Puzzleshipping pt2

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Yugi's POV

[3 days later]

I had been seeing someone following me but when I looked they disappear into the shadows. *What's wrong aibou?* 《someone's been following us for the past 3 days》 *I don't sence any ill intentions from them, I sence an overwhelming curiosity though* 《so, there only curious about us, they're not a threat?》 *yes aibou, they seem harmless* I headed off to the airport because my grandpa had just returned from his trip to visit a friend and I was excited to see him again. I was too busy talking to Yami that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into someone. I cautiously looked up, it was Leo. Leo was a famous actor who was visiting to shoot a movie here. "I'm sorry sorry little one, I should have been paying attention to where I was going" Leo said. Unlike many of the famous rich people I meet, Leo is a sweet, kind hearted person. "Oh, it's ok. I guess neither of us were really paying attention to where we were going" I smiled. He helped me up and made sure I wasn't hurt. "I'll make it up to you, how would you like to have front row seats to my movie?" He asked. I personally wasn't into romantic comedy movies but Anzu was. "Sure" I replied. "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then" Leo said before handing me the tickets and continuing on to his destination. *you wouldn't even know he's rich with his kind personality* 《ya》 I said as I continued to the airport. The next time I bumped into someone they weren't very friendly. It was Alpha, he was a wealthy businessman. "Watch where you're going punk! You wrinkled my suit!" He growled before picking me up. I whimpered "I'm sorry" I said frightened. "Oh, you're going to be once I'm done with you" he sneered.

??? POV

I watched from the rooftops as Yugi was heading to the airport. At some point I had fallen asleep but was awoken by pained screams. I peeked down and was horrified by what I saw, Yugi was being beaten by a large man. He screamed for mercy but the man didn't care. I had no choice, I shifted to my wolf form and pounced on the man. I didn't have to hold back because Yugi would just think I was a wild wolf that was hunting for food. The man begged for mercy but like him I continued to attack. His screams died down as he stopped breathing. I turned and let out a feral growl before dragging the body away. I really didn't want to scare the little one but I had no choice. 'I will introduce myself to you eventually Yugi' I thought before disappearing into the shadows.

Yugi's POV

I struggled to escape but to no avail, I was about to give up when suddenly a large wolf pounced on Alpha's bodyguard Derek. I quickly crawled away as the wild canine tore him apart *uh, don't see that everyday* 《a wolf in the middle of town, tearing someone apart. Ya that's scary》 the wolf turned its attention to me before letting out a frightening growl and dragging the body away into the shadows. 《I think my small size may have just saved me. I'm too small to be the canine's meal》*Haha, ya* 《don't tell anyone what happened, they'll overreact and then we'll never get some alone time》 *ok*

[Time skip]

I returned home with grandpa to find the place a mess. "What happened?" I asked before a loud crash from my room caught my attention, I cautiously poked my head into my room and someone going through my stuff seemingly looking for something. I quietly stepped in and tried to catch them by surprise but they quickly turned around and tackled me causing us both to tumble down the stairs. She growled before grabbing my millennium puzzle and bolting out the door "My Puzzle!" I screamed trying to get up only to fall back down. "No! Yami!" I shouted sadly. The was a deep growl and a scream before the puzzle was thrown through the door. I quickly caught my puzzle and hugged it close. 《What just happened?》 *the same thing that happened to Derek* I looked confused 《that can't be a coincidence》 *yeah, that is odd how a wolf would happen to attack the people who hurt you* 《but why would a wolf protect me?》 It suddenly dawned on me 《it's a wolf shifter!》 *what?!* 《the wolf is actually an animal shifter》 *oh, that does make sense* my grandpa carefully helped me up. I poked my head out the front door just in time to see a grey tail disappear into the alleyway. *should we risk it and go after the animal?* I answered by walking into the alleyway, I stayed on high alert. "I had a feeling you would figure it out, you're a smart boy" I heard a voice say. "Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Daniel Wolf but you can call me Danny" he replied. "Wait, are you Roxy's brother?" I asked curious. "Yes" Danny replied. "Wait, Roxy is a fox shifter and you're a wolf shifter. How does that happen?" I asked confused. "Our mother was a fox and our father was a wolf" he replied. "Oh, ok" I said before something pounced on me playfully. "Ahh!" I shouted. "Rosy! Stop scaring Yugi!" Danny shouted. "You're no fun little brother!" Rosy replied. "How many siblings does Roxy have?" I questioned. "I'm Roxy's older sister" Rosy replied. "And I'm Roxy's younger brother" Danny said. "So Roxy's the middle child?" I asked. "Yes" they both replied in sync. Suddenly the two cowered before fleeing "RUN" they shouted. A large shadow covered mine before I heard the most menacing growl. I shivered before bolting after the others. 《What is that thing?》 *shit! It's a dragon shifter!* I screamed as I felt myself being lifted off the ground. *don't look down!* I whined terrified, 《I'm gonna die!》 *everything's going to be okay, just close your eyes little one* I could hear the fear and despair in Yami's voice. I closed my eyes and listened to him as he began to sing a lullaby. I could feel the air rushing past me as the dragon dropped me from 20,000 feet. 《Yami, I'm scared》 *it's ok, just focus on my voice* I got lucky as I crashed into a tree, I grabbed one of the branches and halted my fall. I did still hit the ground after the branch broke. *you alright?* 《well I'm alive at least but not uninjured》 *how bad are you injured?* 《just a broken leg nothing too serious》 *did your phone survive?* 《yes》 *text Anzu to come pick you up* I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I found Anzu.

Yugi: hey, um could you come pick me up please?

Anzu: why? What's wrong?

《Should I tell her about the dragon?》 *yes!*

Yugi: um, I was attacked by a dragon shifter and dropped from 20 thousand feet in the air. I managed to land in a tree but I still broke my leg

Anzu: WHAT?!

Anzu's POV

I was walking with Jonouchi and Honda to the arcade when I received a text.

Yugi: hey, um could you come pick me up please?

I looked at Jonouchi confused "why would Yugi need someone to pick him up?" I asked.

Anzu: why? What's wrong?

There was a short pause.

Yugi: um, I was attacked by a dragon shifter and dropped from 20 thousand feet in the air. I managed to land in a tree but I still broke my leg

Anzu: WHAT?!

I gasped "What's wrong Anzu?" Jonouchi asked concerned. "Yugi was nearly killed by a dragon shifter!" I shouted before bolting to find Yugi. I spotted him lying under a tree staring up at something, I grabbed Jonouchi and Honda and pulled them under an awning "what the Anzu!" Jonouchi growled annoyed. I quickly pointed to the creature circling in the sky "it's a dragon!" I replied. "It must be looking for Yugi" Honda noted. I looked over at Yugi who was lying on his back shaking in fear "my little lion cub!" I shouted concerned. The dragon suddenly dove right at Yugi, I watched in horror as the massive animal tried to get at Yugi. I noticed movement off to the left of Yugi, it was Warren the Dragon Sorcerer. He had grabbed the millennium puzzle and was chanting something. Suddenly a large black dragon flew from the puzzle and attacked the other dragon. It was Yami, he was fighting fiercely to protect his hikari. The smaller dragon fled defeated, Yami returned to the puzzle as Warren placed the puzzle around Yugi's neck before he vanished in a puff of smoke. I quickly ran over to Yugi "are you alright?" I asked concerned. He smiled up at me "ya, I'll be fine" he replied before I gently picked him up and carried him home.

Roxy's Story #3: Yugi(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now