The Injured Lion Cub pt1

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Yugi's POV

It was a peaceful morning at Domino High school. The annual competition against every school in the country was beginning today, Anzu, Jonouchi, Honda and I were building a fun house this year. Yami stood guard as my back was turned to everyone else at the competition. We had to be extremely cautious, people from other schools would try to destroy their competitors creations. *a group of people are approaching and they don't look friendly* I cautiously looked towards the people, they were from our school's most viscous competitor. 《This is bad! They're vicious when it comes to competitions》 *we should warn the others* I subtly walked over to Anzu "it's the aggressive students from Copper High School" I whispered. Anzu froze, she knew what they did to Dragon High School's creation last year and now we were their target this year. If they destroy our hard work, we won't be able to participate this year. The competition is tomorrow and we've been working on this project for 2 weeks now, we wouldn't have time to repair it. "Well, well, if it isn't Domino High School's little runt" Jason, the leader of the pack, said. I heard Anzu growl "leave Yugi alone you jerk!" Anzu snapped. "Destroy their work, boys!" Jason barked at his followers. They picked up a giant metal plate before slamming it into our fun house, damaging part of our project. I couldn't allow this to happen "Stop It, everyone worked hard on this!" I screamed jumping in front to try to stop them. They didn't stop, I felt the plate slam into me sending me flying "argh!" I felt pain as my head slammed into the wall beside our fun house before I blacked out.

Anzu's POV

I watched horrified as Yugi jumped in front of the group charging our project with a metal plate trying to stop them, they just slammed the plate into my little cub and sent him flying into the wall "YUGI!" I screamed running over to him. "Yugi, are you ok?" I asked gently pulling my cub over to me, he was unconscious. The group just laughed before walking away. 'Yugi tried to save our creation, he has a heart of gold. He risked his own safety just so we could still compete this year' I thought "thank you" I whispered to my little lion cub. I carefully picked up Yugi and carried him to the infirmary. I walked past Jonouchi and Honda "is he ok Anzu?" Jonouchi asked concerned. I smiled sadly at him "I don't know, he was hit pretty hard" I replied as I walked to the infirmary. I was very surprised to see Dr. Wolf "Roxy? What are you doing here?" I asked curious. "Master Kaiba was expecting you, Mokaba told Seto what he overheard the students from Copper high school say. Kaiba was worried that something would happen to Yugi" Roxy replied. Seto stepped out "everyone knows that Yugi has a heart of gold and would do anything for his friends, I was concerned about him when Mokaba called and told me about the Copper High School delinquents saying they were going to target our school this year" Kaiba said. "You left your work for Yugi?" I asked. "Yes, your little kitten has a way of effecting everyone he meets. I honestly don't understand how anyone could even think about hurting little Yugi" Kaiba replied. "Wow, Yugi really has changed you" Jonouchi said. "I just said that puppy" Seto replied. "Quit calling me a puppy!" Jonouchi growled. There was something different about the way Kaiba said puppy, it was more like the way I call Yugi my little lion cub. 'Wait, that's it, he said it in a more loving way than a teasing' I thought. Movement caught my attention "What's going on?" Yugi asked cutely. "Kaiba has feelings for Jonouchi" I whispered to Yugi.

Yugi's POV

I awoke to shouting 《where am I?》 *the infirmary little one* 《ow everything hurts》*you were hit by a giant metal plate and sent flying 20 feet into a wall. Pain is to be expected* 《oh ya, was our project ok?》 *yes, thanks to you little one the group got into major trouble with the police. They were charged with assault, vandalism and endangering the life of a minor. You're a hero aibou* 《I was afraid my sacrifice would be in vain, I'm glad they were caught and punished for what they did》 *I know there is no way I can convince you not to risk your safety for others, so I will only say as long as you stay true to who you are things will be ok* 《I would do anything to protect my friends and those whom can't defend themselves》 *you're the light that shines the brightest through the darkness of this world and I hope that never changes little one* 《while you might be my dark, you're the reason for my happiness. Without you, Jonouchi and Honda wouldn't be my friends, so thank you》 *you're to kind for your own good aibou* I looked up《that reminds me》 "What's going on?" I asked Anzu. "Kaiba has feelings for Jonouchi" Anzu whispered. 《Oh, I'm happy Kaiba found someone he loves》 *I think Jonouchi needs a little nudge in the right direction though* I smirked before climbing out of bed and walking behind Jonouchi. Anzu looked confused until she noticed my smirk, I shoved against Jonouchi causing him to bump into Kaiba and 'accidentally' kiss him. *you sly little weasel, I didn't expect that from you* 《sometimes all anyone needs is a little push to achieve happiness》 *dear ra they're now being passionate about this* 《I feel uncomfortable now》 "Anzu, can you please take me home?" I asked trying to look away for Jonouchi and Kaiba. She tore her gaze away from the two boys and turned to me "ya, let's go before they do something more" Anzu replied quickly picking me up and walking out of the room and towards my house. "I didn't expect my little nudge would have such a major effect" I said. *hehe maybe you and Anzu need a little nudge too* I blushed 《Yami!》 *what? Hehe* 《(huffs)》 *nows the your perfect chance, just lean up and kiss Anzu. You're in the perfect position, she's carrying you so your small size won't hinder you* I huffed trying to work up the courage. 《I can't, what if I hurt our friendship, what if she rejects me? Kissing her might be too much》 *ok, please calm down. You're going to give yourself a panic attack aibou. How about you just kiss her cheek, if she doesn't like you that way then she might just think you were being nice* 《that could work》 I took a deep breath before leaning up and kissing Anzu on her cheek. She froze, halting her walk to my house 《uh, that's not the response I was expecting》 *that's a response I would expect if you kissed her lips or admitted your feelings to her* "little cub?" Anzu questioned. I turned my attention to her "yes?" I asked nervously. She seemed to hesitate with her question "what was that for?" Anzu asked. 《What do I do?》 *don't panic, I don't know. Just purr, she will be distracted by your cuteness and forget about the kiss* I purred happily. She smiled before doing something unexpected. Anzu lifted my head so that I was mere inches away from her face and kissed me. *oh* I kissed back purring. "You're too adorable for your own good cub" Anzu replied. *well things went better than I anticipated* "I love you little cub" Anzu said carrying me into the game shop. "Good afternoon Mr. Motou, I brought Yugi home early because he was injured by students from Copper High School" Anzu told my grandpa. I yawned realizing how tired I was, I only meant to close my eyes for a second but I couldn't stay awake. Anzu must have noticed "are you tired little cub?" She asked sweetly. I nodded as exhaustion claimed what little strength I had left. *little one? Your spirit is weak, are you feeling alright?* 《no》 *What's wrong, I can hardly understand your thoughts* 《it's hard to think straight, my head is throbbing and my abdomen aches》 *the pain medicine has worn off and now your pain is returning full force* 《...》 *aibou?* 《...hurts ...too...much》the world faded into darkness.

