The Defenceless Kitten

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Yugi's POV

I walked into class and immediately could tell something was wrong. "Where's Jonouchi? It's not like him to miss school" I asked concerned. "I don't know, we should look for him after school" Honda replied. "Ya" I said.

[Time skip]

"Ok, we should split up to cover more ground. Yugi you go north, Anzu you go east, and I will go south. If you find him call us, if you don't then just meet back here" Honda said. "Ok" I replied before going north. I suddenly heard someone begging someone else for mercy, I peeked around the corner and was shocked by what I saw. *it's Jonouchi hanging out with a a group of thugs, remember what Honda told us. Call the others* 《ok》 I cautiously took out my phone and called Honda first. "Hello" he answered. "I found Jonouchi" I whispered as quietly as I could. "Why are you whispering?" Honda asked. "Because I found Jonouchi hanging around one of the gangs" I quietly replied. "Shit! Get out of there Yugi. They will kill you if they find you!" Honda shouted. "Did you hear something" one of the members asked. I froze "you didn't need to shout so loudly, they may know I'm here" I whispered. "Well well, what do we have here? A tiny little runt" I heard one of the men say as they stood beside me "I'm sorry Honda, I've been found" I spoke into my phone. "Yugi!?" Honda screamed before one of the men took my phone and crushed it. I was cornered, the leader grabbed me by my by shirt "the boys needed a new punching bag" he sneered. I whimpered looking to Jonouchi for help but he just turned his back to me. "Jonouchi?" I pleaded. He continued to ignore me "please help me" I begged but he didn't even look at me. I struggled trying to escape my captor's grasp but was unable to. My hands were bound as they secured my hands to a chain hanging from the ceiling.

Jonouchi's POV

I stood in a corner watching as they used Yugi as a punching bag. I growled, the only reason I agreed to join them was because they threatened to hurt my friends yet here they were hurting my best friend. I glared at Tony, the leader, "we had a deal Tony! I would join you and you wouldn't hurt my friends! Release Yugi right now!" I growled angrily. "You had every opportunity to save him, the minute we found him you could have just told him to run, we wouldn't bother chasing after him" Tony replied. "Yugi wouldn't run, he would challenge you and win!" I shouted. "That little runt, he couldn't hurt me if he tried" Tony scoffed. I looked at the table where Yugi's millennium puzzle sat "I'll show you, untie him, if he can beat you in a game then you have to let him go but if you win I won't say anything and you can do whatever you please to him" I challenged. "Deal" Tony replied. "Untie the runt!" He commanded Yugi dropped to the ground whimpering in pain. I cautiously walked over to him "please forgive me Yuge, I didn't want this but they threatened my friends. You're being given a chance to leave, all you have to do is beat Tony in a game" I said placing the puzzle around Yugi's neck. Surprisingly Yugi smiled kindly at me. 'You're too good for this world Yugi' I thought. The puzzle shined and Yami was now in control. "It's time to play a game, a shadow game" Yami declared, it's been a while since he played a shadow game.

Yami's POV

I smirked as I took control over this situation "the game is simple, all you have to do is land a hit on me. The rule of this game is you can only use one hand. Game begin" I said. 《He stands no chance against you》 *of course he doesn't, people like him don't follow the rules* 《just warn me before you punish him so I can look away. You know I hate violence》 *I'll be sure to warn you aibou, although I will make him suffer for what he did to you* I felt a tug at my heart as Yugi whimpered in pain. *they seriously hurt you didn't they?* 《yeah. I'm going to leave you in control for at least a week, as long as I give you permission I won't become weakened》 *you've been through a lot lately, you deserve a break from the drama of life* "it's funny how I can communicate with my other and still manage to dodge your attacks, you're so slow!" I complained getting bored of my opponent. 《Haha the look on his face is priceless. he seems frustrated, I wonder why》 I burst out laughing. "What's so funny!?" Tony growled angrily. "Just my hikari being funny" I replied. He lost his temper and began using both hands to try to hit me yet he was still so slow "the door of darkness has been opened" *look away little one* I told Yugi before I punished Tony. His screams filled the room scaring Yugi, so I duck taped Tony's mouth shut. *can I please just duck tape his whole face?* 《no! That's murder!》*buzzkill* 《what?!》*nothing* 《that's what I thought》 "come on, let's go home" I said throwing Jonouchi over my shoulder and carrying him back to the kame game shop. "I guess I deserve this" Jonouchi said. "Yes" I replied. "May I ask why Yugi hasn't taken back control?" Jonouchi asked. "He wants a break from the troubles of life" I responded. "Oh, how long will his vacation be?" Jonouchi asked. "A week" I replied just as Anzu and Honda showed up. "I'm so glad you're both safe" Anzu said. "Yami?" Honda questioned. "Yugi is on vacation at the moment, so for the next week I'm going to be in control" I answered his unasked question. "Oh, well Yugi has done so much for us and never asks for anything in return, he deserves a break from the chaos of life" Honda replied. I smiled "come on, I'm going to drop Jonouchi off at his house. Good night" I said before heading towards Jonouchi's house 《but Jonouchi's father is a drunken idiot, it's not safe for us》 *if he dares to attack us then I won't hesitate to challenge him to a shadow game* 《ok, I'm going to take a nap, if you need me I'll be in my soul room》*ok, good night aibou* 《good night Yami》 I carried Jonouchi, who was still over my shoulder, to his house. I full on kicked the door open startling Jonouchi's father. "WHAT THE HELL BOY! He shouted 《(whimpers)》 "you frightened my hikari!" I growled. "Uh oh" I heard Jonouchi whisper. I dropped him on the couch before grabbing his father by his shirt and yanked him up as if he weighed nothing "How Dare You Scare My Precious Little Light, You Sorry Excuse For A Human Being!"I snarled. 《He's not worth it》 *ok little one, I'll spare him for now. Go back to sleep, I'll return to the game shop so I can get some sleep too* I threw the man to the floor "my hikari doesn't like violence so I'll spare you this one time but try something to Jonouchi or any of my friends I won't be so merciful next time" I growled before heading back home.

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