. I shivered "Heba" I replied shyly. "From now on you will be known as Prince Heba, ok little one?" Atem asked. "Ok" I replied nervously. "Priest Seto!" He called. "Yes my pharaoh?" Seto questioned. "Take prince Heba and make him presentable" Atem commanded. Seto smiled down at me "come with me little prince, I'll give you some warmer clothes and prepare a bath for you" he replied sweetly. I followed him down the hallway and into a room. He led me to the bathroom and turned the water to the perfect temperature. "I'll get some comfortable clothes for you when you finish in the bath" he said before leaving the room. I stepped into the bath and purred happily. I looked up as Priest Seto returned with some clothes and placed them on the bed. I looked around as Priest Seto picked me up after I was dressed in my new clothes and carried me back into the throne room where Pharaoh Atem was waiting. "Did you enjoy your bath Heba?" He asked gently taking me from Seto. "Yes, thank you" I purred happily. Atem smiled "I'm glad little one" he replied. I nuzzled closer to him before yawning. "Tired little one?" Atem asked. I nodded sleepily before he carried me back into his room. I was placed in the bed, I curled up next to Atem "good night my little light" he said. [2 years later] I woke up the next morning as light flooded through the window. I stretched out like a cat, shaking the sleep from me. "Good morning little one" Atem said sweetly. "Good morning aibou" I purred more confident than I was two years ago. "Aibou, I like the sound of that" he purred playfully. I smiled at Atem "then I'll keep calling you my aibou" I purred. "Ok little one, do you want some breakfast?" Atem asked. "I would love some" I replied yawning. "Sir Mokuba!" He called. A person slightly taller than me walked in "yes my pharaoh?" He questioned shyly. "Please bring prince Heba some breakfast" he replied politely. "Right away my pharaoh" the young man said before disappearing. "My king, you are needed in the throne room. Bakura and Seto are fighting again" someone said. "Ok. I'll be right back Heba" he said before heading into the throne room. I looked up as someone walked into the room, I didn't recognize them and I had been here for two years now. "Uh, hello?" I questioned shyly. They growled, I cowered back frightened. He pulled out a knife and pounced on me "HELP! ATEM!" I cried terrified. Priest Seto slid into the room and yanked the man off me, Bakura grabbed the man by his neck "how dare you threaten our prince!" He growled before leaving the man to the mercy of Atem. "It's against the law to touch the temple unless you're a pharaoh or a God! The punishment is death!" Atem said. "Wait!" I shouted shocked. "Please spare him" I pleaded. "Why?" Priest Seto questioned. "We don't have the right to decide whether someone lives or dies!" I cried. The man stared at me shocked "such a pure soul, a rare thing in this world" he said. I walked over to him "I believe you are good deep down but you only choose to show your wickedness, I sence great suffering from you" I replied. "Great danger lies ahead for you little one, your life will come to an end" he replied before vanishing into thin air. I stared confused and shocked "I'm scared Atem" I whimpered. He gently picked me up "I'll always protect you aibou, I promise you that" he replied. "My pharaoh, you have some matters to attend to. There is some problems in the village" Priest Seto reported. Atem gently placed me down "there's a celebration of the beginning of the new year in the courtyard if you would like to go" he said before heading to the village. I wondered down to the courtyard happily. I looked up as Bakura walked over "hello little prince, are you enjoying the celebration?" He asked sweetly. I nodded "yes, it's fun" I purred before he had to go somewhere else. Someone else walked up to me and offered me some juice "here, you don't want to get dehydrated little prince" he said handing me the cup. "Thank you" I replied before drinking some of the juice. My body began to become numb and it became hard to breathe "you tricked me!" I gasped before collapsing to the ground "Atem?!" I squeaked before the world turned dark.

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