Anzu's POV

I felt Yugi tense in my arms before he went limp. "Yugi?" I asked concerned. No response, I checked his pulse 'it's weak and getting weaker' I thought panicked. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Roxy.

Roxy's POV

I was talking with Master Kaiba when I received a text from Anzu. "Who's texting you Roxy?" Seto asked me. "It's Anzu" I said looking at what she texted, immediately I froze.

Anzu: I need your help now!

"What's wrong Roxy?" Seto asked concerned. "I don't know but Anzu seems panicked" I replied.

Roxy: what?! What's wrong?

I didn't have to wait long before she texted again.

Anzu: Yugi's pulse is weak and getting weaker!

My ears folded back in terror.

Roxy: hold on, I'll be right there

I replied before quickly jumping, turning into my fox form and running out the door with Seto tailing after in his limousine. I quickly ran to the game shop as fast as my paws could carry me. I didn't bother using the door, I leapt off the ground and onto the lower roof before leaping through Yugi's bedroom window accidentally startling Anzu. I didn't bother waiting for Kaiba to catch up to me as I carefully tossed Yugi onto my back, making sure he was secured before leaping out the window and running back to Kaiba's mansion and bursting through the door before quickly making my way down the purple hallway to the medbay. I quickly set everything up as I placed Yugi in the bed.

[Ten minutes later]

I managed to get Yugi's heart rate back to normal just as Kaiba and Anzu walked in. "Jeez, you run faster than a cheetah Roxy" Kaiba said. "Well when one of my friends are in trouble I'm not going to stop at nothing to help them" I replied. "Thank you Roxy" Anzu said. I smiled "my pleasure honey" I replied. Suddenly Jonouchi and Honda burst through the front door, 'this is why Kaiba has a maze of hallways, so unwanted guests will have a extremely difficult time finding anything down the halls' I thought annoyed. Kaiba must have picked up on my irritation as he ordered Angel (Mokaba's body guard) to take care of the problem. Angel is a winged wolf shifter and can be extremely aggressive to intruders or other threats. I watched Angel transform into his winged wolf form and head towards the front door. I feel sorry for Jonouchi and Honda. I heard them scream before the front door opened and slammed shut. Angel pranced in with some torn fabric in his mouth and seemingly proud of himself. "I took care of the problem Master Kaiba" Angel said heading back into his room. My sister Raven peeked out from her room in the back of the medbay "what was with all the screaming?" She asked curious. "Angel was just scaring off some unwanted guests" I said. Raven is Kaiba's housekeeper, unlike me Raven is human. "Ok sister" she replied before returning to her room. I went back to tending to Yugi. "How is he?" Anzu asked. "His heart rate is back to normal but he shows no signs of waking up anytime soon" I replied sadly. "What is the damage he received from earlier?" Anzu asked concerned. "He had some internal bleeding, 3 cracked ribs and a major concussion. He's lucky, his injuries could have killed him if it hadn't been for you immediately calling me when you noticed something wrong. You saved his life Anzu, if you would have waited any longer than he would have surely died" I replied truthfully. "I couldn't just watch my cub suffer, what kind of person would I be if I allowed that?" Anzu replied. "You're more than welcome to stay here but it's unknown when Yugi will wake up" I said. Anzu smiled "I'm going to stay, I don't want to leave my little lion cub" Anzu replied. "I'll have Angel take you to your room" Kaiba replied "Angel!" He called. "Yes Master Kaiba?" Angel questioned. "Please escort Anzu to one of the guest rooms" Seto replied. "Follow me Anzu, don't want you getting lost" Angel said heading to the living room and upstairs towards one of the eight guest bedrooms. "Good night" Angel said before leaving Anzu to get ready for bed.

Roxy's Story #3: Yugi(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now