The Fox and the Lion Cub pt1

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Yugi's POV

I got stuck at school cleaning the mess the students left behind from the welcome back party we had this morning. I got stuck doing this because I took the blame for a fight Jonouchi got in. I purposely took the blame because if Jonouchi got a warning one more time than he would be expelled, I couldn't allow that so I said that I was the one who started the fight and that Jonouchi had tried to stop the fight. *Jonouchi was extremely grateful for your sacrifice. He's lucky to have a friend like you* 《ya but this is my first offense, why is my punishment so unfair. The punishment for first offenses is usually detention. This type of punishment is more for third and beyond》 *ya, just finish as quickly as possible. It's starting to get dark outside, it will soon be too dangerous to walk home alone* 《Anzu offered to stay with me but her mom forced her to leave and I know Jonouchi's father is a jerk. Honda was forced to leave or risk getting suspended》*Anzu tried to convince her mother to let her stay with you but her mom hates you* 《did she really have to say that she hoped I would die》*ya, Anzu was livid that she would said that to you* a noise suddenly caught my attention 《ugh, last time I heard a noise it turned out to be someone who wanted to kill me》 I could feel a feeling that was familiar to me, back when I first completed the millennium puzzle. *Run!* I didn't hesitate, I ran as fast as I could. 《That's why this feeling is so familiar to me. It was the day I completed the puzzle, while I was walking home I heard your voice telling me to run》*yes, I remember. You were being chased by a large dog that day* I heard footsteps chasing after me. 《Eek, my short size is a major disadvantage right now. Judging by the footsteps it's someone twice my size and they're catching up fast!》*run like your life depends on it because it most likely does!* 《I'm getting tired》*think about how Anzu will react if she finds you dead!* I imagined the look on Anzu's face when she discovered my body lifeless and ran faster than I ever thought possible. I bolted out the door and ran towards Anzu's house, which was farther than mine but she has a large German shepherd who attacks anyone who steps foot onto his territory that he doesn't recognize. I was nearing Anzu's house, I could see Puck, her dog in the fenced yard but someone grabbed me by my hair and threw me to the ground. 《So close》 *yell for Puck, he could easily clear the fence* "PUCK! HELP!" I screamed. Puck growled before leaping over the fence and charging my attacker. I heard the man scream as Puck bit him "get off you stupid dog!" He yelled. I quickly got up and decided to get Puck back to the yard, I grabbed said dog by his collar "Puck! Release!" I commanded remembering what Anzu told me to do if Puck bit someone or something and refused to let go. The dog released and I lead him back to Anzu's house, I quickly knocked on the door as I heard Puck growl. *you'd think the man would flee after being attacked by a dog but he's coming this way. Oh shit! He has a gun!* I heard a gunshot and heard Puck whimper. "Puck!" I screamed before pounding on the door panicked "Anzu!" I screamed as I heard another gunshot, this time I felt white hot pain in my abdomen. *Yugi!* my vision became fuzzy 《this...hurts......a lot worse...than I thought》*he's going to shoot you again, you have to get up!* another gunshot rang out, I felt the bullet strike me in my right shoulder *YUGI!* I stumbled hitting the wall beside the door. 《He's going to kill me!》*move little one!* I heard the man scream as Puck bit into his neck tearing his throat. I heard a gunshot then a whimper before everything went silent. I turned my head in the direction I heard the gunshot and immediately regretted it, Puck lay on the ground as a pool of blood formed around him. 《No! Puck sacrificed himself to save me!》*don't let his sacrifice be in vain, get up!* I carefully stood up before calling Kaiba. He picked up on the second ring "hello?" He answered. "K-Kaiba, p-p-please me" I responded feeling my strength draining away fast. "Little cub? You sound in pain, did something happen?" Kaiba asked. "I... I was shot" I managed to say. "WHAT!?" Kaiba shouted. I swayed before having a coughing fit, I was coughing up blood "" I replied. "Hold on kitten, I'm on my way" Kaiba responded before hanging up. *stay awake little one!* 《I...I'm tr...ying》*please try harder my little hikari* I looked up as Kaiba's limousine pulled up and Roxy ran over to me "little cub!" She shouted before gently picking me up and carrying me to the limousine. "" I whined. "I know cub, just stay awake for a while longer" Roxy pleaded. *Yugi?* 《hmm》 *please don't leave me* 《I won't go down without a fight》*I know aibou* 《the darkness won't claim me anytime soon, rawr》*hehe, you're so adorable* 《so I'm told, no use denying it》 another coughing fit claimed me *are you ok little one?* 《...cold》 *hey! Stay with me aibou!* 《I won't leave you》 I felt Roxy gently carry me from the limousine to the mansion and towards the medbay. "You still with me cub?" She asked sweetly. "Y-yes" I replied weakly. I was gently placed in the bed. I could feel her giving me an IV "you can sleep now cub, you'll be alright, trust me" Roxy said. *I'm glad that we met Roxy, she's saved your life more times than I can count* 《she's the best》 I said before succumbing to my exhaustion.

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