The Fox and The Lion Cub pt2

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Yugi's POV

I woke up to yelling coming from the living room 《they're yelling so loud that I can hear them all the way down the hall》 *little one! I'm glad you're ok. They have been yelling at one another for the past twenty minutes* 《who's yelling?》 *it's an argument with Anzu, Jonouchi, Honda and your grandpa on one side and Seto, Mokaba, Roxy, Shadow and Angel on the other* 《why are they arguing?》 *Kaiba and his allies believe you would be safer living here with them than with your friends and your friends believe you will be fine staying in your home. I personally side with Seto, it's safer here than anywhere else. He also wants to home school you because face it, most of the people who want to kill you do so by trying to corner you in the school* 《that's a pretty strong argument. what do my friends believe?》 *they believe you will be safer living with Anzu. Although Anzu was at a friend's house when you were shot, how is staying with her safe?* 《do you know what happened to Puck?》 *no worries, Roxy managed to save the dog's life. Although Seto also believes it would be better if Puck remained here with you* I looked over to the dog bed in the corner and could see Puck lying there with bandages around his torso. "I can see that you love that dog, while you were sleeping you kept screaming for Puck" Roxy said as she walked in and shut the door so I wouldn't be able to hear the yelling anymore. "Puck was originally my dog, I had found him as an orphan puppy. He was the runt of the litter and his mother had abandoned him. I saw him and he reminded me of myself, as you already know I'm small for someone my age. I had to keep the puppy a secret because my dad would have killed him if he knew about him. When I met Anzu I was shocked that someone could be kind, after a while I began to trust her more. I showed her Puck and asked if she could take care of him. Puck was already bonded with me but he agreed that as long as I would visit him often that he would stay with Anzu" I told Roxy. "So Puck is technically yours, so it's up to you if you want him to remain here or go with Anzu" Roxy replied. I looked up as I heard the door open "little cub?" Anzu questioned. "Ya?" I asked. "I've changed my mind, I want you to stay here with Seto and Mokaba. It's safer here and I want you to be happy and safe" Anzu replied. "That makes it 6 to 3, it's now up to you Yugi" Seto said as he walked in the door with everyone else close behind. "What is your decision cub?" Roxy asked. I paused and thought for a minute *it is much safer here and you'll have everything you need here* 《true but what about grandpa, I can't just leave him alone》 *don't worry Kaiba has everything covered* 《well in that case, I want to stay here》 I looked up at Seto who was waiting patiently for my answer "I wish to stay here" I answered. "Alright kitten, then it's settled, from this point on you will be my responsibility. I will make sure you're happy here" Kaiba replied. Jonouchi and Honda looked upset by my decision, I stopped smiling, saddened that I upset my friends. "What's the matter kitten?" Kaiba asked concerned. Roxy taped his shoulder and pointed to my other friends. "Oh, you're unhappy that your friends are upset?" Kaiba asked. I nodded. "HOW CAN WE NOT BE UPSET!? YOU CHOSE TO STAY HERE WITH HIM INSTEAD OF WITH YOUR OWN FRIENDS! HOW COULD YOU CHOOSE HIM OVER US?!" Jonouchi shouted. I bolted from the room and ran out the front door. "Yugi!" I heard Roxy shout before I could no longer hear her. In my haste I realized I forgot to grab my millennium puzzle. 'I'm sorry Yami but I can't go back there right now' I thought as I ran. I realized that nothing around me looked familiar, I began to panic. I had ended up running into the forest beside Kaiba's house and now I was lost. I remembered what I was told to do in a situation like this. I sat at the base of a tree and waited for someone to find me.

Seto's POV

I was concerned when Yugi ran out the door after Jonouchi yelled at him, I growled before turning my attention to said person "Why would you yell at Yugi like that?! How can you call yourself his friend if you forget about how sensitive he is?! He's still injured and now he is most likely lost somewhere!" I shouted angrily before something caught my attention. I turned to that direction "oh no! Yugi left his millennium puzzle behind!" I said panicked. I picked up the puzzle "Yami's probably more angry at you than I am, your stupidity could get Yugi killed. He shouldn't even be out of bed let alone running out into the cold!" I growled frustrated. I turned to my two animal shifters and Yugi's dog "you three will split up and search the entire property if you have to, just find Yugi before it's too late!" I commanded the three animals. "Yes Master Kaiba" the two replied as they ran off to search. "You better hope Yugi's ok because if something happens to him it's on you!" I snapped at Jonouchi.

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