Malik's Cruel Games pt2

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Yugi's POV

[Time skip]

I was still being carried by Anzu "I can walk Anzu, you can put me down now" I said. She looked at me "save your energy cub, we don't know what Malik has planned for you" she replied. I huffed "ok" I said shaking as we could see Malik standing in front of an abandoned warehouse. Anzu cuddled me close "it's ok Yugi, we're here for you" Jonouchi said. "Welcome runt and his pathetic friends" Malik sneered. I growled angrily "let's just get this over with!" I barked. "Oh, the little cub has some spunk, when did you get so daring?" Malik asked poking my forehead. *resist the urge to bite him!* +it's not worth it+ I pulled back "stupid jackal" I growled. He stopped smirking "I'm a jackal huh? You have guts to stand up to me like that!" Malik growled before revealing the eye that was stabbed "I know you're listening pharaoh, I want you to suffer for what you did to me! What better way to achieve that than hurting your precious hikari!" He growled before threatening me with a knife. Suddenly he backed away frightened, I stared at him confused until I realized I was beginning to black out "No!" I shouted angrily. Malik calmed down but was still wary "you haven't extinguished the darkness in your heart little cub, if you don't do so soon, I will not be the one to end your life. You will" Malik said. I suddenly blacked out *Yugi!* I forced my darkness back "I can't control it around him!" I shouted. Malik jumped back "good thing this game doesn't need me to be around you" he replied. "You're afraid of me? What did I do that frightened you so much?" I asked curious. "I don't want to talk about it!" He growled before opening the door to the warehouse "just go in!" He commanded. "Also, it's against the rules to carry the cub, if i see anyone pick him up then I'll kill one of you automatically. Just the little cub is off limits!" He growled before shoving me out of Anzu's grasp "argh!" I screamed as I slammed into the ground. "Yugi!" Anzu shouted concerned. "Touch him and I will kill you" Malik warned. Anzu backed away "one more thing, neither the pharaoh nor Malik can help Yugi either" he said slamming the door. I struggled to get up "grrrr, stupid Malik!" I shouted angrily. I pulled myself up using the wall as leverage. "Why me? It wasn't my fault Yami stabbed your eye, that was your own fault you jackal!" I shouted angrily. I dusted myself off "gah!" I screamed as I felt pain in my ankle "my ankle!" I whimpered. I looked around the room and realized it was completely empty "let the game begin" Malik's voice came over the speaker. I screeched as a large block landed in front of me. "Dang, I missed" Malik sneered. I huffed *grrrr, I hate Malik* +we can't even help Yugi or Malik will kill one of our friends+ 《he's enjoying every minute of my suffering》 I leapt back as another block landed, I whimpered as I landed on my injured ankle "gah!" I screamed. "Yugi?! Are you alright?" Anzu asked concerned. I looked up at her before quickly pushing her out of the way as a block slammed down where she had stood "don't worry about me, just pay attention or you will be crushed" I said worried. I looked up and spotted our way out "there is our way out" I said pointing up. We began climbing up the blocks, my small size hindered me "I can't get up" I cried, I looked up at my friends who were already at the top "you have no choice but to go on without me. Malik won't allow you to help me" I whined. "Ugh, the game has barely begun and you're already down! Fine, you're friends can help you this one time!" Malik growled annoyed. "Well thank you" I replied sarcastically. I reached out as Honda held out his hand for me "almost there Yugi, reach" Honda said. I barely managed to grab his hand in time, he pulled me up just as a block skimmed my back. I screamed as the friction of the block caused me pain when it skimmed me. "Yugi?!" Jonouchi shouted concerned. I whimpered as Honda pulled me up to the others "a second longer and I would have been crushed" I whimpered. I flopped over in pain *are you alright aibou?* I lay on the cold steel floor trying to soothe the friction burns "you're hopeless cub! There's so friction burn cream to your right!" Malik growled annoyed. "If it's so annoying then why do you make games that put me at a major disadvantage!?" I growled angrily. *Yugi please, you need to calm down* I took a deep breath "I'm calm" I said relaxing my body. I shivered "hmph" I complained. "If you're done complaining, proceed to the next level" Malik commanded. I pulled myself up off the floor "you won't get away with this Malik!" I shouted as I continued after my friends "see those levers? Each one of you except Yugi, pull a lever" Malik said. My four friends pulled a lever, slits in the ground opened as I tried to avoid falling into one of them. "Hahaha! Ok, you see that machine heading towards you? If you release the wrong lever then the machine speeds up but if you don't do anything then Yugi will be crushed, I'll give you a hint the machine's name is blood and he hates it when you misspell his name" Malik said. I looked at the machine which was mere feet away 'BLLOOD' I thought before realizing the answer "Anzu! Release your lever!" I shouted as the machine was uncomfortably close "are you sure Yugi!?" Anzu shouted concerned. "Yes!" I screamed as the machine was right behind me, she released the lever and the machine stopped. *ah, that was too close* +ya+ 《I think I'm going to be sick》 +uh, you alright?+ 《no! I was nearly killed twice!》 *that was a stupid question to ask!* +sorry+ I looked up at my friends "I'll ask again, why me!?" I growled annoyed. "Because it's fun torturing you cub!" Malik replied. "I hate you with a burning passion!" I snapped. *Yugi! Don't harass the person who could kill you at any time!* 《grrr》 I took a deep breath in and out "you make it so difficult to control my anger!" I shouted angrily. *Yugi! Calm down!* 《ok》 I huffed trying to calm down as my eyes flared crimson "let's continue" I said. We continued to the third level "deadly laser tag, you'll be facing three of my toughest rare hunters" Malik laughed. "Marik wanted me to tell you something, I would call you a monster but that would be an insult to the cards!" I replied. "Grrrr, I despise you hikaris!" Malik growled. "You don't have very good comebacks" I replied smirking. "Why are you taunting the psychopath, who can kill us?" Anzu whispered. "The angerer he gets the sloppier he becomes. He'll be so angry that he will make a mistake and we will take him down" I whispered back. *good idea but he'll also hurt you as his anger rises* +ya, are you really willing to risk your life on an idea that might not work?+ 《yes!》 *have you forgotten that it's in Yugi's nature to protect his friends even at the cost of his own life* +and if he does die, he'll take me and Malik down with him+ 《I'm sorry Marik, I should have asked if you were willing to put your life on the line as well》 +my soul purpose is to make sure the pharaoh completes his destiny and passes on to the afterlife but you're death will hinder that+ 《blame Malik, he's been the only one trying to kill me time and time again》 *that's true, I haven't seen anyone else trying to kill Yugi* +you're right, it's my yami's fault+ "hey! Are you listening cub!?" Malik growled. I glared "no! I was having a conversation with my Yami and your hikari!" I retorted. Malik could be seen on the monitor punching a wall and tearing the head off a Yugi doll with his teeth, like an angry dog. *I think he's beyond angry* +my Yugi plush, no!+ "so now you're taking your anger out on defenceless toys?" I asked rudely. Malik snarled "SHUT THE FUCK UP RUNT!" He roared. I jumped back as a large dragon appeared spitting fire *shit!* I felt my anger flare and slapped the dragon's muzzle before leaning closer to its ear "try that again and I'll make a stew out of you!" I hissed. The dragon whined before bolting from the room whimpering. *uh Yugi?* I growled 《can't control it》 I said before blacking out.

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