The Blind Prince pt1

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Yugi's POV

I looked around unable to find Yami "Yami?!" I shouted desperately. <how could we lose him, he lives within the puzzle and needs you to have a physical body> *sorry, I got lost in my own soul room* I looked up as someone knocked me to the ground and didn't even stop to see if I was ok. "Hey!" I shouted annoyed, he turned around and slammed me against the wall. "Shut up pipsqueak!" He commanded angrily. I gasped in pain as he slammed his knee into the right side of my jaw. <little prince?!> 《Gahhhh, I think he dislocated my jaw》 I whimpered as the man kicked me. *(growling) how dare he* I cried out as my head was slammed into the wall. 《He's going to kill me》 <you must give one of us control!> I screamed as the man sprayed me in the eyes with an unknown substance before I could hear him flee. <little prince!> 《Gahhhh, I can't see!》 I stumbled to my feet <turn to the right and walk straight> I followed his directions <turn left and continue walking straight> I did <it's not your house but it's Anzu's. Stop and turn to your left> I did <now knock on the door> I knocked on the door and it opened "Yugi? What are you doing here?" She asked sleepily. "I'm sorry if I woke up but I need help, I was attacked earlier and the man sprayed something in my eyes, they burn" I replied. I felt her grip my wrist "I'll walk you to Kaiba's mansion, Roxy will know what to do. I don't want to make things worse, especially since neither of us know what was sprayed in your eyes" she said leading me to Kaiba's house, I whimpered as the pain increased. *(worried whimpering)aibou?* 《yes Yami?》 *(whimpering)* 《I'll be okay partner》 it took an hour and a half to reach Kaiba's house. I heard Anzu knock on the door "this better be important Anzu! It's 1:40 in the morning!" Seto complained. "Yugi's injured!" She growled. The door immediately opened and we were both brought inside. "What happened?" Seto asked concerned. I whimpered "a man attacked me and sprayed something in my eyes" I replied. Kaiba quickly ushered me towards the medbay "Roxy! Get the eye flush!" He commanded. I was sat down as Roxy began rinsing out my eyes "there is some damage done to your cornea, how long ago did this happen?" She asked concerned. "It took an hour and a half to get here and 10 minutes to get to Anzu's house. So an hour and fourty minutes" I replied. "Yugi! You should have called us, we would have been there in a matter of minutes. Now there's a possibility that you will never see again! You're eyes are light steel purple, that's very dull for your vibrant violet" Roxy replied. "What are the chances of my sight returning?" I asked. "30%" she responded. <there's a 70% chance your sight will never return!> I whimpered 《my odds are slim》 "Anzu, take Yugi home. The only thing we can do is wait and hope that his sight will return" Roxy said before leaving the room. Anzu gently picked me up and carried me back home. "I'm scared Anzu" I whimpered. "You've beaten the odds before and you can do it again Yugi" she replied before carrying me into the game shop and upstairs to my room. "I'll see you tomorrow Yugi" Anzu said before heading back home. I curled up and went to sleep.

[8:00 am]

I whined as my alarm went off *to your right* I moved my hand to the right and turned off my alarm. I got up and got dressed, I had to have the spirits guide me. I carefully walked downstairs and into the kitchen "good morning Yugi" my grandpa greeted. "Good morning grandpa" I replied *the toaster is to your left and the bread is right in front of you* I popped the bread in the toaster and started it. I ate my breakfast and finished getting ready before I said goodbye to my grandpa. I walked into the school <5 steps to the right> I walked over to my friends "good morning Yug" Jonouchi said. *he's slightly to your right* I smiled at him "good morning Jonouchi" I replied. +I think he noticed the dull color of your eyes+ "woah, what happened to your eyes Yug?" He questioned. I sighed "a man attacked me yesterday and sprayed something in my eyes, Roxy says the chances of my sight returning are 30%" I whimpered. I heard Jonouchi and Honda gasp "your blind?!" Honda shouted concerned. *now the whole school knows!* "did you really have to shout it, everyone is staring at us!" I hissed. "You just said you couldn't see, so how could you know that?" Jonouchi questioned. "I might not be able to see but the four spirits can" I responded. I walked into class "pop quiz everyone!" Mr. Melvin said. <really, now?!> I raised my hand *you're going to tell him?* 《yes》 "what is it Yugi?" He asked. "I um, I was attacked last night and had something sprayed in my eyes, I'm blind" I replied. "Oh, I'm sorry that happened to you. I have a solution so you don't have to miss the test" he said before handing me something *headphones?* I carefully took the headphones "the device that the headphones are attached to will read off the questions and choice answers" he said before placing my test in front of me. <that's an interesting device> I finished the test 《this might startle everyone in the classroom but Priest Seto, can you take my test to the front of the teacher?》 <of course little prince> Seto became visible to everyone as he placed my test on the teacher's desk before vanishing into thin air. <their looks of shock and confusion were priceless> 《I wish I could see that》 *Awww Yugi, I'm sorry* 《it's not your fault》 *I know but I'm sorry that you suffered* I got up as the bell rang for my next class 《3 more classes until lunch》

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