The Immature Pharaoh

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Yugi's POV

I was somehow reeled into shopping with Anzu 《how did this happen?》*because you couldn't just say no, she told you that her friend bailed on her but she didn't want to go shopping alone and here we are* 《does she really have to make me carry her bags, if you haven't forgotten I'm a lot smaller than all my friends》 *speak up before you're crushed under the weight of the bags* I couldn't see where I was going and ended up slipping on a puddle of water, I lost my footing and crashed into the glass railing that was meant to prevent people from falling off the top floor and down 100 feet. Just my luck, the glass shattered and I tumbled over the edge *Yugi!* 《there's no way I'll survive this fall, has the darkness finally won?》 *don't think like that* I realized that my fall was halted, I looked up to see Kaiba's blue eyes white dragon *look, Shodi is with him. That would explain how the dragon became real, only a millennium item can make that possible* one of my cards slipped from my grasp and fluttered to the ground "my heart of the underdog" I said struggling to grab it. "Kitten, if you keep moving my dragon will lose its grip on you" Kaiba shouted, too late. The blue eyes lost its grip on me and I fell the remaining 10 feet. I crashed to the ground, I managed to place my card back in my deck. "Yugi, are you alright?" Kaiba asked concerned. I looked up at Kaiba "no!" I said before forcing Yami to take over. 《Give me an hour to recover, I didn't break anything just bruised》 *ya, your dignity* 《(glares) Haha very funny》 *(laughing) I'm sorry aibou, I won't laugh at you. In all seriousness though, you should rest* 《ok, I'm going to be in my soul room if you need anything》 *ok aibou*

Yami's POV

"Yami?" Shodi questioned. 'I completely forgot he was here' I thought. "Yes?" I asked. "Is Yugi okay?" Kaiba asked concerned. "Ya, just a little bruised but he didn't break anything at least" I replied. "Ok" Seto said helping me off the floor. "What's your relationship with your other?" Shodi asked. I smiled "he's my little hikari, he means the world to me. I couldn't imagine being without him, I won't ever let anyone take him from me without a fight" I replied. "I would normally say that bonds like that make you weak but you're acting like a ferocious lion threatening to tear anyone who hurts your cub apart" Shodi said. "You got that right and my lioness will as well" I replied. "Your lioness?" Shodi asked as Anzu slid gracefully down the escalator and landed perfectly beside me. "Aww, I'm your lioness?" She asked. I smiled, nuzzling her "of course Anzu, you're my beautiful lioness" I replied. "So? Yami is in love with Anzu but what about Yugi?" Kaiba asked. "Yugi likes Anzu as more of an older sister but I don't believe he has a love interest, either that or he keeps that information to himself but Yugi and I never keep secrets from each other" I replied 《thank you for not telling them that I like Seto》 *well with him standing here I know it would be embarrassing if he rejected you in public* 《(unamused) do me a favor and ask to speak to Kaiba in private》 *ok aibou* "Kaiba? May I speak to you in private?" I asked. He looked confused "sure" he replied. I lead him to the restroom "what did you want to talk about" Seto asked. *do you want me to tell him?* 《yes》 "uh, the person Yugi has an interest in" I replied. Kaiba froze 《I screwed up, he's going to reject me and hate me forever》 *don't say that little one* "I'm sorry, my silence may have frightened Yugi but I can't return your feelings little cub" Kaiba replied before leaving the room. *little one?* 《...》 *I'm sorry aibou* I walked out of the room after Kaiba. "Seto!" I shouted. He halted and turned to face me "yes?" He questioned. "I appreciate you being polite about this, I just wanted to say thank you for being gentle with Yugi's feelings" I replied. "Yugi is sensitive, I wouldn't do anything to hurt him. I just don't like him in that way, I hope we can still be friends but I would understand if he didn't want to" Kaiba said. "I wouldn't know right now, Yugi won't talk to me. He just needs some time to accept this decision" I replied. "I'll see you tomorrow Yami" Kaiba said before leaving.

[The next morning]

Yugi's POV

I began my walk to school, I was still a little upset that Seto didn't return my feelings. I stopped at Anzu's house "good morning Yugi" Anzu said. I faked a smile "good morning Anzu" I replied as we continued our walk to school. "Is something bothering you Yugi?" Anzu asked. "No, I just have a lot of things on my mind. It's nothing to worry about" I replied. "If you say so little cub" Anzu said. I tripped as I felt sudden pain in my right ankle "Yugi?!" Anzu yelled concerned. I whimpered "my ankle" I replied. Anzu gently picked me up "I think you may have been more injured from yesterday than you thought" she said before heading back to my house. "Oh, Anzu. What happened?" My grandpa asked concerned. "He just sprained his ankle, he's ok" Anzu replied before carrying me upstairs to my room. "Stay off that ankle for a while little cub" Anzu said gently placing me in my bed. "Ok, thanks Anzu" I replied. She kissed my forehead "oh dear, you're running a fever Yugi" Anzu said. I whined as I felt pain in my abdomen "I may have been more injured than I would like to admit" I replied. "You should have told me!" Anzu growled before noticing the dried blood on my shirt. "You were cut by the glass railing breaking weren't you?" Anzu accused. I looked up guilty "yes" I replied. "Yugi!" She said. "I'm sorry Anzu" I replied. I was starting starting to feel dizzy and nauseous. "Yugi? Are you alright?" She asked concerned. I gently shook my head "no" I replied before losing consciousness.

Anzu's POV

I looked at Yugi, he was pale and clammy. "Yugi? Are you alright?" I asked concerned. He shook his head "no" he replied before he lost consciousness. "Rest my little lion cub, I'll make sure you get better" I said.

[2 weeks later]

Yugi's POV

I was feeling much better, I was currently annoying Kaiba. I had accepted that he didn't like me the same way I liked him. "Little cub stop bouncing around like a hyped up child" Kaiba said clearly annoyed. "Ok" I replied before sitting down. "How about we duel little cub, if I win then you have to have to do whatever I say" Kaiba said. "Ok but if I win you can't stop me from acting like a hyped up child for the rest of the day" I countered. "Deal" Kaiba replied.

Yami's POV

[Time skip]

"Ha, I have my blue eyes white dragon on the field, what are you going to do now" Kaiba taunted. I drew a card 'Jonouchi's red eyes black dragon' I thought before spotting that I already had the card I needed in my hand "heart of the underdog. during my drawing phase; when I draw a normal monster I can reveal it, I also draw one more card" I said drawing a magic card. "I sacrifice my Dark Magician and curse of dragon to summon red eyes black dragon, I also will activate the magic card axe of despair. This card adds an additional 1000 attack points to the equipped monster, that puts my red eyes black dragon's attack points up to 3400, higher than your blue eyes white dragon" I replied before commanding my dragon to attack. "That brings your life points down to 0 Kaiba" I said triumphantly. 《Nice one Yami》 *thanks little one* "hey Yugi, earlier you said the heart of the underdog reminded you of someone" I heard Jonouchi ask. "I did?" I said confused. "Oh, yes um" I stumbled over my words before I turned to where Yugi's soul was standing "a little help here?" I asked before forcing Yugi into control.

Yugi's POV

I smiled at Yami fumbling over his words "a little help here?" He asked before I found myself back in control "huh?" I questioned. "Oh yeah, well, that's really mature, pharaoh" I screeched annoyed. "Because everyone seems to believe that it reminds you of me" Jonouchi said. "Oh um, well it reminds me of you because even in a tight spot you always come out on top" I squeaked. He picked me up and threw me into the nearby pond. "You're more immature than me!" I shouted annoyed. Anzu pulled me out of the pond and dried me off. "Real mature Jonouchi, throwing my little cub into the freezing water" Anzu growled. I shivered catching Anzu's attention "let's get you home Yugi before you catch a cold" she said before walking me home. "I'll see you tomorrow Yugi, good night" Anzu said waving goodbye. "Good night Anzu" I replied before going to bed.

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